Volume 8, Issue 4, page 13

say, "That of here. "

When I calmed down, all was peaceful as before --no flames, no
jet bomber in the wires overhead. I felt like a
fool. Bea, knowing me and from things I had told her in the past,
knew there was something wrong. But her
husband, when be heard of this, thought it best we cut our
friendship-this was too,much.

In June of that same year, my husband and I went on a two-week
vacation. The last week of our stay, while
walking home, we saw a newlooking daily paper sticking up from a
waste can. Altho this is something my husband
never does, he took the paper out, and we took it to our motel.
it was The Valley Times, a local

woman Is nuts; better get her out

paper from our Valley in Calikornia.

Turning the page. I was struck with a picture of my friend Bea in
a beat-up bathing suit. Then I really read the

Bea told me later that she was talking on the phone, heard a
plane that sounded very low, and all of a sudden a
crash, and smoke filled the kitchen. She ran from the house with
flames licking at her heels.

They suffered a 100 percent loss. All she had left was the
bathing suit she stood in. A neighbor's house was
badly damaged, and the roof of two others.

Just as I had seen it happen --when they called me "nuts".

- Dorothy Springfield, Canoga Park, Calif.


& Co., Inc. (1960), $0.95.

This "shorthand of mathematics" I s such an exciting and helpful
book of 270 pages that it deserves brief
mention so that anyone using math even infrequently will know
that a wholly newsystem is available. It is said to
shorten the time of computations 80 percent, and because of its
rapid checking method. assures 99 percent accuracy.
One needs to be able to count to 11 only to be able to master the
entire system. There are rules to memorize, but no

In this system, there is no multiplication and no division such
as we know these; these functions are done
byadditions up to 11, and done in the heads of even children of
seven, with the answers written below the problem,
usually with no intermediate steps. A small boy was given the
problem of multiplying 5132437201 by
452736502785 and put down the answer in 70 seconds. In Zurich.
where Trachtenberg founded the Mathematical
Institute, his students were pitted against I BM calculating
machines for an hour; while the machines clacked away,
the students wrote down their answers without any intermediate
steps - and beat the machines. The system is taught
to retarded children who hate math, but take this as a game.

Trachtenberg was a Russian genius, trapped in and escaping from
one concentration camp after another during the
war. and developed the system in his mind. due to the absence of
paper and pencil. to keep his sanity. All banks in

Switzerland, and most businesses and schools, use his system.

You can read the book in one evening, being very simply written f
or children, with complete step-by-step
examples, and master the system in a week.-Narold D. Kinney.

ANTIQUIfY UNVEILED, by J. N. Roberts. (Abrid ed, about 200
pages). Healll Research, MokeNane Hill, Calif.
(Price not shoun.)

if someone appeared in the pulpit of a church, announced that he
was the reincarnation of the man they knew
as"Jesus Christ", and that what they'd been taught about His life
was all wrong, He'd be driven out as an imposter,
and probably jailed f or "disturbing the peace II. This, tho he
might perform "miracles" as "proof" that none present -
including their preacher - could duplicate.

Because men-most of themdo not want"truth"-they want only
verification of what they have been taught, or a
"whitewash" of what I s convenient. For this reason, the reprint
editionof "Antiquity Unveiled" probably will be no
more popular. nor widely acceDted, than when it was ipsued
originally back in 1894.

"Antiquity Unveiled" was written by J.M.Roberts, a 19th Century
lawyer, who became a Spiritualist a f ter
contacts with his departed father, who, when alive, had been a
member of the U.S. Senate. But it was not until
Roberts's own death in 1888 that "Antiquity Unveiled"was
published, and it immediately drew attacks from orthodox
Christians, who consigned all books they could obtain to derision
a n d f ire . It was not until 1960 that Health
Research. using the modern miracle of photo offset, obtained a
copy of the old book and reproduced it.

"Antiquity Unveiled" seeks to show, thru contacts with

JULY-AUGUST, 1961 T h e A B E R R E E

departed spirits - such as Apollonius, Pope Gregory vii I Pontius
Pilate, Constantine Pogonatus, Zoroaster, and
others who knew of. or confessed being a party to, the
conspiracy-how the story of Jesus was fabricated, and made
part of the enforced belief of an entire planet. Personshonestly
seeking an answer to the question of "Did Jesus
actually exist?" will find some of the quotes quite convincing.
Those who"know"that the New Testament is the
"Inspired Word of God", and that the souls quoted are still
asleep and will stay asleep until "Gabriel blows his horn",
will neither be convinced nor converted.

A Prologue and Epilogue are written by Prof. Hilton Hotema,
explaining in more detail the role of the Church in
making "holy" the "Book they

blamed on God ' 4 - frah lika.



the aluminum container which
sparkled from the drops of dew
on its exterior. "What do you
call it?

"Why, it's a glass-even if it is made of aluminum," our friend
said."It's a glass because it's in the shape of a
glass. and is doing t he duty tho it isn It a glass, it's a
glass. "

We grinned, while he went on and on, ending with,"Well I then,
what would you call it?"

We didn't answer. We'd made our point. Labels can be so damned
confusing. Even labels for God I who shouldn't
need a label, nor a defense. He is, or He isn't, and if He isn't
, we'd better get up off our knees, or out of our closets I
and start doing the things we have been begging Him to do for us

Trying to find out what God IS is a good start; churches for too
long now have been trying to sell us on what
God is not-or couldn't be - if he really. truly were God.