Volume 8, Issue 8, page 3

D9CENBER, 1961 Recusant Voice of 'The Infinite
for Earth, Mars, Venus, Saturn
Vo 1. VIII - NO. 8 Pluto, and Zydokumzruskehe

Published monthly, except for the combined January-February
and POLICY: Don't take it so damn' seriously.
the July-August issues, at 207 N. Washington, Enid, Okla. The
infiniteness of Man is not reduced
to a"SPlit infinity" by wars, taxes,
Editorial Office: 2522V2 North Monroe,. Enid, Okla. or"experts"
who seek to sell him what
Mail Add2ess: Postoffice Box 528. Enid, Okla. he already has in an
infinite amount.
Sub-Policy: We reserve the right, to change


Vol. ENBER,_ IN96. ~Pe~ca ce In le.-



I t i of fiL

a e Sa r
or - V~ L V h~en

to, a~d Zyd k kehen

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250 our minds f rom issue to issue. or
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Second class postage paid at Enid, Oklahoma. Sub-Sub-Policy: Each
Man has the inherent

right to be his own and only"Author-

Scn., ity"-with his wife's permission.

F.Scn., B.Scn., HDA, HCA, et al ad infinitum ad
nauseum Sub-Sub-Sub-Policy: We have no objection to

Lbrn ETC. '-educated guesses" about Man's des-

tiny - if there's no price tag to it,
ADVERTISING--Payable in advance. Write for rates. Copy and
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ment must reach us 45 days prior to insertion date. our guessing
that he's only guessing.


One of the most abused words in the English language-written or
spoken-is LOVE. And no doubt other tongues have
equivalent words with the same degree of torture and
misunderstanding, because the insult to intelligence is not in
the word
itself but in the concept behind the letters which make it

Love is like climate - you can find all varieties and shades of
each variety, if you are willing to go where it is. In none.
however, will you flnd an ideal (love or climat;0_ only a type
that is "different".

Too much"Parental love" is conditioned by actions which will not
reflect back on the parents."Sacrifices" are made to
the extent that one stays home to "be with Junior" -not because
one WANTS to be with Junior, but because one cannot find
a baby-sitter, and there's no telling whatmischief Junior might
get into if left at home by himself.

Teachers speak of "love"with a wary eye out to see that it is not
expressed either in or outside the classroom. And there
are laws, rules, and ordinances to see that "love" is regulated
so that it doesn't offend society. It's O.K. to love your
neighbor - providing you're both of the same sex. However, even
in this, there are certain proprieties one must observe or
suffer fingers of scorn and suspicion.

Of course, most of the offcolor variety of love which is
regulated is sexual love, but until man has developed a code of
ethics that is more than a mere"rule of conduct" and it becomes
as much a part of him as the beating of his heart, where is
one to draw the line? The fact is, man doesn It. He talks of love
and indulges in sex-and in his own warped beingness, takes
expensive precautions to avoid public censure by buying a "love

and paying a preacher to grant him immunity from legal
involvement. Thus secure, he (or she) ruts him/herself for a
which maybea lifetime, or, by paying such legal fees as may be
involved, frees him/ herself in a court of hate.

But this is not the "Lovett of which religionists and
metaphysicianS Drate. Love, they tell us, is an impossible goal
which we must reach if we are to attain reunion with avengeful,
murderous Being, Who IS Love. We must love our neighbor--
even if hepoisons our dog and throws the rotting carcass on our
front lawn (tho the "God of Love" condemned an entire
nation because they worshiped a golden calf). We must love our
fellow man, even tho he may take advantage of us
as"softjes" if we do (and the"God of Love" turned a woman into
salt who dared look back toward dying friends in aburning
city) . We must love everyone-even if it kills us.

"True Love" -if such were possible - neither criticizes nor
condemns, but accepts each condition in its own persp6ctive.
M i nisters say Jesus proved his love for the world by saying, as
he hung dying upon a cross, "Father forgive them". Yet
Jesus' words were a condemnation; asking forgiveness was his
admission that he considered those who crucified him were
in t he wrong, and had need of forgiveness.

To babble of "pure, total love" that bears no anger, rancor, or
accusation, is a ridiculous attempt to enslave man and
stifle him with selfaccusations. If he cannot visualize what he
must do, only confusion results if
he tries to do what he considers impossible. So he doesn't try.
He slips into a trough of
hatred -that he can understand. That he sees, and feels, and
reads about. In this, he has a
pattern he can follow - a pattern

set by nose who label themselves religious leaders and "shepherds
of the flock II.
Within the last month, one of the top oracles of a church that
allegedly bases its '
beliefs on the life and teacbings of aman they may have invented
originally, stated publicly
that, in case of nuclear war, the owner of a bomb shelter would
not be un-Christian were be
to protect himself and his family from any intrusion by neighbors
who had no shelters of
their own. In other words, those who can afford to build
elaborate holes in the ground can
become judge, jury, and executioner o v er which other bodies
shall survive.

Which makes a beautiful picture of attack and siege in the back
yards of homes all over
"one nation, under God", doesn't it? An enemy sweeping thru after
a nuclear attack can locate
the cringing survivors because of the Diles of dead shot down by
those inside as they fled to
protect themselves both from the enemy and their friends.

That this church ever makes any pretense of believing in
"brotherly love", yet permits
such a pronouncement by one of its "officials", is a travesty of
the lowest order. It ranks
with the InQuisition for pure cruelty and fraud.

Before anyone tells you of the"need for Universal Love", find out
whom and what they hate.
It could be they mean well, but are suffering from too much
"authority". And it may be the
first time in their lives they ever stopped to ask themselves
what is"Love", and to wonder
what would happen to all they now hold dear if such a condition
were to come into being.

Actually, it would be more destructive, in a material way, than a
nuclear war. But you'd
not be shooting friends who wanted to share your shelter.