Volume 8, Issue 3, page 5

Obey Will, Not Words

Subjects Give Up Individuality, Become Robots;
No "Cure" Af ter Repeat Sessions; Therapy Use Hit


EFORE starting to discuss the value of hypnotism, it is best that
hypnotism be explained in a
simple, scientific manner, thus avoiding the usual errors
encountered in works of this kind.
The following is not given as a text on "How to Hypno

tize"or "How to Mesmerize", but 1; a straightforward statement of
the facts pertaining to, and
associated with, the phenomena of hypnotism and/or mesmerism.

1. HYPNOTIST-This means a person in the Physical body who
voluntarily controls ~he mind, voluntary
Powers, and sensory organtsm of another physically embodied

2. HYPNOTIC SUBJ9CT, or PAT191T-This i's the Physically -embodied
Person who is under control of the

3. HYPNOTISM and/or M9Sff9RISff is the science that treats with
the establishment of a condition of
subjective control of the mind (will), voluntary Powers, and
sensory organism of one or more individuals by
another individual.

4. A state of hypnotism and/or mesmerism is said to exist when
the will of one Person ts in a state of
subjection to the will of another. It is astate in which one
Person dominates or controls another person, or Persons.
It excludes what is commonly known as "auto-hypnotism" and
"self-hypnotism". Both hypnotism and mesmerism
involve a -relationship between at least two Persons.

For the development of the state of hypnosis, thesubject must
place himself ina passive or negative condition of
mind and surrender himself tothe will of the hypnotist. After the
control is fully established the subject is a mere
tool or instrument in the hands of the controller. The more times
the hypnotic state is reached between two
individuals, the easier it becomes to establish this same
condition on subsequent subjections. By repetition of the
act, a time is soon reached when the subject has no independent
ability to resist the control of the hypnotist. This is
the time when all the natural barriers Drovided by Nature against
such a state have been destroyed. Once torn down,
these natural barriers are seldom rebuilt on this plane of
expression, as far as natural science knows.

Hypnotism has all shades and degrees. These range all the way
from a slight semi-awakeness to the most
profound state of complete functional suspension of the physical
organisms. In the first stages the subject declares
that he need not do what he is told to do, saying he just does it
to co-operate. The truth is that the subject just
imagines that he could not do as told. The subject has no choice
in the matter. As the state is continued and
benomes more intensified. the independent facul

JUNE, 1961 T h e fl B

ties of the subject are gradually lost to him and are taken over
by the operator. And this is true even tho the operator
himself does not recognize the fact.

The trance grows deeper and more profound by the continuance of
the flow of positive current from the operator
to the subject and the '$willing" of the operator to intensify
the condition. A subject once fully subjected may be
hypnotized at a distance, even over the phone.

The hypnotic process has its beginning in the extreme front of
the Cerebrum, or great brain, in the region of the
physical organs of perception. Then it sweeps backward, phase by
phase, to and thru the cerebellum, or little brain,
and then continues forward and downward to control the primary
section called medulla, which lies just inside the
opening thru which the spinal cord enters the skull at its base.

Thus it may be seen that the process once started and continued
sweeps like a tidal wave from the conscious
section of the brain thru the so-called subconscious section to
the primary or first brain. This wave of domination
sweeps on thru the subject to the degree that control is willed
by the hypnotist. Once this willing is started and
continued without a break. it will increase just as the air
brakes do when pressure is applied and held.

A hypnotic subject in the deep lethargic condition is
unresponsive to the vibration or sensation of physical pain.
In this condition ' the most painful surgical operations may be
performed without the slightest reaction to physical
suffering. This is due to the paralysis of the physical sensory
organism, by and thru which the channels of
consciousness upon the physical plane conduct physical reflexes
and is responsible, thereby, for the startling
physiological lack of reaction.

Under this condition of domination, the subject takes on or
accepts, without question, the "suggestions" or
impressions coming to his consciousness from the mind of the
hypnotist. An author quoted in his work in
Hypnotic Healing says:

"I have often been startled by having patients tell me days after
hypnotization of feelings and incentives to action
of which I had said nothing, but which I knew to be in the
background of my consciousness at the time of

In the state and condition above referred to, the mind and wi II
of the hypnotist takes the place of the subject's, in
relation to the subject's physical consciousness of his
environment. "It is, therefore, not strange nor difficult to
understand," says this eminent practitioner of hypnosis, "that
the subject perfectly naturally sees, hears, feels, tastes,
and smells whattheoperator says that he sees, hears, feels,
tastes, and smells - and nothing more. "

The author gives us his reason for this by