Volume 8, Issue 8, page 19



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9 LESSONS IN READING TAROT, highe r and lower arcane correlated.
Tarot readings: past -cresent-future , conscious and a u
conscious, self and
environment. subjective and objective, Cube of Space and Tree of
Life. Readings $10.00 (by appointment); tape $25.00. Rev

Randolph Ray. 2475% Cherenoy;
Ave.. Hollywood 28. Calif. Ph one
HO 7-0573. 78-2*

WANTED --Old issues of The AB-
ERREE or swainfor books
or m:gaiine`:sbLa ti da, C yton Rt

2. G orgia 18.3;

0 DO YOU NEED HELP? Send your
address,and birthdate to

H,o:::.of StarP for your yearly
Astrological Reading and Daily
Guide. based your Sun-Sign.
e u2n

You will b 9 ded day by day,iso you can c onsult it before me ng
a business deal signin apers ' se -ki ng a_new jo6. most
laporable peri od a ror love '
marriage. Inu0stments , changes. etc. One quest n or problem will
be answered free . Price $3. House of Stars, Box 150, East
Meadow. N.Y. 78-1*

Arthur J. Burks? If not, order
today. Limited edition $5.00.
Marca Council. Inc., Lake ont

Georg~a. T8-3*1

YE GODS AND GODDESSES 1 Noble Masters of Vitarian Living are be I
nf prepared as Mahatmas S pir; Ito a guides of mankind, it Ne


Age highesth spxritua cener.
Mas r irac.

t ol~ by hot se e3. M ou
life ancient saintj~:ges and
correspondence instruc i n lead-
ing to personal traininj,,.Pro:;
ectus: 20t. Paradise ol

Vernal Youth Life. Otavalo Ecuador.

0 WANTED ... LEADERS - - - Become a
an ccessful leader of theNew

Age. For free Information. write
Inner Powers Society,,,iP. 0. Box
1001, Yucca Valley. f. 77-3-

0 FOR FUN AND FUNDS--Color horo-
a copes I Want a profitableand

interesting career or sideline?
Color horo by a simplified

Z scopes a
11 ethod - RED or I n ruled by Saturn, ilith, and galsefics a

tals); GREEN for Sig ru ed

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sun ' Moon a n d smal I lettere~ ~lanets. begin coloring the
first ay . Price $1.00. C&L, Route 1,

Box 625, Canes, Washington. 76-3*

0 HEAL YOURSELF, help others with Histionic SuggesLions. known as

"La ing- on -Hands , which cured Kogleas after all other methods
ailed. Send dollar for Thes is by

Rev. Magiera, 29105 - 4 Vinnin
New Boston, Mich. . 75 . 9:

*SEND FOR your copy of"Waking the Dreamer Man", by Arthur J.

Burks. An on the spot. vactual
account of the methods and pro-
cedures of MARCAP COUNCIL. Inc..
Lake ont. Georgia. This book is a
must at $1 00 fostpaid. Ask for
0 or free bo;k I St. 77.3

bership from the Florida Soci-

ety for Psychical Research : Inc.
To so a taining members a free hand-
writi. nalysts. Write Bo 652.
Green 60ae Springs, Fla. 75-8*

0 TAPE LECTURES. round-table disC~ussion tapes, books ' and arti

lies b Arthur . Burk a are NOW
ava II. ble f o r aj a in in um cost .
Write for book list. Marcelo Coun-
cil. Inc., Lakemont, Ga. 78-3*

DECEMBER, 1961 T h


0 THE WRITTEN BIBLE substitutes
belief for intellect. leglilor-
ification for love and t for
the star b'ible. this inverts the
two human faculties and makes Red
horoscopes that, end in crime.
sickrins,hinsanity. it is regres-
sion inflntile.il.f.Aries

The seif-glori ying a r th; purpose of building a strong emire
and when expire a are.ov r; brov'n ' pope 'a isafes and B ibele

are burned. Star b bles $1. C01ored horoscope are eye

vjo~enersstandard chart: are in a ble and i:practi C al. $1. C L
D. Fit 1.

B x 625, Cases. Wa Sh. 7i.2*

o MENSTRUATION AND POLLUTIONS Can be healed I Sex excesses waste
nerve and brain substance. Free "Calawala" root for rebuildin and
- purifying
wasted nerves, wit