Volume 7, Issue 8, page 7
,´.,g, To Psuchic Development
HE MIND of man is a wayward cuss. It
flits and flirts with a million
ideas, holding none of them more
than a few fleeting moments. The
mind of man drifts and dreams, and
the dreams are fickle. Let's make
reality out of some of these dreams.
The last lesson explained how to
develop the Inner Eye. In this lesson, you will learn to control it.
Awareness is achieved thru concentration, NOT meditation. That is where most
persons fail. They can't seem to control
their mind enough to concentrate. To meditate is to think strongly about a thing
while being able to consciously do something else at the same time, such as sweep
the floor while you figure out what to
fix for supper; or drive a car and think
about what you will do when you get where
you are going. Here you are meditating.
To concentrate, you lose yourself in
whatever you are thinking about. When you
concentrate, there is only one topic of
thought on your mind at a time.
There are many equally good methods of
concentration. One is the watching of some
chosen object, such as a pretty flower or
a candle flame. Another is closing the
eyes and picturing the object within the
mind. Use plenty of imagination on this
method, but train the mind when to call a
These exercises, the same as the others, start with the same foundation of
Find. a quiet corner. It doesn't have
to be a silent place; just a quiet spot.
You can have the radio on if you wish.
Soft music usually helps, and besides,
when you reach a definite degree ofconcentration, you won't hear the radio anyhow.
Fix your mind on whatever you have
chosen to concentrate on. Do not stare.
Instead, blink the eyes as often as necessary. The eyes will automatically assume a stare when the proper time comes.
Until that time, don't force yourself!
Then get lazy and relax. Stretch hard
and relax deep. As many times as you feel
you must. Relax and relax and relax. Relax so completely you feel like a lead
ball sinking slowly thru a concrete basement.
And THAT is the feeling you will have.
You will feel so heavy that you won't even
want to move. You will gradually lose
this feeling of heaviness until, as far
as your mind is concerned, you won't even
have a body. But you will have " a mind of
your own".
At this point, you will not feel the
body any more than you will hear the radio. But don't try to "realize " at what
point of concentration you became unconscious of the body.
For awhile, you will more than likely
"go and come" while concentrating. You
will concentrate a few seconds and then
"snap out of it" long enough to know that
you were unconscious of both your body and
the radio. This is the beginning, after
which you should be able to concentrate
for longer periods at a time.
Keep your eyes, concentration, and mind
on the flower (if that is what you have
chosen) until you become ONE with it. If
your mind wanders to day dreams, yank it
back as often as necessary.
Start with the color. Look at the color until you can see the shading of colors
so completely that each color is separate,
yet blended to make the whole color.
Look at the petals. Notice their shape
and size. Notice how they curl or twist.
Follow the stem and pay attention to the
leaves. Watch for the natural aura around
it. This will take the form of a softly
colored, almost invisible light that radiates from the flower.
Then, starting at the bottom of the
flower stem, picture it in your mind. You
can close your eyes to do this if you
wish, but open them and take another look
each time the picture reaches a place
where it seems blurred. Go over this exercise until you can see clearly in your
mind the whole flower, including the aura.
You want a sharp, clear reproduction of
that flower, not a fuzzy shape that could
be anything.
It is better to do this exercise only
a few minutes at a time in the beginning,
taking each section of the stem, the leaf,
the veins in the leaf, the flower itself
petal by petal, until you can see it perfectly in the mind -- with the inner eye.
Don't let your mind notice what is
around the flower, or even what it is in,
or on, at this time. Later, you can expand