Volume 5, Issue 3, page 8

be buul'o secret 4 w By REV. JACOB IRISTY
ED. NO2E -- f he story of Jesus -- is it fable, symbol, or
history? Must it eventually join Santa Claus and the Easter
Bunny as we grow to maturity? We don't know -- and we doubt
if one more exposd of some of the religious crimes committed by orthodox churches will change any minds -- either may.

The "saving or the soul"
according to the directions
contained in the 16th verse of
the third chapter of John is
contrary to what Paul taught.
He excluded no man regard
less of his belief. He said.
"For we know that if our
earthly house (terrestrial
body) were dissolved, we have
a building (celestial body)
not made with hands, eternal
in the heavens" (2 Cor. 3:1).

In "Ancient Sun God", Prof.
Hilton Hotema shows that the
reason for changing the word
"Sol" to "Soul", and then
shrouding "Soul" in mystery,
was to conceal from the masses
the sun worship of the ancient
world -- the oldest religion on
earth, which was molded and
distorted by the biblical makers in the Holy Bible, and
then presented to the multitude as Christianity.

Holy comes from Helios
Greek for "sun", and Bible
comes from biblia, Greek for
"book". So, the Holy Bible was
the Sun Book of the ancient
Masters, who regarded man as a
Unit composed of everything in
the universe. In the Bhagavad
Gita, it is written*
"0 descendant of Bnarata I
See wonders in numbers unseen
before. Within sy body, 0 GudakesaI See today the whole
universe, including everything
savable and immovable, ALL IN
This Unitology is taught by
natural science as follows:
1. All things in the universe are related.
2. All things are composed
of the same substance.
3. All things are produced
by the same process.
4. All things are animated
by the same force.
5. All things are governed
by the same law.
6. All things react to one
law and one force according to
their constitution.
7. Man is the epitomistic
representation of the universe.

With this classification as
our premise, if we proceed in
o u r processes in a direct
course thru time to infinite
results, our conclusions should
present a correct solution of
our problem.
(To be continued)
COLUMBUS, Ohio , 1 May -- An
air of excitement, of imminent
fulfillment, pervades the synergetic community.

Here is what the approach
to synergic stability is like.
The first thing that happens
is a short but thrilling experience of the synergic mode.
Overdrive turns on, and you
find yourself functioning far
more effectively than you usually do. You are amazed at
the acuteness of your perceptions, the lucidity of your
thinking, the aptness of your
actions. If you want to recall
something, the memory comes.
Moreover, it is accurate; you
feel sure of its accuracy and
checks confirm it, tho these
are unnecessary. Recall may or
may not be eidetic (photographic). For some it comes as
concepts, but one thing stands
out: It fits into your need
and interests of the moment.
You get precisely the data you
need -- no more and no less.

There is, of course, a
state of manic elation, which
can sometimes occur, and which
should not be confused with
overdrive. Actually, it is
quite easy to tell the difference. The things that happen
in overdrive hold up under objective, cr tical appraisal;
not so in manic elation. Manic
elation is illustrated by the
following famous story: A man
awoke from a dream with the
elated feeling that he had
solved the riddle of the uni8
verse. Quickly he got pen and
paper to write it down before
the glorious secret vanished.
With trembling hands, he finished and fell back on his bed,
blissful in the knowledge that
the secret of the ages was-now
safely available to all.

Came the dawn. Sure enough,
he had forgotten the secret,
so he took a look at what he
had written. There, he read
the immortal words which will
forever ring down the corridors of time:
" Hogamus, pogamus, woman is
"Iggimus, pigimus, man is
That man had not been in
(Another example might be
the exclamatory elation felt
by the man who discovered that
the symbol for infinity -- pp --
was simply the number 8 turned
on its side.)
In overdrive there is enthusiasm, but not manic elation. Sooner or later, however, it fades.

The next step in the approach to synergic stability
is that overdrive starts turning on more frequently. At
first, it may be only once
every few months. Then it begins to happen once a month,
then pra'cically every day. By
this time, the individual has
"gone PSI" (0 synergese " for
pre-stable interval) -- synergic
50% or more of the time. Steadily, this percentage rises.

Finally, he enters the stage
of stabilization. This is a
process about which we still
know little