Volume 6, Issue 3, page 10
e Swindle
of ytholicism
BURNING question that rises with the
dawn of the race is: "If a man dies,
shall he live again?" (Job 14.14).
Literature that has lasted the longest is that which has been based
upon a desire for, or an expectation or actual
knowledge of, a future life.
"There is no death," wrote Huntley, in
" Harmonics of Evolution", and added, "Life after physical death is a fact scientifically
Now, according to Christian dogma, Life is
ruled by belief, not by law. Its religious
system rests upon the following unscientific
statement: "For God so loved the world that He
gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should no t perish , but have
everlasting life" (Jn. 3: 16 1.
There are many reasons why this statement
should not be taken seriously. First, then
are at least three different Gods mentioned in
the Bible, and we are not told which of these
Gods gave the world "His only begotten San".
Second, this arbitrary, unnatural dogma fails
to fit in a universe of law and order, in
which every cosmic phenomena and process occur
according to immutable law .
Dr. Robert Walter made this shrewd observation: "The immortality of Life is proved in
the same way as the indestructibility of matter... The human being surely becomes individualized once for all, and having learned much
from earthly experience, he returns (in death)
from whence he came (the Astral Realm), to
carry with him thru all the future whatever he
may have gained (on earth). It is not to be
presumed that man's experience for gain will
ever cease, and he necessarily takes with him
the products of the past...
"When dynamite explodes, the force is not
lost, but has changed its position. Just so
with man when he dies. He has not lost his
life, but has changed his position, going forward to another state" (Vital Science).
The process called "death" is not understood, nor is it generally known that cosmic
phenomena move in cycles, as vapor to water to
ice, and from ice back to water and to vapor.
Nothing is lost; nothing but form begins,
and nothing but form ends.
Many ask: "Why are we here?" To that question, Dr. James Clark gives a scientific answer
in his "Eternal Time" in this striking observation: "The only justification for (man's)
existence is gain. Existence of a Life Farm,
via a physical body, results in the gain of
action (on the earth plane). Existence in the
death phase, without any form of body, results
in the gain of no action (on the visible plane).
The life and death phases (of the Ego) are coexisting essentials in continuing (man's) existence; and the existence of either (phase)
without the presence of the other (phase) is
an impossibility.
"The realization (of the cosmic cycle) in
full understanding that no state (of existence)
can ever begin unless some other previous
state is ending, enables us at last to see
with clear vision that man may spend a lifetime in action as a Life Form, studying in any
one of the many 'Temples', and no matter thelofty architecture, nor the awe-inspiring design of the High Altar as seen in St. Peter's,
Rome, or the cyclotron in Harwell, England,
there is only one incident of major and fundamental importance that can ever happen to him.
"And this incident provides all the reason
there can ever be for having lived -- which is
the insuring of the Cycle in the Eternal Action
of Life, and thus creating with certainty the
supreme privilege and reward of living again --
HE CAN DIE! (Without death, there can be no
future life -- Hotema)
"There is no observable action in the entire universe that is not fundamentally dependent for its continuity upon Cyclic Change;
and as surely as day follows night, so MUST
That scientific philosophy meets the test
of law, is hoary with age, and was taught by
all the Ancient Masters for thousands of years
before Christianity was ever invented. It appears in the Bhagavad Gita as follows:
"Know thou, 0 Prince of Pandu, that there
never was a time when I, nor thou, nor any of
these princes of the earth, was not; nor shall
there ever come a time hereafter when any of
us shall cease to be. (The Ego is as eternal
as the stars -- Hotema).
"As the Ego, wearing this material form,
experienceth the stages of infancy, youth,
manhood, and old age; even so shall it, in due
time, pass on to another body, and in subsequent incarnations shall it again live (on the
earth plane), and move, and play its part.
"Those (wise ones) who have attained the
wisdom of the Inner Doctrine know these secrets, and fail to be moved by aught that
cometh to pass in this world of change. To
such, Life and Death are but words (of description), and both (words) are but the surface aspects of the deeper being".
In that very ancient scroll, the Egyptian
Book of the Dead, it is stated that the Ego,
'projecting itself into one physical embodiment after another, 'steppeth onward thru
eternity' " (Kuhn, in Lost Light, P. 41) .
This ancient philosophy appears in the
Christian Bible, but is not understood by the
masses because not correctly presented by the
preacher, who may not understand it himself.
And if it were correctly and clearly presented, that preacher would not only be unfrocked
but that knowledge would bring the end of orthodox Christianity and dispose of its Jesus.
The Bible definitely says, "Behold, I show
you a mystery; we shall not sleep (in death),
but we shall be changed" (to immortality) --
1 Cor. 15:51.
And so, according to cosmic law, ancient
philosophy, and the findings of modern science,
when man dies he simply changes to another
state, just as the Bible says. The only "mystery" surrounding the cosmic process called
death, rises from ignorance and false teaching.
And here again Dr. Clark points out the
fact that there is only one incident of major
and fundamental importance that can ever happen to man -- and that indicates how exceedingly
futile it is for man "to spend a lifetime in
action as a Life Form , studying in any of the
Temples" anywhere on earth, under the foolish,
silly impression that he will learn from the
teachers some mysterious secret of Life.
Dr. Clark said: "All the mystery surrounding Life is dependent upon the continuous
creation of the Unknown".
(To be continued in the next issue.)
10 The ABERREE JUNE, 1959