Volume 4, Issue 5, page 10
If I can imagine doing that, then in imagination I do do it. In imagination I
can be anywhere, everywhere, at any time,
all times, I can imagine myself being.
That is why I have imagination. That
is why the Father gave it to me. That is
that by which I am made in my "Father's
Image". I can image-forth, even as the
Father images-forth. I may even, eventually, image-forth with all His power and
authority, because He shares it with me,
His child. Follow this closely, bear it
in mind, imagine it after your own "image"
of God. It is most important in the lessons and techniques we shall here seek to
I can keep my eyes open and imagine. I
have my eyes open as I say this, or write
it, or print it, and I am imagining what
is being written here, "seeing" the pictures, "feeling" the emotions, "hearing''
the sounds named, "tasting" the fruits
thereof, smelling the fragrances of yesterday; for since I select, I eschew the
stenches, except that when I use the word
by which they are described, something
comes back to me of stenches, and I erase
them from memory without forgetting,
rather without contacting them. For whatever is, and we imagine it, image-itforth, we are in contact with, which includes unpleasantries, every one.
When we close our eyes, we become
still because we can't see where we go if
we move. And this is, or can be, the Biblical "stillness". Actually, we see all
around, up and down, too. We look straight
ahead and see a man standing. We are
aware of everything to his right and left.
Our minds, remembering evidence of our
senses in the past, complete the picture
of the landscape of which the man is the
center, the focus of physical eyes. To
his right is more ground, perhaps the
hill on which he stands, sloping down; if
there is grass on it, brush, or trees, we
see that, too. We say we see it "out of
the tail of our eye", but we see it,
really, because we know it is there. And
to that man's left we are aware of many
scenic items, even as our minds move to
his right. And it is certain that at no
place or time do we forget what there is
to our own right and left. We are aware
of what lies, stands, or moves behind us,
because we took note of it before we focused on the man. We followed an ancient
precaution of making sure we didn't turn
our backs on the unknown, on, perhaps,
some danger; we looked before we turned,
and so we know what lies behind us, that
it is not dangerous, or if it is that it
is far enough away that we may study the
man ahead of us for the time being.
Now, we close our eyes, and the man
yonder moves more sharply into focus. The
landscape surrounding us is in sharper
focus, too, because our view is mental,
memorable, and we have shut out the purely
physical sight of the standing man and
his immediate physical surroundings. Now
that our eyes are closed we endow the man
with something of romance, of spirit, and
we see his surroundings with a fresh glow
within us, and around him.
Beyond the man, before we closed our
eyes, we saw the sky, and "clouds which
trailed their raveled fleeces by". Perhaps when we took note of them they reminded us of Wilde's "Ballad of Reading
Gaol" and more than the quotation came
back to us, so that in an instant we regained all we could remember of the "Ballad", all the times we read it in the
past. We saw the hangman, we remembered
the word "saraband", we saw the coffin
being made ready while the condemned man
watched. The man who had "killed the
thing he loved, and so he had to die".
But we brought our mind back to the spinning present, wheeling by, and looked
thru the clouds out to infinity, where
the bright sunlight blanked out the bright
stars because the sun was closer. W e
thought of the sun. We thought of the
stars. We thought of the planets, and
they were all ours, simply because, in
imagination, we took them.
This is the technique of recovery. It
is that which makes absent spiritual
treatment possible. This it is that makes
it possible to visit Lourdes, and even be
treated, even dip in the curative waters,
without leaving home, wherever home may
be, and without having to spend a cent.
This is the technique of "seeing" in the
psychic sense. This is the technique of
the true visionary, who has in his days
remade the world, and will again do so
many times.
This is not phenomena, unless everything is. It follows rules. It makes use
of the body and all its senses, known and
unknown. It works no "wonders" save the
known, unknown, and suspected wonders of
the visible and invisible worlds. We know
that something can be large beyond conception, like a super-universe. We know
it can be so small not even the mightiest
microscope can bring it to view. Knowing,
we simply make use of.
Open the eyes, take note. Close the
eyes, remember. Open the eyes, blank the
eyes to current vision and peer into the
past, to the nearest stopping place,
which itself commands stop. Be sure, doing
this, that you stand in safety, that you
do not startle others or make a nuisance
of yourself, for this, too, will record
itself in your Lamb's Book of Life, and
become part of memory which can be unrolled like a scroll at the will of God's
man, you, I, everybody. Yet it is true
that even if two men, even identical
twins, were to stand in the same spot at
the same time, looking in the same direction, were to see the same things, they
wouldn't see them in the same way. T h e
perspective would be ever so little dif(CONTINUED ON PAGE 14)
_ T L _ A fl A T L' .___