Volume 8, Issue 3, page 12
is the builder and the body is the result. Another thing this
Scripture makes plain is that man became a living soul
when the breath of life animated his house of clay. The tangible
creation is merely the manifestation of the soul in a
physical form. And if the bodily form is necessary to make the
soul, as the Scripture indicates, the body must be an
important part of man. And he should desire to maintain it in
perfect condition.
"What house will ye build me, saith the Lord. What is the place
of my rest." Acts 7: 49 . The body temple is
the house of the Lord.
So this is not a contradiction at all. With inner perception it
reveals to us the law of creation and how to use our
mental faculty to create. We become co-creators with God when we
learn to use this faculty according-to the law of
good, which is the law of God. In other words, by believing in
the revealed word of God, and seeking to prove it in
our lives, we can find our place in God's plan and become
cocreators with God, all working toward the goal of
spiritual enlightenment. By recognizing the power of our own
imaging-in faculty. we learn, righteousness, or right-
use-ness, of the God
power invested in us.
Another seeming contradiction is the commandment which says,"Go
ye into all the world and preach the gospel
to every creature." Mark 16: 15. Then in The Revelation, 22: 11,
it reads, "He that is unjust let him be unjust still ;
and he which is filthy, I et him be filthy still; and he that is
righteous, let him be righteous still; and he that i s
holy, let him be holy still." From this it would seem that we
should not concern ourselves with enlightening our
fellowmen, but just let them be as they are. Yet the commandment
is to "Go ye into all theworld and preach the
gospel to every living creature."
Every one of us who knows the truth, or the true gospel of Jesus
Christ, should be a living testimony of His
love and faith. His work should be our work. And His work was to
loose the bands of death. Paul said of Him, "But
we see Jesus, who was made a little lower than the angels for the
suffering of death, crowned with glory and honor;
that he by the grace of God should taste death for every man."
Heb. 2:9.
Man has been satisfied with death rather than seeking the life
more abundant which Jesus demonstrated to
mankind. And it is up to those of us who have the vision of life
to present this truth to others who are seeking light
and truth. However. after we have given our testimony and find it
to be rejected by the unjust. the filthy, the
righteous, and the holy ones, we are not to try to force them to
accept the truth of the life gospel but are to allow
them to remain as they are. It matters not whether those who hear
our testimony receive it, it is still our
responsibility to give them the chance to accept or reject it. If
you give your t e s t imony and live true to your
ideal, others will see your joy and happiness and have to admit
that you have something beyond the average man
who knows not God. One who knows the power of God in his life and
refuses to share this light with others will
lose it. This does not mean we are to go around talking about God
with no power to back it up. It means that we
must use wisdom in pointing the way to the power that lies
dormant in every man who comes into the world; that
he too might desire to ask, seek. and knock until he knows
something of the reality of this great power within him.
The signs of the power within our own life will be more
convincing than all the
words we might use.
Another contradiction that some find hard to explain is the
admonition to resist not evil. For another Scripture
says "Resist the devi I and he will flee from you." Jas. 4: 7. In
one place we are supposed to resist the evil and
another to not resist it. But with understanding and inner
perception this seeming contradiction isnot a contradiction
at all. We are to resist evil in our own selves, but to the evil
which manifests in others be nonresistant.
The devil which is to be resisted is the thoughts of doubt, fear,
and unbelief in God's promises to man, that are
manifested in the human race consciousness. For this human race
consciousness is made up of all the false mortal
concepts of the human race. This darkness must be resisted and
cast out of mind, no matter how persistent it is in
attacking your mind. if you want to live true to the highest
ideal. The Christ ideal can never be ettained as long as
man is full of doubt, fear, suspicion, and unbelief in God's
promises. The human race consciousness will try to
sneak into your mind and cause you to have all kinds of negative
thoughts about yourself as well as others. That is
why Jesus told His disciples to watch and pray. He said,"No man
can enter into a strong man's house and steal his
goods unless he first bind the strong man." Unless man becomes
aware of his thinking and learns to guard his mind
against this thief, it will steal his faith and confidence in
himself and God. "The thief cometh not but for to steal.
and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life,
and that they might have it more abundantly." John
10:10. These were Jesus' words to His disciples. Then Paul said,
"Let him that stole, steal no more." Do you not
see now important our thoughts are? And how they must be guarded
and protected against the darkness of the human
So much for the evil, or devil, that is to be resisted; now what
about the prineir)le of non-resistance that Jesus
taught? I believe that he meant the evil or manifestation of
error that is expressing itself thru others. To this we
should be non-resistant. Forgive them instantly and pray for
their further enlightenment, but do not let the darkness
snare you. It is so easy to fall victim of the chain reaction of
negative vibrations, unless we have trained ourselves
to watch and pray, and to be non-resistant to this sort of thing.
It takes practice to learn to hold fast to your faith in
God or good, knowing that all things happen for good for those
who love the Lord (law of God). We are only held
responsible for our own thought and words,* and deeds. And it is
up to us to send out only good vibrations of love
and faith, regardless of outside conditions.
"He that rul eth his own household (of thought) is greater than
he that taketh a city.
An Oklahoma legislator, reminded that the income tax withholding
bill he was sponsoring had been voted down
in a public referendum less than a year previously, remarked that
the people could not be depended upon to"vote
intelligently". Luckily for him, we might add. His attitude. and
the fact enough of his colleagues agreed to pass the
bill over the Dublic veto, demonstrates that a dictatorship can
exist without the protection of either an iron or
bamboo curtain. All it needs is a few small politicians who
suddenly get too intelligent for their bosses - the
taxpayers they betray.