Volume 8, Issue 3, page 15



d a Rr
E d im i T it

" T he wee ABERREE arrived yesterday, and I hasten to ex~ press
my delight in your editorial, 'What One Sells
He No Longer Possesses'. It is one of the finest we have
encountered in a long life-span on the earth. I do hope that
some of Your ism and ology peddlers read it and take in its
messagel ...

"Tell 'Louis' that Amelia Earbart was not murdered by the Japs.
She ran out of fuel and landed on a small
uninhabited island in the South Pacific One day the remains of
the piane, etc., will be found. We were told this in
1937. and again when the Japanese 'theorY' was Published."- Mary
Vales, Vi-rginia Beach, Va.


"I am classified now as a disabled veteran- multiple sclerosis.
It's a dandy-no known cause, no cure, progressive,
crippling, and capricious . One person may be struck blind and
another lose sensation in a hand or foot. or massive
paralysis may put the recipient in bed for life.

"Since the disease was diagnosed in the spring of '59 , I 've had
several occasions to appreciate life. I'd have been
dead but for a drug used to stop an internal infection due to
paralysis of the bladder muscles. Im now on the drug
constantly and I'm sti 11 hl ive . I have sensed from you a bit
of antipathy to the medical world and its patron saint,
the A.M.A. But for the medics, I'd have been fitted for either
pointed tailor a cloud by now. So I am not quite ready
to side with your feelings at this noint.

"Amongst those who read your anomalous publication, perhaps there
is one who has been cured of, or has cured ,
multiple sclerosis. I'd be in

terested in hearing from them. If there is any information about
cures, I'd be delighted to write the person concerned.

"There is a bit of a problem, however. Those who do not have
multiple sclerosis and who say 'Believe as I
believe and you will be free of all bodily ailments', do not know
about having a problem like this. They, who ask
you to believe that if you follow carefully the teachings of Zen
or Zoroaster or Baal, etc., and you can achieve a
perfect body, often are far from perfect physically, even by
their own standards. I would ask, who among you who
feel that the body can be modified can raise asingle goosebump or
has regrown an arm or has even corrected his
vision to normal sight?

"One man answered my skepticism with the best answer I've heard.
He said, 'What evidence would you accept?'
Now, I have a reply, some 10 years later. I will accept the
change in sensation by the repair of one lesion in my
spinal cord, so that n e rve signals could again pass. Something
that is not 'out there' but 'in here'. Perhaps there are
Scientologists who have accomplished repairs in the central
nervous system. Anyone can repair nerves in the
peripheral system, but repair in the C.N.S. is,something el-sp.

'Anyone who says, *Pay me enough money and I will cure you' need
not waste his breath or ink. Those who
want pay other than what would be his after the repair is
completed is a spurious healer.

"I have been seeking for 11 years for answers to questions about
my physical condition. My first attack of
multiple sclerosis came shortly after completing Hubbard's
'Science of Mental Health'. I have determined that their
relationship was purely coincidental, but at first I was
convinced the 'Book' brought on the attack and I pursued
Dianetics as best I could as a book auditor with all the classic
results: past lives, prenatalsthe whole show.

"Nothing was solved by this study except to make me think and to
be willing to examineoften too uncritically -
new ideas.

"I need new ideas now"'John W. Burch, 2914 N. Holyoke, Wichita,
Kas. ) 0


"Enjoyed very much article by infinite 20 (April issue). Have
asked a couple people to read it aloud, and so have
enjoyed it even more. I wonder


if anyone not familiar with Scientology could follow its jargon.

"Your sin-thesis well done. From my present understanding, it is
the synthesis of others' implants that prevents
us from blooming naturally from our own soul orseed. I
encountered this experience in Subud-that we are full of
graftings which produce s t r a n ge fruit, and this because we
were not willing to wait for our own flowering. We
preferred what others produced, so al I owed graf tings .

"Lowana Julaine is so right , as far as she goes. I want to
testify to what she says: In the Spring of 1929 hile
moving from Maine tow New York cityt I stopped at a hairdresser
in Connecticut to pretty myself for my new
assignment. I was to apprentice to a man-stylist. My car was full
of lamps, rugs, books, bags, etc., so the operator

" 'You I ook like you 're moving.'

"'That I am,' I replied enthusiastically.

"'Where are you going?' she got in between a splash of soapsuds
and rinsing.

"'I am going to New York and carve out a career,' I replied.

"'What kind of a career?' she asked.

"Not knowing just what my work would be, I facetiously answered,
'Oh, I'm going to marry a Wall Street broker
and live on Park Avenue.' It was the wildest thing I could

"That I forgot having pictured this goes without saying. It came
about four years later, and I was not reminded of
it until I moved to Connecticut and went into the saine shop ...

"As long as I am writing a-
booklet to you this morning, I
would like to suggest that in
this 20th Century, are we not,
thru T-V and radio, restimulat-
ing every engram in humanity's
bank? We humans are jerking,
crying, screaming just like we
used to do on the Dianetic
couch while running engrams.
Juvenile delinquency' * ) We
shouldn't be surprised. Poor
kids don't know what is hap-
Pening to them. They are hav-
ing their engrams run in the
worst way.

"Whataday we are living in. Most thrilling! Light is filtering
thru daily, and tolerance for light."-- Alberta Elliott,
Greenville, S. Car.

0 G) 0

"I am getting an increasing kick and many laughs from the
spoutings of others. and I