Volume 5, Issue 1, page 15
ality Analysis profiles were I wouldn't say that anyone I havingness. It's become a part
showing some striking improve- know of made it. What this all of my every-day mental proments. I personally am not means is that I'm not sure cesses, now. I have found that
satisfied with their testing that the 19th was any more I can, if I discover that I am
Procedures—they aren't com- productive than the 18th, bul 'fighting' some small thing in
plete, and they are ignoring a now the students think. that the environment, usually blow
tremendous memory factor in some of the other students are it on contact. T h e bigger
giving the same IA. test more clears. Confused? things -- job , house, etc. -- I
than once. (They have three 'You instructed me, among must talk over with someone in
forms, but give one each week; others, to analyze my motives order to discover just what it
after three weeks' processing, behind my g o a l s , in this is I am fighting. Mostly I
you're going round again.) But month's auditorial. I haovebeen find that I have two purposes
things are happening. I wish I scrounging around trying to in conflict. Then it's a matcould get my fingers into that find a goal behind which I ter of assigning importance
testing program. You could might find a motive to anal- and/or making a choice (nearly
turn out a det of statistics yze. During this search, ] synonymous). What I'm trying
that would knock everyone for found again a decision that I to say is that whereas I have
sloop. The HASI just seems to think was one of the most im- no intention of setting myself
be sitting on them, not know- portent, case-wise, that I've up as an example, I have been
ing what to do about them, made. This is the decision not able to arrive at a very satThen, of course, there's that to wait until I am clear to isfactory and workable(for mel
occasional 'no change' case start operating in this loci- day-to-day mode of existence.
that still crops up -- very dis• ety. I'll get to clear when I I can usually at the end of a
couraging. get there. In the meantime, I month see that I am operating
"One graduate of the 19th hoist myself up a notch, or a little (sometimes very litA. C. C., just completed, says half a notch. every so often, tie) more effectively than I
that there were four or five process my difficulties, and was a month before. At least,
'book clears' made on that in general enjoy myself. I got I haven't given up hope." --
course. I know that some of quite a boost out of the 18th Ralph 8txnson, Orlando, Fla.
the 18th A.C. C. people made A. C. C . , but I seem able to
tremendous gains, but they make some gains with that ver- "I would like to touch upon
weren't talking about clears boten self-processing -- an As.
at that time, so no one expec- Ising process on 'resistances'
tad anyone to reach clear, and that I . find alternated with ommereials
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