Plowing Up the Field

ped in The A
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Plowing Up the Field Now , however,
the newest "
that he's thi
¶ Fans who take their sci- of taking h:
ence fiction seriously -- and course come
it's amazing how many there some such tim
are -- will hold their fifth an- the "science
nual convention in Enid over somewhat. We
the Labor Day week-end -- August reminds us o
31 and September 1 and 2, ac- our enthusiasm
cording to Walt Bowart presi- that was when
dent of the`OlL ~klahoma clearing gum
Science Fiction growl. Terri- someone was
tory from which they hope to cleared" .
attract delegates includes Ok- ¶ Several
1ahoma, Kansas, Texas, Colo- amazed and
rado, Missouri, Arkansas, and our friends b
Louisiana. Kent corey. co- tristmas car(
chairman of the affair and ed- August -- for
itor of the fan magazine, A LA gave us a cha
SPACE, says the program will noses at a cum
feature such celebrities as taken over,
inston rTucker , author and barrel , by th
ecturer ; as 011iver, sci- terests, but
ence fiction writer; Mar- we found them
tinez, "authority" on recent munications
s sits ntific developments; prof, check mark on
D. V. Dougherty, head of Phil- received". T
lips University's physics de- we sent out
partment, and un-celebrity few sample cot
pis }fart, who's supposed REE to our "1
discuss Scientology and Dia- are not sub
netics but may wind up talking our surprise,
about what a dead roach does Nicholas, in
to a corn martini in dry Okla- of Totality
home, The program starts Sat- postmanl, drourday with registration at 1 our counter.
P P. M M. (Youngblood Hotel 1, and as is her wont
continues until after the auc- of things not
tion Monday afternoon. Those its wrappings
wanting more information can tie of "Chri
get it by writing Oklacon V, cologne, proBox 64, Enid... and a devil1 Zero Friedman, after a ably for Ye
lon-n-n-nn-n-g rater in Ari- reversing thin
zona, is RUSHING back to his tality Walshe
architectural desk in Pitts- anna... e
burgh, Penn., to finish out the Brooklyn, admi
summer, according to a chain doing much
of picture postcards mailed en few months -- E
route. Emergency stops along that little
the way include such gas sta- April 12, is
tions as the Grand Canyon, now, Herb sit]
Bryce Canyon, Zion National quite content
Park, and, we suppose, Paris, and smile" --
London, and Cairo -- altho we've isn't complain
yet to receive evidence of errated univer stops in those way-stations... like an ideal
¶ Norm M Fritz, Wichita, stop- to keep an inf
o Zim n p e ogists in g al r a h n sc t p Yb P s ua Ra
BERREE office on ¶ Altho there were a halfafter attending dozen guesses, no one picked
gy Congress in the name Volney Mathison once
Before reaching considered before he adopted
stopped in West "p resleep tapes"-•and we guess
orida, Georgia, it's just as well . We almost
Welaos in Ala- hesitate to confess Ye Ed came
g evels of so- up with the correct name before
rels" here and the envelope was opened, but
e interested in he thought he was being faceof research Nor- tious, and his guess neither
without the of- was serious nor official . Anysing". Norman, by way, he wasn't eligible. Add
robably one of to this the fact he hasn't
essful Scientol- much time for sleep, let alone
field, inasmuch pre-sleep, and you'll underable able to effec- stand why he hesitates to adthe data without sit his back - yard discussion
self with from of an appropriate title with
en certificates. Ye publisher one evening. But,
he is so sold on as we said, it's probably just
this is it" line as well, because Volney is so
eking seriously busy making about 25 of the
s first training things a day that adding one
next spring, or more for a successful contests as it appears ant might be a bit more than
".has stabilized Volney could take. After all ,
wish him luck. It he has to have some sleep and
f the days when pre-sleep, too... ¶ Last year ,
also waxed, but RE. J. Robert Martin o-f Milwe thought "theta ford, Del., sent us a peyote
ranteed " meant plant, but during the two weeks
oing to be "theta it took to arrive by mail, the
plant completely disintegrated.
years ago, we This year , however, the good
ienated some of doctor has undertaken to foil
y sending out our "these couriers of rain and
s in July and snow", and we got assail packtwo reasons: it et of seed. If we can culture
ce to thumb our them in a flower pot, we're
tom that has been going to grow cacti, by gum! ,
lock , stock. and even if we have to dig up a
e commercial in- cherry tree for space...
more important, ¶ When we saw the way weeds
e mid-summer com- can flourish after floods on
bit more than a Hart's Half-Acre, this spring,
a list of "cards we looked at the callouses on
is year, however, our hands and decided to do
o cards -- only a something about it. This may
ies of The ABER- explain the reason for the new
riends(?1" who building going up on the back
ribers. Imagine of our place -- weeds just won't
then, when Saint grow under a cement floor. Or
he form of a bit it may be that the magazine is
(in this case, a getting too big for our "hole
eed a package on in a dark alley", as a retired
e Pub opened it, co-publisher once described our
in the matter office, and expansion was in
heavy, and from order. Anyhow, most of the
unveiled a bot- ABERREE operation is being
.stmas in July" moved to the "annex", or"backably for Ye Ed, house", and here's where Ye Ed
faced pipe, prob- and pub probably will be found
ub, (or are we evenings, instead of at 207
gs ?), from To- North washington. And if The
, Hardin and Jo- ABERREE keeps growing, there's
'be t Druker, of still a lot of space to expand !
is he hasn't been -- space now occupied by weeds,
diting the last cherry trees, and grapes! That
nd it might be is, we can expand if we ever
oss Druker, born survive this mortgage ? Have
a ?actor. Right you priced a 2x4 lately ? or
s, Ross seems hired a carpenter to drive one
to "eat, sleep, little nail' And what a buildnd we hope Herb er can't do to a flower-bed!!!
ing. In our ab- A whole row of prize holly, this sounds hocks and pansies, nurtured
status in which thru flood and bugs -- but we've
ant . _ _ no room to finish this obituary .