Volume 7, Issue 7, page 16
a masterpiece. It is too bad sublime glories by the ecsta- desire for it. The more the
that it wasn't written by an cies it produces. Well, they world people masturbate, the
M.D. The fact that masturba- both have their points, but more sick it is. Let us not
tion and sensual lust is so neither are realists in the condemn the people or the world
common is the reason for mys- matter, for it, let us try to bring the
ticism and the mystical lan- "This is much too profound conditions to true health." --
guage of the Scriptures. Bib- an issue to treat in a few Paolo Graeco, Oroville, Calif.
Meal facts reveal that the words but without expounding
losses of sexual fluid is the and explaining I would like to "In answer to Rosalind John
major cause of human ailments, point out that the incidence and Sibley S. Morrill et al.,
The sexual fluid is the Bibli- of an orgasm is in fact a allow we to state that nothing
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