Volume 6, Issue 3, page 15
ending (FOR NOW), and in life,
"The latihan experience for
me is like allowing an attic
or cellar to be cleared out
without having to handle or
examine everything that was
stored there. The examining
of each packaged concept is a
very slow process , as many of
us have found out. The wisdom
of the body will do its own
realigning, if LET BE.
"Would like to give you bits
of information about people,
but they seem to be rather
touchy about personal info.
However, I know several Doctors
of Scientology who are participating or waiting to participate in Subud. I believe that
auditors are quite aware of
the automaticity that most of
us suffer from, and the value
of letting one keep his certainties, thru experience itself, and not thru any outside
dogma...How many doors or windows were open to me when I
let the P.0 teach me his credo.
And how we communicate when he
or she feels that I am open to
conversion if the credo or individual has that potentiality. And how much beauty I
found when I looked from the
point of view of an agnostic,
at any and every credo the P-C
might have...
"I liken a spiritual concept to a highly-powered magnet which will draw away from
the gravity attraction - -sort
of an anti - gravity power. A
satellite with enough power
could pull rockets off the
earth. So can an idea with
enough faith pull away from
conditioned matter," -- Alberta
Elliott, Greenville, S. Car.
"The comment of George R.
Clements of Sebring, Fla., re.
cold storage beings: a man in
Michigan,. lying out in near
zero weather for Z) hours, was
frozen stiff. He came out of
it O.K. As to his query about
'thought control', he should
read 'Brain-washed America'
"Of course, it is my mission to challenge conventional
thinking. I am making a career
of it." - - P wane A. Cromwell,
El Monte, Calif.
(ED. NOTE -- You and Clements
are closer in your thinking
than you think , What you said
in your book is not nearly as
forceful as what you write today. Do you admit it?)
"In the May issue, Mr. Paul
O'Neill has raised an objection
to Zen that appears to plague
many other students, not only
of Zen but of all the Eastern
"Mr. O'Neill says: 'Zen is
JUNE, 1959
concerned with the deflation
of the conscious Ego. Zen aspires to the awakening of a
new center, which only explodes
into consciousness after a long'
series of defeats and humiliations, which have been so accepted by the disciple.'
"The statement is literally
true, but only in the original
context . Baldly set forth, it
would appear that the Zen master humiliates and defeats his
disciple. But consider the
starting point of Buddhism as
being the Four Holy Truths,
proclaimed by S'hakyamuni (the
prince of the Shakyas who took
the title of Buddha after his
enlightenment). These Truths
are that birth, life, and death
are suffering. (2) That suffering comes from craving (for
rebirth, for delight, for experience, for immortality, for
extinction), (3) The stopping
of suffering is to stop craving. (4) The steps to the stoppage are the eight-fold path
of right views, right intentions, right speech, right
conduct , right livelihood,
right effort, right mindfulness, right concentration.
"So, the seeker is already
suffering when he comes to the
teacher for relief. The teacher applies the remedy. So Buddhism and Scientology start
with a common goal, the relieving of human ills. But the
paths part right at the beginning. Scientology encourages
one to grasp for material successes. Buddhism does not. Why
not? Because the desire for
success is the root of the
evil. The preclear is not attacked. His aberrations are!
"Now, if the disciple thinks
he is what wants his own way,
he will not like the remedy.
What a person thinks he is, is
called the Ego. So he must be
disentangled from his Ego, and
more correctly , a different
and less painful one substituted. It is not enough to give
up prosperity. One must also
give up the need for poverty.
Hence the dualities of good
and evil are seen as the personal property of the Ego.
Einstein declared that in his
judgment, 'God is not plain
mean'. God is detached, not
emotionally involved. So the
disciple of Buddha seeks calmness. In fact, travelers to
Asia have universally remarked
on the light-hearted cheerfulness of the inhabitants. But in
America we see shiny cars and
dour faces. Our drug stores
are crammed with remedies for
every condition imaginable,
and also with miserable looking specimens on a frantic
search for something better.
Our churches are thronged with
the penitent , the newspapers
with columns for the lovelorn.
Christ said the rich man cannot enter Heaven. In Buddhism ,
rich and poor are equal. You
can be both rich and happy.
"The Bible says, seek ye
first the kingdom of God, and
all else shall be added unto
you. And so does Buddhism , if
we define God as that which
sustains the world. The original Latin word religio from
which "religion" comes meant
'that which binds together'.,
"It is the right use of religion that Buddha spoke of.
But the trouble is that man
seeks to do everything his own
way... So many Buddhists went
too far in the other direction,
and spent all their time seeking the prized Nirvana. Yet
Buddha said, 'Did I promise to
teach you of Nirvana , or not
to teach of Nirvana?' He did
not because such questions of
religion or material success
do not lead to enlightenment.
"In an early lecture L.R.
Hubbard made a most siknificant statement. 'The problem
is to keep the analyzer out of
the process' . Zen recognizes
the human tendency to conjecture on too little data as the
prime difficulty. Hubbard had
no method of stoppingg,,a~alyses,
and so cooked up th'Wory and
technique after theory and
technique. He did not stop and
consider where and why he was
"So, too, t h e student of
Zen does not consider where or
why he is going. The present
is so uncomfortable he must
flee anywhere. Many readers of
The ABERREE are also behaving
like they had sat on an ant
heap. So do the Flying Saucer
believers. Got to get out and
keep going...
"The teacher must stop the
mad flight into the void. He
does so in Zen by use of questions, which lead the disciple
on into a mesh of ideas. He is
not allowed to deny that the
questions are meaningless.
Eventually he real izes the
nature of mind, and the true
nature of himself. He is like
a lion who thinks he is a lamb
until confronted by a mirror
and realizes that he is a lion , -- Richard Lundberg, Set
Jose, Calif.
"To Dr. M. Fite, Kellogg,
Ida.(in Dec. issue), that poem
not only came to him, but was
FOR him -- for all of us, the
poor millions of MISled people
who have been so terribly deceived by a fraudulent clergy
down thru the ages, and look
for a God, and His Son, 'Up