Volume 8, Issue 9, page 19

the great, the near-great, and such as I am. She is wonderfully
generous with credit for ideas, and really able to
assume the Doint of view of the less verbal guests ...

"Dr. Crawford is a joy when he appears, listens, and then says,
'I don't buy that', with a distinctness and a smile

having had an inside view o~ hypnotism and its possibilities ...

"Recently my dentist gave me a good simile without intending to
whenhe said, 'Might a~ well pull out this
upper wisdom tooth since it has no lower against which to grind
your food.' Two wisdomsneeded, upper and lower,
to live here and now, and grind present time for digestion.

"Your last issue seemed to me to be more on the beam with your
original intent. I found it most interesting, and
it is a wonderful outlet for whatever we may be entranced by."
-Alberta Elliott, Greenville, S. Car. 0 E) 0

"The December issue I ain't
yet had a chance to digest
thoroly (coming in the morning
mail), but in glancing thru
quickly one new feature I did
like very much indeed were the
photographs of people in Hart
to Heart chatterbox. T r u e I
most women, men as well, loathe
how they look after the camera
clicks, wanting to be Cleos
and Francis X, but pictures,
pictures, always I cry, since
they conjure up other worlds--
at least foryours truly. Watch
a child gaze with wonderment
at any picture, and since at
heart all of us are children.
and small fry seldom ever tire
of pictures, why should grown-
ups?"--Helen Shaffer, Yonkers,
N. Y. G) 0 0

"The December issui~ continues the upgrade course of The
ABERREE...You said much in the remark about
having something to show for your 'authority' as a printer. The
quality of the cover and the photographic
reproduc~ions are evidence that the makers of the machine must
come to you for instruction. Also, the print work
'is there for all to see who inquire about it ...

"Barks is a damn' good writer and his article on the manuscript (
'Excalibur') is a classy p i e c e
of writing. I might also remark that Louis's column has a nice
pace again this time, less concerned
with promulgating personal importances, and more the work of a
seer, as proclaimed." --Bob Arentz,
Malvern, Penn.

0 (D 0
"The cover of the December

ABERREE made a nice impression . Your Auditorial, as usual, is
very good. The page of prophecies by Louis are
interesting especially sincehis orediction about Khruschev
conflicts with my interpretation of a psychically -
received three - word message. I ignored it until the first part
was fulfilled and then sent the information to a
government official. Not having been silenced, the information is
now being sent to you. The message was received
about daybreak in October. The three words were: 'MOLOTOV
the three-word message is wrong, and yet the first part of it was
fulfilled already. What would 'Khruschev
shipwrecked' mean? The most I can make of it is that there is
trouble in Russia. I also get the impression that
Kbruschev is in trouble among the hierarchy in Russia. Why was
the message given to me? Anyway, part of it has
been fulfilled, and my guess is that it has al I been fulfilled

"If Ron Hubbard's teachings were so good why are they always
being revised?

"There will always be new cults and new philosophies, but natural
truth will not change. The Great Work has
survived the test of time, and, therefore, my writings will
survive the test of time. The book 'Keys to Life' does not
need revision because the material is based on natural processes
withinthe body. That type of teaching never was
popular among the 'vulgar herd' as warned by the alchemystical
philosophers. Man loves the pleasure road to death
more than the path to light and life. Mankind does not love God.
The love of God fs demonstrated by works, not
eloquent lip service. Very few are even interested in the works.
Mankind is not to be blamed either. The Spirit
makes it pretty rough f or those who try to travel on the path of
light. The information that comes from Spirit must
be interpreted, and most human beings make the mistake of taking
the messages literally. It is a rough game.
Falsehood prospers while the truth is rejected. It seems that the
Spirit delights in making fools out of human
beings. Anyway, Spirit messages contain the truth if you are
lucky enough to find it. It requires effort to find the
truth. When you find the truth you will be a full - fledged
screwball or crackpot in the opinion of your fellow
human beings. Ignorance is bliss."-Morris Katzen, Cooks Fa II s,
1. Y.


"I've been in this game for more than a half century, and never
wrote a work on food and feeding. Go to the bugs
and birds and learn that lesson.

"Nor have I ever written a work on disease, for there is no such
thing except in the mind of the doctor.

"The body presents two conditions: Good health and bad health;
and bad health is removed not by treatment and
remedies, but by building good health, and that is done by living
in harmony with the law of Creation.

"For 20 years I brought the sick back to health in my sanitarium
by doing nothing but making them live
according to the law of Creation. When the patients arrived, I
asked them what name their doctor had given to their
ailment, just to see how dumb their doctors were.

"After 20 years of active experience proved myphilosophy is
correct, I closed my healt~ home so I could devote
all my time to writing. I'm now only six years under 90, but fee'
like 40 because I learned when young how to sow
and have sown accordingly. I go out each morning before dawn and
run, for if I did it in daylight when I could be
seen, I 'd be considered crazy, arrested, and sent to the
bugbouse. For the dumb doootors warn the public to take it
easy and not 'overwork the heart'. And the heart is the toughest
muscle in the body.

"Give me 20 years more and I I I I have more to tel I the world."--
Prof. Hilton Hotema, Sebring, Fla.


"At last we've got it! we Ill form a school and teach rapid m
ind-reading -- 500 t(' 20,000 thoughts a minute.
Instead of a tachistoscope, we 'II use a P.c. (pre- clear i. e .
, $patient' , or 'victim' being run thru a new Hubbard
technique."--gd. and Terrie Talley, Denver, Colo.

E) 0 0

"I received your sampl, copy of The ABERREE and have just
completed reading it ...

wish to state that what has especially appealed to me is the
complete, absolute, definite, unadulterated honesty
which prevails all thru your magazine. T r u t h i a such a
stranger in these enlightened times of f raud t h a t I was
really amazed to read your magazine." --Mrs. Mi ldred Gopp, Yorth
Canton, Ohio.

To really fear planet conjunctions, start small. Example: Worry
about sputniks.