Volume 8, Issue 4, page 17
covered they could be free.'
"Anyone who has known Blanche as well asl have known her since I
met her at the July, 1958, Congress, knows
hersincerity and abilitYand the truth of anything she has to
communicate. 11--Harriet Carder, Arlington,
0 E) E)
"An article in our local press (told) about the boy who drowned
while teaching ayounger boy how to swim. The
teacher died and the pupil made it safely to shore. It sounds
like Dr. Dooley M.D., teaching natives how to be
healthy. He died of cancer after taking his own medicine. I
watched another M.D. on T-V, he told us how he got
started in Burma. When he arrived in Burma h e was put in charge
of the hospital and there was only one patient in
bed. The ALD. said he started to cry, but soon got new courage
and managed to fill the hospital with people.
"I noticed the critical note of the reader with sclerosis who
said he would have been dead without M.D. pills.
How does he know' I must say for myself that I owe my health to
the fact I quit M.D. guidance. Long live Rodale's
"I must admit that Katzen
is right about the gratitude
of patients. NY father once
healed a woman who was con-
fined to bed for years. She
got up, started to wash and
iron, and never invited Father
again to her home, altho they
used to be friends. Such be-
havior is very frequent " - -
George Lagus, San Antonio; Tex.
0 0 E)
"Alberta O'Connell. writing in the June ABERREE, is definitely
all wet in her discussion of dulia, hyperdulia,
and latria, I will give her credit for being able to write an
article that can be understood, and I could undoubtedly
write on subjects which I do not know too much about and she
does, and appear all wet to her. Dulia, hyperdulia.
and latria are not three forms of prayer; they are three forms of
worship. When you pray, of course, you worship;
but you can worship without praying
"Dulia means homage or v;neration. it is not necessarily
religious. Most men, Jehovah's Witnesses excepted,
pay it to the national flag. in the various forms of the Catholic
religion, it is paid to the saints, to their images, and
to their holy bones.. Strictly speaking, itconsists of such
actions as kneeling when praying to saints, burning
candles before their pictures, swing.ing the censer before their
pictures, kissing their relics , andsoon. Prayer to Deity thru
the intercession of saints is not dulia but invocation,
altho of course dulia accompanies invocation.
'.Hyperdulia means superhomage, or super-reverence. It applies
only to dulia paid to the Virgin Mary...
"Latria means adoration. It refers to the worship that God only
is entitled to... Latria takes two fo!7ns. Strictly
speaking, itapplies to a purely spiritual adoration paid directly
to God, but a relative form of it can be paid to
pictures of God, of Christ, and to the cross with regard to him
who reigned from it.
"A novena is not prayer to Saint Anthony as it is described. Any
prayer that is made for nine days is a novena
whether it is to God or to
saint, or even to the soul of a departed person not a saint.
Saint Anthony is the patron saint of lost articles ...
"I am writing of things that make sense to me, but which will not
seem to persons with a background different
from mine worth the trouble of disagreeingwith Alberta O'Connell
about. Your reprint of Dr. Crawford's article
gives a clew to why I should take such a matter seriously. In my
opinion what takes place abnormally in hypnotism
as the result of the will of the individual rather than his
spoken word, takes place normally thru the collective will
of a religious group forming the mind of the individual in early
"When such a collective will is imposed on an adult as is 4he
case with Scientology or Subud, its effect
generally evaporates and fades away as the individual loses
interest in the group possessing the collective will. if a
man has the control from his childhood it does not fade away. I
am a rather skeptical and rational individual but I
just can't be happy unless I can go around paying latria,
hyperdulia ' and dulia, and the same holds good to a lot of
people who don't know what the words mean Pt, (Rev.) Thomas
Fairbanks, hC, falls Church I Va,
"You are right about the union of minds in certain types of
therapy, but how does that explain the healing of a
kitten born with cerebral palsy and paralyzed hindquarters? It
was supposed to be an incurable affliction, but it is
being healed slowly. It was a good case to prove that cerebral,
palsy can be cured. The 'authorities' cannot say the healing was
due to suggestion, faith, hysteria, etc. How do I
communicate my desire to a cat? or how do I go about hypnotizing
a cat? Hypnotism and suggestion do not heal;
the healing of flesh can be accomplished only with light - only
God can heal - God i s 1 i ght . Therefore, the best
way to heal is to add I ight to the body. This can be done
temporarily by Spiritual Healing thru the union of minds.
(ED. NOTE - Rather than negate Dr. Crawford's statement ~hat
intent, not words, heals in hypnosis, this seems
tobear out his assertion. Of course, we assume that cats, too,
have minds for the healer to be in union with-and also
that the cat isn't educated to the extent where it canbe
influenced by reiterated rhetoric.)
"Thanks for publishing the John W. Burch letter. I offered to
give him the proof he desired to convince him that
multiple sclerosis can be cured. I tried to get cooperation from
two similar cases locally, but the victims had been
convinced that multiple sclerosis is not curable and they had no
faith in spiritual healing so they refused my help,
even tho it was free.
"Multiple sclerosis is a degenerative disease and I believe it
can be cured by regenerating t he body, which process
takes time. The same applies to cancer. Such cases can be cured.
However, it is cheaper to die. The cure for such
cases will take a lot of effort and a lot of time and no matter
how you look at it, somebody has to pay the bill. I
have no more to give. I must pay for what I get from others. My
work is at a standstill because I have ran out of
money. The vultures criticize and attack, but very few are
willing to help without getting their pound o f fl dsh. " -
Norri s Eatzen, Cooks Falls, N. Y.
(D 0-0
"This Hitler-Nazi-Eichmann horror gives us an idea of Bible
"The dad4 of the New Testament used the gentle art of fiendish
mass sadism to slaugh-, ter some of his millions.
'Tis written that old Catholic Constantine cooked one or two of
his favorites inboiling water. an~%- C. (Before
A.D. (After the Debil).Y'-A. B. Pierson, 3elaa, Calif.
0 0 E)
"Morris Katzen has me going again. That fellow has been the cause
of more discussion in the pages of The