Volume 7, Issue 6, page 15

or Hell when his life ends, it horse (they both need to work) ing them to make them grammatseems positively indecent of is that a man can thumb his ital.
the Creator to give him so nose. The difference between a "I invite Fred Hand to relittle time and knowledge for plain man and a thoughtful man fute me. May I suggest he
making up his mind in a ra- is that the thoughtful man can start with the advertisement
tional manner regarding such a realize many ways of using on the back page of the Sepmomentous decision. this ability without making the tember issue. As for the mono"Only thru reincarnation is physical gesture.' Maybe it graph on alchemy by Dr. Carl
there a simple and logical way was his -- maybe he was quoting, G. Jung, it is mentioned in my
in which a Hitler, for example. I don't know." -- Alice W. Smith, book, "The Elixir of Life".
can be made to pay for his Phoenix, Ariz. Dr. Jung did not understand the
crimes and redeem himself. If 4 4 4 mysteries of alchemy but he
he were sent to Hell to fry "people who know Mandah did recognize the fact that the
forever, that would be a waste Love, and how she feels about Bible is a textbook of alchemy.
of whatever modicum of good Subud, and all the fine people I am teaching the true alhappened to be in him. On the who have come here and who came chemy that apparently was lost
other hand, if he completely in the south to her places, for the past few centuries.
obliterated himself when he won't quite understand the flip "About quoting ancients, I
blew his brains out, he really remark as to the 'outside lat- am also guilty of referring to
made suckers of the rest of ihan', 'Adam and Eve' outline the ancients, but my reason is
mankind, for no one in modern (an objection to an item in for self-protection. I prefer
times, at least, ever came last month's 'Hart to Heart'). that it be known that I am not
nearer to getting all he want- "Quite frankly, we take Su- introducing wholly new ideas,
ed -- and by using the tiger's bud seriously, and we plan to no matter how radical they may
way. do so, and have no idea of lat- appear to be. It is a risky
"Of course, some people ar- ihaning other than has been business to upset established
gue that there isn't any jus- set up as the right and effec- beliefs.
tice in the world. But oddly tive way to latihan -- one room "Now, I'll answer the outenough, those who do are the for ladies, another for the burst of J. Lovewisdom. He is
very ones who are always de- men, etc., and to date, it has right, I never saw potato seeds
mending it, and manifestly they always been inside in all pri- planted, tho I have seen
would scarcely be demanding vacy, etc. thousands of acres of potatoes
something that didn't exist. "It is true, we did wonder planted. All I know is that
"Voltaire s a i d that man here in this secluded spot, each eye on a potato is recreated God in his own image, what it might be like to lati- garded as a seed by farmers,
and that if He didn't exist, han under the starlight, but who buy small potatoes as seed
it would be necessary to cre- without permission or plan, I potatoes for planting. The poate Him. In a way he was quite would not do so. We have got- tato, like the human male
right. But no one ever at- ten satisfaction from all our sperm, is not the seed, but it
tempted to say, so far as I 18 months of weekly latihaning contains the seed. With refknow, that man tried to create in groups