Volume 5, Issue 3, page 13

roofs, which they did not have the probability of Jesus never name from that of Baal. In
in Galilee; Mark describes oc- existing, you have to postu- Hebrew, W and U are the same
currences which sound like late the existence of a sci- letter, so the magic power in
eyewitness accounts of Peter ence of the mind in which the the expression 'Yahu' could
describing what he witnessed past has its reality because of continue to operate when Yahin Palestine; and if Marcion people agreeing that it is weh was said.
wrote the Gospel of Mark, why there, and it is possible as a "Among the Gnostics, the
didn't he put it in his New
Testament? result to change the past ar- original name of God was used
'Again , Constantine could ound and put a real Jesus born transliterated into Greek letof a real virgin Mary into it. ters, IAO. They must have got
not have done much Bible mak- "Now it seems to me certain this practice from the Essenes,
ing. The thing is: the New that the odds are that the Es- and we can get a good idea,
Testament represents the books senes and the First Century therefore, of how the Kundalireceived by the Catholic and church described in the New ni science underlying the New
Orthodox churches. Constantine Testament a r e identical. A Testament originated.
called the Council of Nice,
large First Century organiza- "The ancient Israelites abwhich legislated for the Cath- tion goes out of existence af- stained from sex in time of
olic Church, but he did not ter its adherents are denied war in order that the sexual
buy what the Council taught; the use of the synagogues by force should work in the way
he made the Arian (burch, Rabbi Gamaliel II and a large it does in a bull kept away
which that Council condemned, organization organized in the from a cow, in order to build
the established religion of same way appears all over the up blood lust against the ent h e Roman Empire, and the Roman Empire at the beginning emy. They carried on a fertilCatholic Church led a pro- of the Second Century, without ity cult in time of peace in
scribed existence largely un- any history outside of the New order to have plenty of sex to
der-cover during most of his Testament books and other build up into blood lust. The
reign and that of his immedi- writings excluded from the New entire philosophy of all anciate successors. There were two Testament, t h a t read as if ent Semites was based on the
religious denominations in ex- they were written by Essenes. idea that if you knew the name
istence, besides the Catholic "The most important piece of a thing you could control
Church, appealing to the same of evidence, in my opinion, is what the name stood for; Yahu
writing that the Catholic to be found in Josephus. It is obviously was the name of a
Church used and hostile to it so plain that people ignore it sexual force that made it pos -- the Novatian Church and the because it is so obvious. Jos- sible to control it. The Dead
Donatist Church, that could ephus writes about the High Sea scrolls show that the Eshave effectually prevented priest Ananias, the grandson senes were not ignorant of the
their enemy from getting by of Annas and the son of Ca- nature of their ancestors' rewith any extensive revision iphas, that he arrested 'the ligion. In the Book of Discipof the texts; and, also, the Brother Jesus, whom they line it is stated that between
Peshitto version of the Assyr- called Christ; his name was the time Joshua hid the law in
ians seems to have been made Jacob', and had him stoned to the ark and Hilkiah brought it
prior to Constantine 's time in, death Now,, if Josephus, in forth in the- tilse oY _.Josiah-,
entry under the jurisdiction referring to Saint James the the people of Israel w o rof the Persian Empire and Less (Jacob and James are the shipped Ashtoreth (Venus). The
hence not subject to actions same name), meant to say that Essenes were organized in a
of the Roman Government, and he was the brother of Jesus, military manner; t h e y h a d
it contains substantially the why didn't he say so? Hegesip- changed the ancient method of
text of the Greek. pus describes Saint James as using the name Yahu to control
"I personally consider my- being considered by the Jews the force needed for blood
self to be an entirely ortho- to be the true High Priest of lust into a method of using
dox Christian. It seems to me Israel. Josephus seems clearly the name Yahu to change the
certain that the entire his- to say that Saint James was a force into religious mysticism.
torical probability of t h e wonder-worker who belonged to "That a High Priest, using
origin of Christianity is that an inner-circle of the Essenes his authority to pronounce the
the historic Jesus did not ex- called the Jesus Brothers, and unspeakable name in order to
ist. To face this reality, in was the Christ that is the an- work wonders, should be called
my opinion, helps rather than ointed High Priest of Israel a Brother Jesus is entirely
hurts orthodoxy. Most modern in the opinion of the Essenes. logical. Jesus is the name
clergymen want an unorthodox "The name of the God of Is- Joshua written in Greek. IniTolstoyan Jesus who was a rael was not Yahweh; it was tiation into the Essenes was
great sage but a purely human Yahu or Yaw, these two being through baptism; and the whole
figure, in order that they different transliterations of symbolism of baptism is that
might be able to handle that the same Hebrew letters, pro- of Joshua leading the twelve
element of Christianity which nounced the same. The phrase tribes through the river Joris in opposition to currently