Volume 7, Issue 4, page 16
Adamski 's 'Telepathy Vols. II, which does not include any- for the main structure a wriIII' (another plugolal could thing to be healed. ter is trying to build step by
tell his how it's done. And "Ego is not the problem, step as one watches; then the
Alfred Dean Burck ('Love Stir- But having a self-conception page ends and so does the arvives One Life to Another '1 less than, or other than the title, without getting the job
would find the same three" books One Self or All-Power (God), done.
would give him an explanation And finally concerning Mr. Pul- "I felt this way about your
other than reincarnation. And yan's article, 'The Absolute article by Dr. Whitehead, on
the exact same -explanations Truth is that God can be known the de la Warr research. He
might answer Margery Mansfield's as well and as closely as you has room to give a very fine
puzzlement -- I refer specifically know your best friend. That is introduction to the experito all events as fixed and us what life is for. I know'. Well, ments but cannot continue with
as moving to or from them in I know that God muss: be known details such as using photos,
time and cell-consciousness or even closer than you know your soil samples, and drops of
atomic-cosmic consciousness. best friend, unless you con- blood for diagnosis followed
"Re: Dr. Noel T. Whitehead, sider your self as your best by healing treatments -- the
M.C., M.B., B.T.Lond,, at first friend. For 'I know' that life things I happen to know about
I thought this to be another is because you know yourself; that would put flesh on the
of Alphia'sjokes meaning Santa God and Life is this endless skeleton and make the whole
Claus as a doctor and I was self-consciousness. seem real. I hope he will congoing at the degrees as Master "Read Dr. Marcus Fite's ar- tinue with this...
of Ceremonies -- couldn't figure title on nuts. I bet they im- "Next comes Alfred Pulyan's
M.B. or B.T.Lond. So read the agine themselves human also." article on 'The World's Ill
article. The joke was more -- Randolph Ray, Covington, La. Health', in which he carries
subtle than I at first im- $ 4