Plowing Up the Field
. will
rt with a body,
• (0- , 1 Bob and
Beeaumame Cal
they co
~~ they've had to
this spring. A
%~ -~ want no more
rassed victims
_ government air
and sundry
(~ . t'l;, ,- asked that we
it is they ha'
k +r Which we heist' tomer come
iM ~~' cause if we h
* • 0~.ip problem, it al
,v p
p ICY -~ two too manY --
Plowing Up the Field ourselves... i
as the copse
deals, has wo
1 E. T. Robins, London, sent than an acre o
us three early -1954 copies of near Vista, C
the Bristol Dianetic Review also the haingo
BDR we never had seen, and Lim 1m, Huns
or a few minutes, we indulged with less th
in nostalgia for "the pod old of weeds 10
diva". That was "away back far horizon o
when" we still held hopes that foliage -- and
Scientology might help save nites mort and
the world -- back before the of Sutton , Qie
current this is it technique happy to be re
had been invalidated ba' a doz- of infinity,
eal or more this is it" tech- representation
niques. But mostly, it made us children,
wish that AA.~J__,,__S__.McMillan, editor of BD7i,iadn't permitted months old, a
his stomach for Scientology to age unspecifie
get so ulcerated that he went 92 and 93!...
completely out of communica- first issue of
tion, and stopped his magazine lished by Jo
with the abruptness of an ex- Richard Hall
ploded mock-up. We are more St., New Orl
convinced than ever that fol- four-page mim
lowers like McMillan and some cerned primari of the others driven out of and so-on- up
the organization by antagonism more, with pr
from the "sole owner and only tence of "flyi
one" did more to keep Scien- with this co
tology a going belief than all SATELLITE on t
the purpled advertising belle- who is primari
tins coming out of headquar- and so-on-upters...1 Lt. Col. A. E. jq bin- ested in such
son , who S~cienfologizes in the 1 From all
Ia'tion's capital , was in Enid have been able
recently as pilot of the plane entology was i
which brought Gen. Maxwell D. sembled over
Taylor to the city for an hon- Day holidays
orary P. U. degree. And that "P. that , as usual
U." has nothing to do with the greatest
holding your nose, but stands we presume tho
for Phillips University, a re- learned how
ligious school teaching the diplomas from
principles of "the Prince of ted; namely,
Peace" and awarding degrees to model processi
"princes of war"...1 Dale Mal- having the of
l eck , of Pueblo, Qor. ; —Co again, or afi
can take a dead tree stump or be even again
root and, with some educated got an invite
polishing and trimming here addressed to
and there turn it into a bit of whom we've
of rustic art, says he has for the record
just finished one he's proud that neither
of -- a symbol of man, a "head- "Alphia" atte
less angel " Maybe Dale'll This we regrel
send usapicture of the thing, cause we woul
just so we and the readers (PLEASE Tu
~ T L — O fl L' D L'
an ca h ow a toq a o s cs e co tt , t b si - n d R
idea why Dale
n be symbolized A
wings -- and no ?
Ann Bogart of
i. admit, as _
for air, that , O
D many customers _ )
rid, because they ~!
arried and haof a beneficent -~
ing their varied
es, they have
keep secret what
e too much of . R LIFE AND SCI N1DLOGY, Bp
n to obey, be- W. Len Hamilton . Si. North
d even ONE cus- Wilbraham, Mass.
us with such a Anyone who wishes to know a
ready would be bit about Scientology will
the customer and find 1n en Hamilton's little
Millen Belknap, printed pamphlet a fair introuenc o steal .duction. In fact, after readad up up with more ing "Your Life and Scientolf "estate" in or ogy"', one gets the definite RI if., if., which is pression that if one wants to
ut of Max Free- live longer, be more active,
expert:—And us, raise his I. Q., and boost his
n half that area reaction time, all he needs is
k off to the further indoctrination in this
f growing wild "miracle science" and all this
budder...1 Inn.- will be acquired.
Dorothy Jaquays The four chapters in Len's
bec , who were so 50-odd p ages are taken from
ognized segments public lectures given at his
now want equal training center in Massachufor their two setts. Nor are these pure
rl es Dean, seven "come-ons" as have become so
n d Morton In, familiar to those on the maild . Welcome , Nos. ing list of the parent organi1 We've seen our zation in Washington, D. C. Len,
SATELLITE, pub- as part of each lecture, demeph Kincaid and onstrates, with group auditing,
it 721 Burdette how a session should be conans , La. It's a ducted, and his audience is
eod deal , con- supposed to benefit from the
secondarily, processing, as well as get ed-to- tenthly, or ucated in what Scientology can
oving the exis- do for him if he properly apng saucers". And plies himself. The patter used
mment , we pass for these auditing sessions is
o the Publisher, reprinted as part of each leoly, secondarily, ture. In addition, there is an
o-tenthly inter- hour of group processing given
things... which anyone might try on his
the evidence we own group if he wished -- readto gather, Sci- ing direct from the text.
n convention ashe Independence HOW TO COMBAT PSYCHIC ATTACK,
and we suppose by E. Nassau. 40 pages. $1 .
, it was one of Mary Elsnau, Box 1612, Presever held. Also, cott, Ariz.
se in attendance Have you a little entity in
hey can keep old your home? Do gremlins pick at
being invalida- You? make your life miserable?
y buying the new And might you have some unng , or at least known enemy -- maybe the sweet
d one retreaded little neighbor next door -- who
n-again , or may- is practicing witchcraft at
again-again. We Your expense?
tion , but it was In "How to Combat psychic
" Adelphia" Hart , Attack", E . Nassau seeks to
never heard -- but warn the world of the dangers
let it be known it faces by subscribing to the
" Adelphia " nor flood of black magic, voodoo.
ded the congress. and hypnotism thrills currently
, exceeding , be- being offered. The author tells
have so enjoyed how thoughts create entities,
N TO PAGE 20) which in turn create trouble.