Volume 8, Issue 6, page 19
FREE CATALOG. 48 pa f es, organic 0 ORIENTAL SUCCESS BEADS. facsim-
foods, dried frui a. vegeta- ile of Lana Tibet an Buddhist
bles teas and etc Write Howard Rosary,g.Unique, mystifying. fas-
Gray: Copper Hill. is. 76-4* cinati Said to bring money,
a n d healing. Orients
9;c"c;;; Beads. rayers and con
plete in at ructNns, 12.25
paid. Madelynn,Hlllwigi Box &02st'
Lake Wales. Fl r da. 75!,3:
0 FOR FUN AND FUNDS-- Color horo-
scopes! Want a profitable and
Interesting career or sideline?
Co lor horns c opes by a si:~Iified
method - RED for signs r ed by
Saturn. Lilith. and malefic a (ca
Itals); GREEN for si ns ruled
Sun ' No on. and small letter p lanets Belinocoloring th:ufIr t
day . Price 1. 0. C & L R te I
Box 625. Canas, Washi n gion. 76-3*
VICE. Your name, your address I
your ailment: Your return address
stamped enveloge.,,Enclose $5 do-
nation. refun desired. We
have faith we can help you as we
have others: These -111, "1
for the I ndividual: 11t work with
doctors or without them. The Na-
tional Congress of Healers and
Spiritual Consultants Inc. Ad-
dress -- Rev. Ge o rge H. Clark
president 2376 Marion Avenue: Ne w York &8. N. Y. (Editor,iLec;
toter. Counsel, Hospital, Ci cs
dried v egetable juices.Free
circular. N.A.Hobbs. 1517 Bridge,
Abilene. Texas. 74-3*
0 HEAL YOURSELF. help others with
HIstionic;Nggstion:,iknown as
Laling- 0 ads", ch cured
gob ens after 11 other methods
ailed. Send dollar for Thesis by
Rev. Magiera. 29705-4 Vinni ,
New Boston. Mich. 75!5.
0 MENSTRUATION AND POLLUTIONS can be healed! Sex excesses waste
nerve and brain substance Pre "Calawala" root for reb;ildin and
purifying wasted
nerves, witi order of three explanatory books and a a:NeoeJournal
for $1.00
J. Love d . Otavalo. Ecuador:
apy with colors, as well as
taking an active interest in
the healingfacets of Dianetics
and Scientology. Another spon-
sor is bnid's own Dr. Arthur
E. Elliott of Philli-ps Uii-iver-
'git~~p us such names as Mark
Van Doren, Dr. Linus Ppaul~ing.
and Ea_ny foFe-igiT -digid-taries
we can neither spell nor pro-
nounce. Maybe, if we can cover
the world with an umbrella of
sanity shields, the rain of
war arrows being loosed by the
Turdering segment will bounce
impotently to the ground ...
I Ella Han ford, who gave up a book and health foods store near
Hershey, Penn., to move to a ranch near El Rito,
N.Mex., is finding a warning f rom "bouis" that "things would be
tough" a bit more accuratethan she'd like. Topping off a
series of problems and difficulties, she recently drove into the
mountains fof a load of fertilizer, and on the way down, the
trailer became unhitched (she left it sitting crosswise on a
mountain roadl, and the truck wound up in the corral with a
broken steering r?d caused by bitting a gulley hidden in the
41 John Dobbs, of So. Burnaby, B.C., has been warning us for a
long time that he's having a book published, and the
other day he sentus the printed jackets--as proof. Name of the
book is"The Ninth Hour" . "Can't send you the book yet,"
Dobbs writes --explaining that he's having trouble with Customs.
Knowing how officious Customs officials can be. we've
often wondered why they don't put them in charge of guarding
against bombs, invasions, and the like -- and do away with
armies and navies. By the time an enemy went thru all redtape
necessary in paying "duties", they'd get over their '%ad" and
call off the war...
I Both Ruth Spignesi, Stamford, Conn., and Alberta M. 0' Connell,
Wilton, wrote in TI-owing terms of their recent
get-acquainted meeting - so it must have been really something!
Both have wide acquaintances in the mystical fields, so
there were a lot of notes to compare. Alberta, by the way, is all
smiles again, but she, was understandably quite disturbed
when a niece telephoned from a vacation in Mexico that she was on
her way to her home in New Jersey --and didn't show up
for more than two months. She wasn't "lost", she said --she just
stopped in Texas for a bit of fun.
11 " Uncl e Ed" Mil I igan , the bewhiskered showman who once
tried to set up a "City of Dawn" in the Wichita
Mountains near Lone Wolf, dkla., and gave up only because an
"Eve" brought him apples that proved to be wormy, writes
enthusiastically of his new mountaintop haven near Cebolla, N. M.
When we used to visit "Uncle Eri", and listen to him
spout about his plans for a"City of Dawn" ' he could get "higher
than a kite" in fantasy, and we suppose that with a 9,000-
fmt high base of operations, be now gets even higher.
OCTOBER, 1961 The IqB
0 SUBUDI Its part I nthe divine
plan seen byoone outside of its
ranks. Fo , I n roation write: Re-
seare b Dept Marcap Council,
Inc. . Lakem;;t, Ga. 75-3*
REQUEST AN INVITATION to membership from the Florida Society for
Psychical Research, Inc. To sustaining membersa free handwriting
analysis. Write
Box 652 1 Green Cove Springs. Fla. 71-3*
MARCAP COUNCIL, Inc.. announces
the beginning of its publishing
work. Write to: Marcap Council.
Inc. Publishing Co., Lakemont,
Ga.. for full list of current
Rublications. Man authors. Col.
rthur J.Burks a I atured I riter,
22 of his works now availab 1 e.
Many publications on ESP. Past
Lives. Case Histories. and many
other highly interestling and con-
troversiallsubjects, Order todai:
"When Wil Yesterd Come? ,
Dr. E. Blanche PritcKett and bo I Arthur J. Burks. P r I c e
RtaiEe included. And watch The
OBESRR forfuture announcements
of great momentum. 75-3*
0 CAN YOU CONTROL and use Nature's laws constructively? If not, I
e a r n how before natural law, used negatively,icould de: stroy
you. You will nd the
swers in the biograghical novel, "Strange Prologue ', y Alberta
M. O'Connell, $4.75. C h r I s to
7p her
Pub. Co., Boston 20, Mass. 3 -4*
0 TIRED OF DETERGENTS? Here's the answerl 100% organic-.non-toxic
-100% safe--ALL-PURPOSE CLEANER. Pure oil from coconuts
e:. nitromen from air we breath POWER L enough for toughest jobs.
GENTLE enough for finest fabrics. Distributors wanted.
Added income for t h o s e already in selling field. Write Box
1697, Abilene I
Texas. 74-3*
Arthur J. Burks. anexciting
book which tells, in a warmly
person a I manner. the tor the
s exferiences s I ThofA
author n e ri.
zone ;e a er . with the .,Sl ee P Ing
I vination)
By Dr. John ff. Manas
The most ancient of all divine Arts and Sciences known to man
unveiled for his use and benefit. The laws and methods to foresee
the future used by the
most famous of the ancient Oracles, the Sibyls and the Prophets
of Israel revealed. The origin of the Christian Religion. its
rituals, festivals and customs. The
Temples of Etculapius a n d Trofonjus ' In Greece. the first
medical and Psychosomatic clinics.
Mi S i s the most documented and authentic book for all to study.
Rare illustrations. 320 pa es
cloth-bound, index. 5.66
Postpaid. Send for your copy today to:
152 West 42nd Street
Now York 36. N. Y.