Volume 8, Issue 1, page 8
terest an excuse for overlooking proper manners and good
digestion. For yourself, you drank your coffee between
bites, and not to wash them down. Your wife always did that. And
you didn't ask yourself if coffee were harmful I not
to be drunk at all. If it were, it would not have been given m an
in the first place. You told yourself that this wasn't
good reasoning; that if itwas it must apply with equal force to
marijuana, cocaine, opium, morphine
and other drugs.
"They all have a right use," you decided. "We bear too often of
improper use. I could easily use eggs improperly,
or coffee, or even water. 11
Maybe you could use that tomorrow morning. Children didn't like
to have lessons dinned into them.
You began to assess breakfast. You looked at the bacon. It was
your regular bacon, fried as only your spouse
could fry it, as she always did. This morning it was different--
not really, not physically. but i t tasted better, felt
better. You could have eaten an extra rasher. The toast bad a new
warmth to it. The toaster popped itout exactly as it
always did, yet even the sound of the toaster was newlypleasant,
almost like music. You had complained about this
very same toaster, when it behaved exactly as it did this morning.
What was the difference? It was difficult to say, and exciting,
but breakfast this morning, and the end of
breakfast, had a new lift. Your sons kissed their mother, and
hesitated as if half a mind to kiss you, too, as your
daughters actually did. And the daughters, as if someone had told
them to, patted your cheeks. Their hands were soft
and warm. They probably were almost every morning, but you hadn't
noticed. This morning you had. You had
noticed just about everything. You'd commented more than happily
on most of it.
The warmth and security of the kitchen, for instance, or the
dining room. The 1 ittl e things about the house that
made it home, much more "home" this morning than just a place to
escape - to escape to school and job.
The kitchen mumered. The dining room murmured with the kitchen.
The stove Durred, or whatever electricity did
that made you think of a cat purring. The cat, incidentally, went
out of her proud snobbish way to rub herarched
back against your knees. Probably left shed hair on you, but this
particular morning it didn't matter.
The first cup of coffee was perfect. It wasn't always, tho your
wife always made it the same way. The second cup
was even more perfect. But actually could anything perfect be
nore perfect? yes, anything could be. Perfection in
anything was never arrived at. It was a receding goal. Today's
perfection was tomorrow's less-than-perfection.
Tomorrow's perfection, from rising from bed to breaking fast,
would be more perfect than today's. Yes, such a
contradiction in terms could be true.
The children left the table to prepare for school. There had been
no dissension.
"How:' you asked your wife, "are we doing?"
"We're doing so well," your wife answered "that we're afraid it
can't last."
"It will, if we make the proper effort. I wonder what the
children are saying about it."
"If we're doing all right, they'll doubtless tell us later what
they're saying now. They Drobably need just a bit
more proof that we can be trusted."
That was an odd way for her to put it. It wasn't at all like her,
or didn"t seem to be. Maybe she was
pretending, too. But more likely
not, for you and your wife were "two", and could so easily be
"two ... gathered together, there am I also in the midst
of them."
But why two or three? Why not just one?
"Man and wife are one, while remaining two," you heard yourself
saying inside for Jesus, "Man and wife and
children are one, while remaining how many soever there are of
them. Being two, and how many soever, they're
eligible for the usual foregathering with Jesus whenever and
wherever they elect. So let us, when you wish break
fast together, dine together, sup together. "
you told your wife how it seemed to you, and she said it seemed
like that to her, too, onl y maybe in di f ferent
wo rds - - i f any words there were by which to express it. It
seemed to you that, often as your wife said something
you were thinking before you could voice it, often as you said
something she was thinking, there had been rather
more of it this morning, at the breakfast table, the first day of
The Experiment, than there had been heretofore
within memory of mornings and breakfasts.
It was 7: 30 and time to start jobward. Jesus of Nazareth had not
ridden in an automobile, train, plane, bus, taxi,
trolley, helicopter, but Jesus-of-this-minute must be at home in
anything, anywhere, that His Father provided His
more-recently born children.
(Continued in the next issue)
you happy. if you are wise, you will be satisfied with that much.
And when you start taking more than you actually need or want for
your own happiness I you M
U ST pass it on to others who are less fortunate - or you take a
chance on losing the
"spirituality" that you have gained.
You'll have riches all right. But'are you truly satisfied with
that alone? What have you
lost when you have gained this?
Don't do without"plenty" just because you have been taught to
think you are not worthy I and
don't deserve it. Think big. Act big. Be big. But don't do it
with petty emotions. God made a
whole world, and it is all ours to choose from. Take your choice,
but not at the expense of
your inner-self, or at the expense of someone else's comfort.
What man made must be compensated for, with man-made means. Take
this into consideration
when you command the Cosmic, and you will get what you want.
Use this same"secret" to help others. LOOK for someone to help,
don't just wait until you
r4tumble over them.
And if you can't give them anything else, then give them love.
Feel that love radiating
out in wave after wave toward that person. Believe me, it will
have a wonderful effect on
them and give you a gladness of heart that you've never felt
before in all your life.
There was a time when the horse was the most valuable thing in
the world to an Indian, and
he had a saying: "If you can't give him (a friend) a horse, then
give him love."
So, if you can It give your friend a mansion, then give him GOD.
. If, on the other hand, you find that your "friend" has
unfriendly feelings toward you, and
that he is merely"using" you, then withdraw as unemotionally as
possible. Each person must
spiritually climb for themselves, and letting them use you as a
stepping stone does more ham
than good to both of you.
(To be concluded next issue)
8 The ABERREE 'APRIL, 1961