Volume 8, Issue 8, page 9
N. D., D. P.
Illness Descends on Man to Correct Errors in His Selfish Living
OST PERSONS look upon disease as either a punishment of God, or a
visitation of the Devil-with the latter
considered as a definite malefic entity, which in the Dar~ Ages
was fought by spiritual incantations, and in modern
times with material medication. The relation of a physician to
the disease has from the beginning of Lime oeen
that of a soldier to his enemya relentless duel between the man
and his disease in which medicine furnishes the
ammunition of war.
In recent times, there has come into being a famous cult w h i c
h bases its practice and success on the
conviction that disease i s a false concept in the human
understanding, and should be eliminated from our
Here we have the Christian Scientists on one hand and the medical
scientists on the otherthe two extremes in
position with relation to disease. While the Christian Scientist
is contrary to the entire tradition of our medical and
scientific training, this viewpoint is supported ty minds that
not only possess native judgment but have the mental
capacity to deal successfully with the deepest problems of our
The Scientist treats the patient and ignores the disease. The
medical doctor treats the disease and ignores the
patient. In either case, the central fact is left out - the fact
of abnormal condition in the individual, which in the form
of disease, makes it necessary for the individual to seek
assistance from someone who is supposed to know what to
Now without questioning the value or nonvalue of the denial
theory, we may simply inquire - from a strictly
scientific standpoint what is the real significance and purpose
of the phenomena known as disease?
As no logical mind can claim a disease to be a natural procedure
of normal psychological processes, it should be
ascertained just what brings about such life-threatening and
seemingly uncalled-for conditions. For instance, two
persons may sit at the same open window
and get into the same draft. Why does one ge~ Pneumonia and the
other perhaps just an in
creased appetite?
Would it not seem logical that if the cause had been in the draft
itself, the physiological reaction in the two
persons who were in it would have been the same? But as it
happened, we must conclude that the active cause i s in
the individual, and not in the occurrence.
This brings us to the point where three distinct elements must be
considered : The draft, the individual, and the
condition that gave rise to that specific reaction known as
disease, or physical disturbance. We must conclude,
therefore, that the problem is not in the disease itself, but in
the condition underlying it.
Disease is not like a bolt from the blue sky, striking at us
without cause or reason, but as inevitable and as law-
governed as the thunderstorm discharging itself from the
atmospheric tension of a hot summer day. Just as the storm
in its very nature generates forces that bring about its own
neutralization, so disease, in its very convulsions,
releases the forces of health which have been short-circuited by
the irregularity and recklessness of the individual
prior to his disease, in his attitude to nature and nature's
laws. These laws are both mental and physiological. Yet
there is a limit to the powers of nature in repairing a
broken-down body. The repeated repair work will gradually lead
to permanent functional disorders, when the abused physiological
engine shall no longer be able to carry on its
scheduled work in the system.
Science has proven that emotions ofanger, fear, sorrow, etc.,
generate poisons in the human laboratory. Thought
is the controller of emotions. Therefore, our wrong thoughts,
working thru the emotions, have caused the fluids of
the body to become poisoned or vitiated and thus thrown out of
harmonious relation to the normal cellular activity.
Then the mineral element (biochemic elements) cannot use the
nonfunctional oil, albumen, etc., in a manner to
produce that harmonious condition which we call health. Worry
brings on kidney diseases thru the vagus nerve.
It is a physiological fact that the blood is the basic material
of which the human body is continually built. As is
the blood, so is the body; as is the body, so is the brain; as is
the brain, so is the quality of thought. As a man is
built, so does he think.
Marvelous as the body is, we must realize that we are the creator
or builder of our own bodies, and that we are
responsible for every moment of its building, and every hour of
its care. We alone can select and put together the
material provided by the universe for its construction.
Our bodies are completely made over every year by the throwing
off of worn-out cells and
the formation of new ones. That is going on every minute. Nature
will always take care of the
making over process, but weare responsible for the Plan of
The condition which we call disease may affect different parts of
our bodies and in
different ways, according to the nature and strain of our vital
excesses. It may lead to the
congestion of an over-sweetened liver, an over-seasoned kidney,
an over-smoked lung, or an
over-stimulated heart.
Repair, and quick repair, now becomes the supreme necessity. But
the organism is a
physiolo.-ical machine, and no machine can be repaired while it
is in action. Hence, the body
automatically is put into a perfect physiological rest while it
is being repaired by the en
gineers or mechanicians who have in charge th; biologic repair
work of our organism.
This means that the labors of digestion ,