Volume 4, Issue 5, page 17

split toward the positive and would be corr
others toward the negative? would be a sp
People are definitely being The Truth comes
'split' -- within themselves and who are in eve]
from each other. The sheep and the truth. Bu
the goat condition. Many people error might all
call a thing 'right' and do fore, it is wil
not add relative to which pole, spirits' . Ask
the positive or the negative, that Christ
Our order is on the positive- flesh.
negative scheme. Or, spirit- "A strange
ually speaking, Christ vs. the beings. They
devil. Is a thing right rela- thing without
tive to Christ, or right rela- do the opposit
tive to evil? If the relative without due ex:
part were brought up, less ar- er practice is
guments would be in effect. Those who do
"Humanity, today, is prodi- a stumbling
gal . The prodigal . son left path to inte
home (went out of his mind) who join beco
and 'came to' at the end of run in circles
seven years. Nebuchadnezzar, ditions have o
the king, made an image of fett on many
gold. As punishment, he went therapy, for on
`out of his mind' and lived as for another.
a 'beast' for seven years. The 1igent(for the
famine, not from food and wa- sons have been
ter, but from hearing the of these two
truth, is a seven-year deal. Ingersoll a n
Etc., etc. So, what night be each did this
possible in 1057? They confused
"Have enjoyed the later ar- Bible with m
titles in Aberree. The think- t.ions and spen
ing is more advanced, and not ing to deny
like many earlier topics of Bible, never s
thought which were mostly a ize what they
case of `words without sub- kept talking
stance'. And notice that God and running Ch
is mentioned more often. Takes same time -- the
a sort of nerve to mention God agreed with th
or Christ in today's self-made, 'You shall kno
self-determined world. (The the truth will
opposite to self, ina negative "Very few
way, is someone else's self- constructive
authority.) good thing,
"'Ye are gods' , but NOT God , necessity. If
Human beings (the spirit part) such, we woul
can be OF God. Unless you hap- freedom we al
pen to slide in the opposite striving for.
direction and become of evil that is good,
error). One thing
(error). All subjects
"Great thinker -- Plato. The truthfully i
`Daemon' of Socrates, however, selves. No tru
was misnamed. It was actually another trut
the 'spirit of truth'. Socrates Rosecrans, Mes
had access to this 'spirit of
truth' because he was a sin- "18 months
cere, conscious seeker o f correspondence
truth. A lover of wisdom. And deleted), all
not an axe-grinding pretender, The ABERREE r
better known as hypocrite. But figure some on
in most cases the word Daemon have thought o
Mathison Pte