Volume 7, Issue 5, page 18
tions. Man himself is the key
to the mysteries of the Bible."
Morris datzen, Cooks Falls,
lew York,
"I am resubscribing because
I like parts of your mag. I
like all the subjects (give me
variety) but not the way some
of them are treated as opinions of the authors or conclusions they have drawn. I would
like to see facts, studies, and
experiments; let me draw my
own conclusions. I don 't mind
opinions on light subjects.
"The parts I consistently
like are: Louis, Burks, Health
Facts, letters, and personality and news bits. I would
like to hear more about Synergetics." -- Roger Stanley, Kansas City, Mo.
"In my short 43 years I
have worked, associated with,
and known professional people
of every class