Volume 7, Issue 7, page 18

enjoy being lulled into 'salva- years have a record of the and he is for sure." -- Alfred
tion' by the gospel Jesus who life of Jesus among their writ- A. Rush, Delray Beach, Fla.
'loved us, and washed us from ings.
b t s
our sins in his blood' (Rev. "The Jews also have a rec. "I am a iurprised at
1:5). They live in that spur- ord of the life of Jesus, not Art Coulter and Idella Stone
ious interpolation in the Bi- as the Messiah, neither as a for getting caught up in the
tle to the effect that 'God so Savior, or an Avatar. To them, hypnosis argument the way they
loved the world (a tiny speck he was a troublesome Jew who did. They are both full of
in space) that he gave his on- got in their hair, so they got beans, and both at the same
ly begotten Son (of whose al- the Romans to crucify him. time 100 percent right about
leged life approximately 50 "Vern J. Texter and Volney this. It is entirely a matter
hours appear in the Bible), G. Mathison have really taken of the preclear's case level
that whosoever b elieveth in Morris Katzen apart and then as to whether the guy gets
him should not perish (nor put him back together again, hypnotized or not. If you both
reap as they sow -- Gal. 6: 7), and in the right way. I might want to go back to the charts
but have everlasting life', add that my body is 64 years of Science of Survival, you
thus making life subject to of age and I am still sane en- will find that Hubbard recogwhat one believes, and not to ough to write a crazy letter nized this real well at the
Universal Law (John 3:161. like the one you are reading. time. A guy who has passed the
"It is necessary to brain- (0-o-oh, look what I said.) 'crisis point' in his case is
wash and mind-condition the "The truth is, bottled-up real resistant to hypnotic
masses from the cradle to the sex repression will create a control and a guy below this
grave to persuade them to be- pressure that eventually ends level receives almost all comlieve what Herbert W. Gardner up in a sex orgy, rape, or in- munication hypnotically.
calls the Hooly Wurd of God, sanity. Masturbation is a very "This consideration of the
whose writings in ABERREE we poor way of relieving the pres- crisis point is something that
read with keen delight.'' -- red sure, but when the right way will explain one of the diffiJones, Sebring, Fla. is unavailable, I think it's culties that the various orjustifiable, It is good to re- ganizations of Scientology have
"When I read your editorial member that God made sex and in maintaining their groups.
in the September issue of AB- man made marriage, morals, and As an individual improves under
ERREE, I thought to myself, laws, laws, laws, and the only processing he moves toward a
'Well, our dear Editor has let law that man can break is the. crisis point on each of the
a little of Kridler, Hotema, law that man can make. He might dynamics and their subdivisand Gardner rub off on him.' I think he can break Nature's ions. He did not pass thru
probably would have let it go laws (which are God's laws), these crises at the same time
at that...but when I read your but eventually, he pays and on the dynamics. When he goes
editorial in this last October pays and pays... The remedy is thru the crisis the techniques
issue, I decided that perhaps to raise the sex desire into of appropriate control on one
I'd lust as well have a little spirituality. On this plane, side are antithetical to those
something to say on the sub- the positive and negative meet appropriate on the other; thus
ject as well as a lot of oth- in a union that is infinitely an organization which he fiters. more ecstatic than physical is ted into well before is ex"In the first place, I fail ever able to produce. tremely repulsive to him after.
to see what is so wonderful "I see Jacob Apsel is back In my opinion this is why Sciabout this 20th Century rat- again with more of his find- entology does not do anything
race. It is an age of noise, ings... It is quite evident for the 'able: The minute an
regimentation, sublimal adver- that he is in contact with the individual joins the ranks of
tising, tranquilizers, and in- lower astral planes, nothing those difficult to hypnotize,
come tax. If you conform, you more. However, he does have the organizations of Scientoldon't think. If you think, the courage to admit it when ogy, well adapted to controlyou're aberrated. We're proud he has made a mistake. Some ing the 'unable, become reof our mental institutions and time ago, he was quite insis- pulsive to him. This is not
hospitals and want more of them tent that he talked to God, to say that the techniques of
-- and better. Several thousand face to face, as one person to Scientology, many of which, by
years ago, they lived hundreds another. Now he admits that the way, are not original with
of years without hospitals, the entity is not God but only this source, cannot be used to
mental institutions, doctors, accepted as such by the popu- make the able more able, but
or an A.M.A. So I say -- nuts! lation of the plane he has merely that the limitations of
No doubt there could have been contacted, the Scientology organizations
an improvement on their way of "God is of all, and thru all prevent the use of the viewliving, but surely, this tread- and in all... Know thyself and Points necessary to the ac
mill we have today is a mighty thou knowest all (God)." -- Rus- complishment of this end.'' --
poor substitute. sell F. Jones, Ranson, Calif. Infinite 99.
"As to Dr. Karl Kridler, 4 g 4 4