Silence That Is Golden — Can Be Murder
Silence That Is Golden — Can Be Murder
HAS A CURE for cancer been available
these past ten years, yet doctors
and officials in a position to
save thousands of lives kept this
fact suppressed? And how should we categorize those who raise no hand to stop a
slaughter, when they know that more than
3.000 "ashcan cases'' -- sent home to die --
have been treated by doctors supervising
the Drosnes- Lazenby Cancer Clinic of
4774 Liberty Avenue, Pittsburgh, Penna.,
with 90 percent symptomatic improvement
in their patients over the last decade?
You can't convict them of murder, of
course. But would you if you could?
How many die, in the United States
alone, of cancer? Scores of thousands.
And if the record set forth here is true,
as this writer thoroly believes, in fact,
knows. most of them during the last ten
years died needlessly.
For scores of "ashcan cases" were
saved. And that's a flat statement of
provable fact.
In L942, Philip L. Drosnes, a tire
salesman, and Lillian Lazenby, a dietician, got together and started growing
molds in the basement of Mrs. Lazenby's
rooming house. Both had lost loved ones
to the dread killer. Both had resolved to
devote their lives to hunting a cancer
cure. After five years of research, during which hundreds of tests were run on
molds grown in pots, pans, dishes, they
finally recognized a structure they discovered to be, and later proved to be,
the causative agent of cancer. The last
part of their experiment was done on
guinea pigs, into which human cancer tissue was transplanted. The animals became
ill, were treated, returned to health, and
the guilty cell vanished from the blood.
Drosnes and Lazenby knew the cause of
cancer. could find it in the blood, and
had developed the treatment for it.
But neither Drosnes nor Lazenby was a
"cancer expert". They had no letters after
their names. Both knew they could not
practice medicine without a license, and
both knew they couldn't obtain licenses.
But they didn't want to practice medicine. They simply wished to bring mankind
an encouraging treatment for cancer. They
never have claimed more than that for it,
in spite of the fact many of their "ashcan cases" -- biopsy-proved cancer patients
sent home by hospitals, physicians, and
clinics to die -- are atill alive after
years. One of them, whose insurance had
lapsed, had it reinstated easily, despite
a cancer background.
Something of tremendous value! They'd
ED. NOTP -- In some ways, this story by Arthur Burks may duplicate the one we used on
the Drosnes-Lazenby clinic last June, but
we feel it is worth reprinting for what additional information it may contain -- and for
new readers. Besides, Burks says, a number
of other magazines, even some which pride
themselves for their exposes, were afraid to
point an accusing finger at the "experts"
who have found cancer one of their best-paying commodities. Disease, to some segments
of the medical profession, is like war to
the Pentagon -- they've got to have them, or
how else could they make such a luxurious
living without corking for it?
give it to some hospital, some cancer organization, national public health group.
or somebody authorized to make use of it.
They called it Mucorhicin because tests
showed the material to contain mucor,
rhizopus, and pennecellium. A priest who
watched their work, and believed in it,
arranged a consultation for them with the
pathologists of three hospitals in succession. In each one, Drosnes and Lazenby were ridiculed, humiliated, and insulted. They were admittedly not "cancer
experts" ! Worse still, they were, under
the supervision of bona fide physicians,
administering Mucorhicin to victims free.
Such a thing was unheard of. You didn't
treat a cancer patient free! You bankrupted him and everybody who helped him,
and when he no longer could pay for what
you couldn't do for him -- after the knife,
radium. and X-ray -- you sent him home, or
somewhere -- it didn't matter much where
after he was broke -- to die.
Drosnes and Lazenby, and their daring
physician, gathered up the remains sent
home by the experts -- and began putting
them back on their feet. Not all, by any
means, for some were in coma when treatment started. but enough for the two researchers to know they had developed
something spectacular.
And they couldn't give it away!
They had, at first, administered Mucorhicin to patients at their homes, or
wherever the patients were, twice daily.
They stretched themselves so far, while
still holding down their jobs to finance
themselves, that they almost put sleep
out of their lives. They needed a clinic.
The associate pastor of St. Joseph's
church in Pittsburgh, Father F. X. Feldmeier, let them use the basement recreation rooms of the church. There their
first medical supervisor, Dr. Paul A.
Murray, administered or supervised the
treatment of a rapidly growing roster of
the otherwise doomed.
Their work began to attract attention.