Volume 7, Issue 4, page 5
Author of "The Flame Divine". "The Soul's Secret", "Mystery Man of the Bible", "Cosmic Science", Etc.
T IS COMMON knowledge, among elders,
that Santa Claus is a fictitious character, employed to entertain and deceive the children. But it's difficult
to make the mind-conditioned masses
believe the gospel Jesus is just as
fictitious, and used to entertain,
deceive, and CONTROL, the adults. The
fable of the Crucifixion and Resurrection of gods is so old that all
traces of its origin are lost.
The fable was invented by the Ancient Masters and used in the dramas of the ancient
mysteries to teach the hidden meaning of the
misunderstood and dreaded process of creation
called death.
No man, no community, no nation escapes its
shadow. It affects all our acts and enters
into national policies. It is the drop of gall
in the cup of happiness. Children and animals
fear it. Old age dreads it. Even disease, poverty, and crime shrink from release by death.
Ana so, the drama of the Ancient Mysteries
symbolized the crucifixion and resurrection of
a god to explain to the neophyte the true nature of this mysterious phase of the creative
process, which changes man "in the twinkling
of an eye" (says the Bible) from corruptible
to incorruption, from temporal to eternal ,
from mortal to immortality (1 Cor.15;52, 531.
There it is, right in the Bible, and how the
church fathers let that data get into their
"Word of God" is surprising to those who understand.
The teaching of the church makes it highly
difficult to persuade the mind-conditioned
masses to believe that the same universal process of creation which brings man into the
visible world from the invisible world is the
same process that takes him out of the visible
world and back to the invisible world.
It is strange that people can be made to
believe that after a Universal Power -- call it
God if you please -- brings man into the visible
world, that power should desert him and leave
him at the mercy of greedy, scheming priests
and preachers, or that he must depend for anything at all upon an unreasonable, unnatural,
illogical belief in a "crucified god". It's
almost on a par with the big, fat Santa Claus
who can bring a bag with enough toys for all
the children in the world down a chimney too
small, normally, for one of his boots.
The "crucified and resurrected god" fable
has been a great source of profit and power
for the Mother Church. But "crucified and resurrected saviors" were common creatures in the
ancient world. Kersey Graves shows in his book,
"The World's 18 Crucified Saviors" (1875 copyright), that Christianity is just a version of
this fable, falsely presented as actual history, and from which has been skilfully eliminated everything relating to the original pur
pose of the fable.
This fable has been widely celebrated as an
important event in the life of Man. It was
celebrated in India as far back as 3300 B.C.
in the "crucifixion and resurrection" of Chrishna, and in Asia Minor in 1170 B.C. as the " crucifixion and resurrection" of Atys.
In ancient Rome, mourning priests marched
in solemn procession, bearing aloft the emblem
of a young man, nailed to a tree and wearing
on his head a crown of violets, which was
changed to a crown of thorns in the case of
Jesus (Matt. 27:29, etc.).
He was the Phrygian god Atys, son of the
great mother Cybele, symbol of the zodiac sign
Virgo the Virgin, and he was "dead". But on
the third day, the mourning turned to a great
festival of joy, for "Atys had risen".
The time of the year was early spring, when
violets bloomed and all nature was resurrecting from winter sleep. "The dead are rising
to life", said the astrologers, and the people
rejoiced and celebrated. This event was symbolized in their zodiac, and that is one reason
why the church hates and fears astrology.
The purpose of the fabulous "crucifixion and
resurrection" of a god was to honor and celebrate this cosmic process of creation. Card 20
of the ancient Tarot, titled "The Resurrection", portrayed this scene. The "faithful"
don't know that the ceremonies now held by Roman Catholics on Good Friday and Easter are
imitations of this ancient event.
Neither do the Masons know that the ritual
of the Third Degree of the Blue Lodge is based
on this ancient doctrine.
At the appointed time in the ancient ceremony, devotees of the "god " shouted: "Death is
swallowed up in victory. 0 death where is tby
sting? 0 grave, where is thy victory?" (Isa.
25:81 1 Cor. 15:54-55).
Atys also was called "The Only Begotten Son
and Savior" (Jn. 13:16), and was worshipped by
the Phrygians, regarded as one of the oldest
races of Asia Minor, much more ancient than
the Jews. Cybele, his virgin mother who became
Mary in the story of Jesus, was worshipped
thruout Asia Minor long ages before the world
ever heard of Christianity. In the Asiatic
Pantheon, she was the "Queen of Heaven" and
the Great Mother of the Gods. About 210 B.C.,
her worship was introduced in Rome. The Galli
now used in the churches of Italy were anciently
used in the worship of Cybele (called Galliambus, and sang by her priests).
The drama of the symbolical crucifixion of
Atys and his resurrection was not instituted
for the absurd purpose of teaching the masses
that this event "took away the sins of the
world" (Jn.1:29'), but for the exalted purpose
of teaching the doctrine of the future life.
It was the most popular religious celebration in Rome for years, and continued until