Volume 4, Issue 5, page 13

Aberree Cuts Cost of

There are too many "truths" Borrowers
on the market. Too many "ex- bound to see
perts" know exactly where you read and retu
came from, and why, and where as possible.
you're going, time limit, a
None of us has the time, long each bor
even if we could afford it, to a title, beta
read all the books that are Problem of t
offered for the improvement of tion -- and ml
M an. And yet, undoubtedly, times. isn't
many of these could be read too reliable
with profit -- if only to widen is seldom need
horizons, see that others, too, keep a book
are making an honest approach weeks after ii
to what Man considers his most If the ide
"distressing problem" , may be that
Almost every mail brings to may have books
The ABERREE office long lists or stored aw
of new and used books that can contribute t
be purchased from a few cents Maybe there
to several dollars. In adds- might have t
tion, we often get books to of thinking
review which, once read, have reading a book
little value except to fill up want, and whi
shelves already bulging. ing up dust
As we stared at the rows of be that publi
books begging to be read, and contribute
accumulating layers of dust, because if a
we felt it a shame that these the publisher
are not in the hands of persons borrower from
who can appreciate them -- per- lending libre
sons who can't find what they for himself
want at their local libraries, give it more
or who don't know whether the perusal.
book they have in mind is one This Lend
they want to buy, or not. So,
as sometimes happens, we permitted an idea to intrude it- CoupleLa
self into our noggin -- and with- Sed in seconds, what started out a i
mere shadow of something to BIRMINGHAM,
think about became a giant in on a sandbar
its own right -- a plan of oper- Llandudno, De
ation as fanciful, but none- and Miss J.Sid
the-less real , as The ABER- almost lost
REE itself. did lose all
Gradually, as we find time "The far wo
and inclination, we shall go tragedy was
thru these piles of books and ABERREE, which
make them available to ABERREE gage," Smith
readers on a lending library Smith's min
basis. You need merely pick near - tragedy
out the title you'd like to cool as the
read, send us 25 cents to cov- former police( cost of packaging and post- their plight,
age, and the book will be on belt and swam
its way. After you've read it , rescue. When
send it back so the book may he said: "You
be available to someone else now, and you w
who might also like to read cued because
it. for lunch." T
There are a few difficulties ing the couple
involved, naturally. It may be clung to the
that several will request the were picked up
same book at the same time, in The couple
the event of which it'll be a hospital stiff(
case of first come , first treme shock.
served. When the book is re- Smith, who
turned, it will be sent to the from Ohio, is
next one on the list, and so United States
on. Naturally, we can't enter August -- and w
into a lot of correspondence missing AgERRE concerning these requests, bul has to go to
we'll do the best we can, said.
cvCTruevo .rn,, 'P L ZZ t' Q Q
fey h al c an s boo r sc i s i
Looking at New Ideas
must feel duty a new idea -- but we feel that
that the book is it never has been tried by a
roed as quickly magazine before on a national
we can't set a scale -- where books are sent
t first, on how out on faith in one's fellow
rower should keep man. However, we feel that the
use there is the need, today, is for a broaden3-way transporta- transporta- ing of thought, and we know of
il service, at no better way to give these
too prompt nor added ideas wider circulation,
. However, there Sorry, but we'll have to
for anyone to restrict this offer to readers
more than two within the continental United
t is received. States -- not that we don't
a is popular, it trust our foreign brothers,
ABERREE readers but the restriction is dictated
on their shelves by man-made international barthey'd like to riers. Maybe, if this works
o this system, out, the plan can be enlarged
are persons who later.
eir whole trend Titles now available for
tered merely by lending:
you no longer `How to Know People by Their
h is merely tak- Hands", by Josef Renald.
d space, It may " You and Your and " by Cheiro.
hers may want to "Mechanisms of Life" byDwight
ks to the list, Bulkley.
book is all that "How to Live Tho an Executive"
feels it is, the "Key By Richard Deslille.

The ABERREE's to the Unconscious", by
y may want one L. Ron Hubbard.
o that he can "Self-Analysis" (First editareful study and ion), by L. Ron Hubbard.
"Release of Psychic Energy",
ng Library isn't By E. O. Haes.
"Improving Sleep", by Jim Welgos.

aved from "The Lord's Prayer ", by Jim
e Aberree "Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam ExbEng. -- Trapped "1,21 in Ned" , an,~~ m Jim eW Welgos.
by high tide at "Everyday Future" , by Jim Welnnis Smith, 27 ,
gaseick of Essex "Development of Natural Mantheir lives , and ,
their luggage. ory, by Jaim Welgos.

rst part of the "Light of Asia by Jim Welgos.

Seven Years that Changed the
losing the June World" , by Wing Anderson .
was in the lug- "Notes on Doctorate Course "said . Lectures of L.R.Hubbard.
[sizing of the "Clinical Course Notes" -- Lecwas almost as tures of L. R. Hubbard.
attitude of the "Heal Yourself", by G & R Anan who , seeing thong.
grabbed a to their a mile "Electropsychametry -- Vol . 2" ,
he reached them , by Volney Mathison.
will be all right 03103
hen he began tow- First issue of NEW HORIZONS,
ashore as they edited by Art Coulter and Fred
lifebelt. They Hibbard, and published at 1407
by a boat , Park , Dodge City, Kas ., is an
was taken to a offset production of 68 pages,
ring from ex- with a heavy, colored cover.

This magazine, alead editorial
has a sponsor explains, is an experiment in
going to the communication -- an effort at
ometime in mid- reader participation -- with a
11 pick up his strict Synergetic slant.
, even if he NEW HORIZONS will be pubEnid for it, he lished quarterly, with an ini
tial price of $5 a year.