Volume 8, Issue 6, page 14
gugene Davis. 116 pp.,' ;3.'95Y. Marshall Davis Pub., Inc Box
1661, Miami 61, Fla.
Maybe, if enough writers repeat the theme that you are what you
are because that's what you want to be, often
enough, those pretending to be dissatisfied with "their lot in
life" will awaken to who's responsible.
And actually, that's what Roy Davis has done in his"How to Use
the Technique of Creative Imagination".
Stripped of a lot of verbiage, the author "lays it on the line",
so to speak, andplaces the blame for "failure" right
where it belongs -on each of us, if we think of ourselves as
failures. If we don'tthink of ourselves as failures, we're
not, ~o probably aren't interested in any book giving ways and
means of escaping from the unlocked prison of our
Getting what you want, being what you want to be - it Is all so
simple, Mr. Davis says
The fact you are what you ari is proof - because no one else is
responsible-you did it and are doing it, whether you're
willing to admit it or not
If you don't like yourself, yo~ and you alone can change youand
if you're being what you are because of some
religious idea about materialism, selfpromotion, or other such
folderol, what you need is a new look at your basic
" All we have to do to change our life pattern is to change our
views concerning life," Mr. Davis says. And
proceeds to give a few simple rules for obtaining this
objective-just in case the reader has reached the point where he
thinks he's been GIVEN a bad deal, and is stuck with it.
Hypnosis, or auto-suggestion? Not at all, the author states. And
explains: "While suggestion tends to condition
the subconscious mind, creative imagination tends to awaken the
inner knowingness of the individual to the point of
seeing the opportunities
and Possibilities as present realities. 11
"Creative Imagination " isn't a new idea - but it's seldom
presented by one with the metaphysical background and
teachingsuccess that Mr. Davis has.--f-rah Nika.
ter W. Conerly, 21 ,
$3.50. Pub.by Monograph P'tt,;; AZO
7-05 22nd St., Fairlawn, N.J. JL Ott
The development of religious
thought from the group totem By LOUIS"
to the worship of the Sun god
Re is covered in the first
chapter of this book under the
heading "Egypt", which sets
the pace for the succeeding
chapters: "Babylonia", "Mono-
theism", and so on, up to the
final chapter "Democracy'v.
Each speeds you thru thousands I
or at least hundreds, of years
of changing concepts in re-
Judging from the author's
assured statements, his con-
clusions are based on years of
Painstaking and scholarly re-
search, sofor the person eager
to get a bird's-eye view of
mankind's religious history,
"Genealogy of the Gods" is a
valuable resume and will save
many dreary hours of poring
over obscure and ancient books
in the city library.
Some rather startling rev-
elations are made. For in-
stance: that leading histori-
ans agree thatthere were three
distinct commands, one Egyp-
tian and two Israelite desig-
nated as"Moses" from 6e time
of the Exodus to the invasion
of Canaan."This condensing of
the tribal leaderships of this
important period into the myth
of a single personality named
Moses was done to simplify
complicated tribal history,"
Mr. Conerly explains. Appar-
ently, the juggling of records
in connection with religious
history has been going on for
a considerable time, which
leads to some doubt as to the
authenticity of any scripture,
It is impossible to give a
satisfactory outline of the
material covered in this book,
since it itself is in the na-
ture of an outline, but these
statements in the concluding
chapter may indicate the trend
of Mr. ConeTly's thought: "No
Christian state attained to
political democracy that did
not first institute freedom of
Bible interpretation." "The
progress of science was the
chief agency in the history of
thought that transformed Pro-
testant Christianity into de-
mocracy!' And in closing, "The
soul of democracy is equali-
tarianism."--A. Senga.
(Send your questions addressed to LoUiS. care The ABERREE. Box
528. Enid. enclosing a stamped. self- addressed
envelope. For those who wish personal replies. a minimum
contribution of *2 per question should be included.)
DRAR LOUIS-While in Denver you spoke of a number theory. Would
you pleage give us some information on
saae?--B.L., Denver, Colo.
DEAR FRIENDS__Some time ago while giving a consultation, the
client asked about numerology. and to my
amazement, I received almost a 30-minute tape on same. Briefly,
it goes like this: Our number system as we know
it is symbolic of patterns; therefore, each number-symbol
represents a state of being or level of consciousness. We
start first with ONE. This is the number of the individual, it is
the number of new undertakings, it is the beginning
and the end. Next we go to TWO. This is the number representing
the duality, the ying and yang; it is the numher
of balance. THREE represe;ts the trinity and can be used for
upliftment or negative means, depending upon the
endeavor. FOUR is a square, and is a blockage; it is the cell
that holds and does not let loose. FIVE is the symbol
of man. It is the five-pointed star I the crucifixion --man
chained to the wheel until he cuts the chains. SIX is the
symbol of lower expression of man, it is the dominant symbol for
sex crimes and the like. SEVEN is the number
of spiritual release; it is man on the path; he is balanced, then
starts upwardin consciousness. EIGHT is the number
of reincarnation. It is the symbol of flow; it is the number of
action and interaction. NINE is the number of
intellect; it is the symbol of the raising consciousness thru
intellectual means. To this list, Philip Friedman would
add Zero. the number or symbol of the absolute.
DgAR LOUIS--I want you to