Volume 4, Issue 3, page 7
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Chapter 3 -- BE STILL
DOW DOES man "be still"? He may, of
course, as men have down the ages, "go
alone into his chamber" and stay there.
He may cut himself off from the world
into which, actually, he has been sent
by the Father that he may live with, work
with, the Father's other children. Men have
isolated themselves from one another, or
banded together with others of like minds
for isolation, in monasteries, hermitages,
caves, on islands, in jungles, in deserts.
It is written of Jesus that he separated
himself occasionally from his apostle
brethren to go alone into desert places, or
into the wilderness, there to "be still"
and know his God, or His God Self. No man
knows what Jesus thought, felt, or prayed
when he was thus alone, yet man may know,
for Jesus revealed on earth all that man
needs to know to make progress in the nowworld and the hereafter-worlds. Jesus
taught man that God is his Father, man's
Father. He taught that God does not need to
seek His sons because He is already, from
eternity, with and in each and every one.
Jesus taught that since all men are Godsons, all men are therefore brothers; that
gods and men are one huge celestial family.
Man is born with this knowledge, but he
never knows that he has it, because it is
infinite knowledge, and man, on the earth,
is finite. It is claimed by authorities
that the finite mind is incapable of knowing the infinite. This is a half truth, as
all truths are half truths to man. Truth is
half known because it, like the universe
itself, is always expanding. Expanding, it
cannot be known fully until eternity ends
and the limits of infinity attained, which
will never come to pass.
So, simple tho the truth is, finding it
is an eternal-infinite task to which man,
already, has set himself else he would not
be man. By being man he has accepted his
eternal-infinite assignment. It behooves
him to work at it constantly; to, as Jesus
put it, "be about my Father's business".
Such business begins, of course, not with
retirement from the world, not with isolation in some far lonely place, not with any
sort of self-imprisonment, not with vows of
silence or poverty, but with living each
moment, wherever individual man is, to its,
and man's, fullest capacity. Part of man's
task while he lives all his waking moments
is to learn himself that he may the better
know his brother, and his God-Father-Mother. To do this he "communes", he "becomes
still", he "listens to his voices", he
talks to himself, deeply inside, where no
words are spoken, heard, or needed. While
his ears hear, his eyes see, his nose contacts life's odors, smells fragrances, his
fingers touch or remember touching, h i s
lips and tongue taste, man listens with all
of himself, insofar as he is capable, to
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whispers coming thru all the divisions of
the five known and recognized senses -- whispers which tell him,the Jesus story of Godthe-Father, man-the-son, God-man the family
of the universe.
There is no moment, even the busiest, in
which man is unable, actually -- however much
he may tell himself he hasn't the time -- to
make contact with some revelation of his
Divine Father. Even the grossest of impressions given him by his five mundane senses
are reflections of the Father-son individual circuit of communication. God is directly in communication, eternally, with each
and every one of His children personally,
individually. It is the task of the son to
keep the circuit open. God could, of course,
but does not require man so to da, for the
Father gave man free will and never interferes with his exercise of that will. Marl
does not even need to survive if he wills
Man does will to survive, for the will
to live is one of man's foremost drives. He
wills to live the days and nights. He wills
to live as himself, as long as the lather
leaves him on the earth, and he wills to extend that span with almost every breath of
the expiring life. He wills to live in his
sons and daughters and their sons and
daughters thru all the generations after
him. He wills to live as he wills to attain
any other goal -- because he knows , consciously or subconsciously, that the goal is
worth attaining. What goal can lie beyond
death but life, and the lather who sent man
forth from Himself? Whence came today's
man? Where was today's man during all the
ages today's man does not remember and may
well not have been? Man was, always, if it
is true that man is a segment of the Father. He must be such segment else he would
not so conceive of himself, his most sublime conception. Man thinks, therefore he
is. Man is aware of God, therefore the
Father is. That He has always been must be
true, incomprehensible, unknowable as man
feels that fact to be. The whole and its
parts are co-existent, mathematically: the
Whole Father and Its Parts-Men are co-existent, obviously, so the lather and His
Children are One Family from eternity.
How does man know this, or learn this,
when he discovers himself to be currently
finite? In order to learn, to gain wisdom,
he must "be still and know that I am God".
Learning to be still, that all other learning shall be his, is man's primary task;
wisdom his ultimate and eternal goal. And
wisdom-truth expands. Man, to know it, must
also expand, tho he lives by the theorem of
limits and so forever approaches the eternal-infinite which he may reach only in
eternity-infinity. And man, God's son, would
have it no other way even if he fully comprehended eternity-infinity, for man, like
the Father Himself, would never be happy