Volume 4, Issue 3, page 16
• • Sutton, were re
11, a few hours
1 4 4 yL j. Sutton was free
firing of four
4r back of a frie
~~. ex-disc jockey
*awl days after the
Sutton was trae
The Rev. Mr.
defense on the "
shot only becau
life was threat
THE ~a.r testifying for
via mitted on the
CHICAGO,— Carl and Karen Roth, too inhibited
who have been teaching a course is both before
in basic Scientology in the Chi- vorThr
cago area, have been named as hthe burlob
master minds of a gang plot to fore the jury b
rob Dr. Eli Badar, psychiatrist, guilty'' verdict
of $30,000. One of the gang was said two of t
arrested after they had enticed the jury were
Dr. Powell to the Roth apartment, to vote for con
where he was told his wife would The Buttons,
be killed unless he drew the mon- and wedding, le
ey from the bank. He managed to where the tere
outwit the gang by informing bank had been stayin
officials of the plot while going ing.
thru the motions of withdrawing "We're both
the money. Others involved include Rev. M r. But
Bruce Pomaville and James Corbett. 'We've never s
* * * another."
PHOENIX, Ariz. -- Robert Sutton, CHICAGO -- St
D . D . , D .Scn . , one of the "theta Gottlieb, arres
clears' of the Third Clinical April for shopl
course and a former official in pair of scissor
the Phoenix Church of Scientology. partment store,
and his divorced wife. Freddie charges of larc
Price $3.00 postpaid Do
Order from Ca
J/14iM ai Ha,
Apps A~1°I~
120 E. Roberts Lane
Uvalde, Texas
an t t C e Hoi Hoi Ca,
married here April according to police, confessed to
after the Rev. Mr. detectives that they had been
d by a jury in the traveling thruout the country.
bullets into the burglarizing fraternity houses
nd, William Boone, for cash to live on, and forging
. Boone died 32 checks on stolen identification
shooting, and Dr. papers to purchase airline ticks for murder. ets.
Sutton based his Also, Mrs. Gottlieb admitted,
unwritten law" and a baby born to them in New York
claiming that he last December died in February.
se he felt his own and because they feared arrest if
ened. Mrs. Sutton, they reported the death, they
the defense, ad- burned the child's body in an apstand that she and artment building incinerator.
an had been none Asked by police why they travthe second dynam- eled so much. Mrs. Gottlieb said
and after the di- they wanted to "straighten out
our problems"
s were taken be- "What are your problems? " Wrought in its `not lice asked her.
One of the jurors "'Marriage and Scientology,"
he eight women on she said.
he only ones over Gottlieb. a graduate of one of
viction. the doctorate courses. net his
after the trial wife four years ago, she said,
ft for San Diego, while teaching Scientology to
e Sutton children small groups of students in Milg during the hear- Waukee.
very ham." t h e
on s a i d. adding . • BOOKS • ROOKS • 5)0KB *BOOKS •
topped loving one DOCIRATB®ORSEN2TBS -- fr •Sci-8-8 * * CLINICAL OJORSB NOIWS -- from an
REMATING CHILD advanced training course.— $4
ted here early in by L.B.&man $
ifting a shirt and SCRUB OAS. a rovel, by A.Hart.$1
s from a Loop de- the ABM=
are also facing P.O.Box 538, Enid, Okla.
nY. Mrs. Gottlieb, /
Or Can We Choose to Live?
e you any questions about life?
you know what you really think?
at is superstition, what is its effect?
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e we the right to question the Bible?
A beautiful 57-page book
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