Volume 7, Issue 9, page 9

is worth the effect it is sure to have.

The Two is aware of this law, but so often
the effect is much later than the cause, and is
thereby obscured by time and other circumstances, that its working is not immediately
apparent. So the Two thinks he can "get away
with something"ó or, as we say, "pull a fast
one .% Actually, the result is born when the
action is committed, the it may not be apparent for some time. Thus a good action may have
the result so delayed by circumstances, time,
or distance that a person may feel that no
good can come of it. This is as wrong as possible. Having committed the good act, the good
result is as sure of happening as the sun is
of rising. As we have been told, "Cast your
bread on the waters and it will return after
many days increased sevenfold .% Therefore, all
causes are balanced at the moment of conception
with their eventual results. The effect is always there, always operable, tho not always

Nine Zora, being from a different plane of
existence than this three-dimensional world,
The Two is aware of the bodY, and the things can see any action in its entirety -- cause thru
of the body. He has great powers in the mater- result. He sees what is done and what that doof
universe, both in its seen and unseen ing will entail, because he is not bound by
aspects, the thongs of time.

The law of equal and opposite reaction ap- (PLEASE TURN TO PAGE 10)
plies in life, as it does in the study of physics. Shoot a gun and it will recoil. Bottle up
steam and it will break the container with the
pressure so generated. Burn a house or a book
and it is no longer a house or book, but something different. People accept the obviousness
of these statements. We are aware of the give
and take necessary to stay alive, yet many
will try to cheat this law. As well try to
cheat the law of gravity. The wish to get
without giving, to receive benefits without
expending any efforts, is strong in all of us.
Still, the law states that we must give to receive; we must do to have. We must expend effort, energy, and thought to achieve.

All we need do is truly understand that this
law is inviolate. If we go contrary to this
law, we will be out of tune with the universe.
We cannot break this law, but we can and often
do break ourselves against it. This law, which
may be stated simply as "cause and effect .% is
not man-made. It is unalterable and immutable,
an expression of the universe in which we live.
Men a person goes contrary to the law, he is
hurt one way or another. This hurt is not punishment. It is the result of the cause the
person incited into being. Did the fire punish
you because you stuck your finger in it? Did
the ground punish you because you fell out of
a tree.

People do not like this thought. Who wants
to be entirely responsible for the things that
happen to him? Who wants to think that he and
he alone is the cause of the effects which he
has to endure? Do You? Do I?
It has been said in the study of physics
that an action has an equal and opposite reaction. It has also been said that nothing is
ever lost -- changed, made into something different, but not lost. These statements are really
two aspects of the same law. This law is a law
of this universe which we must obey. Do not
make the common mistake of limiting its application to physics. It is LAW.

To live in harmony in this world, we must
balance our actions and our thoughts (for
thoughts are the seeds of all actions). We
must always remember that every cause will have
its effect as surely as day follows night. We
must always consider whether the cause we wish
EDITH FAUC:1;1 I, Scribe

E MOST clearly understand the separateness
of Zora and the Two in order to reach a
conscious working agreement. The keyword
is conscious. Many great and good persons
have been in very close and harmonious
participation, Zora and the Two. Nine believes that a conscious understanding of the
duality of the nature of Man, and a conscious
effort to achieve harmonious agreement between
them, is the key to a better life for all mankind.

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ILLIONS of men, lost their lives in their
struggle with my'tholicism, but only a few
of them achieved lasting fame. Such men
were JOHN HUSS and his disciple, JEROME

Huss was a priest in 15th Century Bohemia. He declared from his pulpit that the
church should not collect great wealth at the
expense of its parishioners, but should rather
follow the example of Jesus as recorded in the

Huss was consequently removed from office
and became an itinerant preacher. He was joined
by Jerome in preaching to the masses and as a
result of this, many collection plates remained
empty. The bishops and cardinals tried to put
a stop to this heresy and decided to lure John
Huss into a trap.

Huss was invited to present his views to
the Council of Constance in 1414. He went
there after he received a solemn promise of
safe return home; however, he was put in chains
and jailed in a tower.

Jerome of Prague hastened to his aid, but
he, too, was arrested.

In 1415. Huss was led to the cathedral to
meet the cardinals and bishops who turned him
over to his executioners. Jerome saved his own
life by recanting in prison. Huss was burned
at the stake and his ashes were cast into the
river flowing nearby. When Jerome heard of the
death of his friend, he became remorseful and
withdrew his recantation. He too was condemned
by the Council of Constance and sent to the
stake. Jerome died with a song on his lips,
hoping to be reunited with his friend John in
a more enlighted world.