Volume 3, Issue 9, page 14

system without having to have a skills and powe
huge bank roll and where they can ist, a creativ
depend on what is being dished engineer, a sup
out to them. "It is depl
"It looks like what we need is Braid, who coin
less double-talk and criticism nosis', failed
and more o f the constructive withdraw it.
substitution, such as the arti- unfortunately
dies by H K J ilalsh.., the very thing
"If we tear something down, we represent; that
should have something equally power of the
good to put in its place; other- mind. Through t
wise what do we accomplish?" -- this power can
Drs. Louis and Dorothy Bluth, er destructivel.

Springs, Mich. ly. Hypnosis,
"The auditor 's intensive train- power, is
dynamite. Dynam
ing course in basic Dianetics and ly employed, he
advanced procedures has been in- gantic dams, m
creased from the former eight tunnels, and co
weeks period to ten weeks. This ways. But dyn
is because eight weeks, even with of some psycho
the maximum number of hours per used to blow th
week that we devote to it, is too Volney G. M'athi
short a time adequately to cover
the large amount of material. "The materi
This has been demonstrated by our esting every
previous training courses, are pleasing to
"The dates of January 28 thru just the ones
April 6 have been set because keep my eyes an
that will just get a person 'un- 'Sure like
der the wire' for the April 15 proach this in
CADA certificate examination for in their 'Faith
dianetic auditor, with only a not be inter[
400-hour prerequisite. For the this is the
next year, an 300-hour prerequi- have to learn
site applies and after that 1,200 der to get wh
hours of training will be re- would be simpl
quired of each student before "In a way th
taking the examination. ing from sera
"Some who take the work do it twist. And why
in order to get the certificate not work out
and become professional auditors, Schoop, Glen El
while others take it for other
purposes. Each student receives "Don't remer
at least 50 hours, and usually submitted to yo
substantially more, on his own tory, but I fi
case as a-pre-clear. Laeta and I revealing, es
manage to audit each student for know that man
an appreciable number of hours, ciously reveal
and the balance is supervised "From Writ
student auditing... Freud -- Modern
"For those who want to be able 'Mistakes in Re
to help their own family and ..'the sec
friends in a constructive, thera- that even those
peutic way, we believe there is to the Fuhrer
no better training than Dianet- his praises t
ics. To thousands of families, not really bell
the Dianetic way of life has as shown by th
brought more harmony and happi- less from Berl
ness than they ever thought pas- Times (Nov. 12,
sible." -- Wayne Dunbar, Los Angel- ating 1800 boys
es, Calif. Hitler Youth f
"Your pub is in excellent the mightiest
shape and getting better every history. R u l
issue. We need some people with leader of he
(at least) 'feet on the ground'.' -- the
instead the wo
Cliff Goodman, Ste. Marguerite bung" (robbery
Sta., Quebec, last word app[
"I am wryly amused at Mr. WY- anzeiger and c
lie and Miss Malzman's instruct- small amount o
ing the practitioner to neutra- "Dr. Freud
lize childhood hypnosis through joke in 193l,
the application of MORE HYPNO- would have oSIS. The competent professional Freud g as aref
hypnotherapist constantly uses Elliott, got to eeEngl
the *same technique proposed by ECren
Mr. Wylie and Miss Malzman: i.e., "A ruminati
the immediate induction of a eration:
state of hypnosis by having the "The critic
client recall or redramatize a manity is ex
previous period of hypnosis, to hurl analysi
"I also wonder if Mr. Wylie of the Self-he
and Miss Malzman are aware that eral. This an
precisely the same hypnotic and/ flavor from th
or hypnoidal procedures are em- salt, to down
ployed in the development of the what one finds
T aa w t s h ea tu p I r aa f e v o ah r
rs of a great art- pendl more or less on personal
e writer, a great taste or distaste.
erior architect? "Abat, exactly, are the foun orable that James dations (if any) for all this?
ed the word 'hyp- "I don't really believe there
in his efforts to is the slightest sign of a legit he word 'hypnosis' imate foundation -anywhere down
seems to conceal the line for criticism of any
it is intended to Self-help effort yet contrived by
is, the titanic the mind of man in an effort to
human subconscious do itself in,
he conscious area, "One need not take the term
be directed, eith- 'Self-help', even. Just consider
y or constructive- the word 'self' as it is defined
in its effective by 999 out of 1.000 such organi remely similar to zations investigated. This term
ite, constructive- is defined as an impalpable en lps to build gi- tity, not seen nor seeable. The
iles-long railway organizations are designed and
ntinent-wide high- exist to help and improve this
mite, in the hands entity.
tic, is apt to be "The favorite criticism laune body to bits." -- thed at organized missionary efson, Los Angeles. fort in this direction is that
'The improvements are not visi l gets more inter- ble'.
time. Predictions 'Now just consider those two
hear, and you are
ho can do it. So I
d ears open. \ U IN / j
o know how you apcomparison with HE
' course. Would it
a.; 1
ting to find that `
o A~ nly mechanism we
ow to apply in orat we want? That
t would be starttch, with a n e w
not, the other did
so good. " -- John
lyn, Ill.

ber whether I have N T A L
u this bit of his- M E
nd it exceedingly E M O T I O N A L
ecially since I
y people uncons- a n d
tome their truths: P I
ings o f Sigmund H Y S C A L
Library. Chapter: B A L A N C E
ading and Writing'
ond example shows
an who are nearest
d constantly sing THIBODEAU
evehwhthey saY. CHIROPRACTIC
e following wire in to the New York CLINICS
1936), congratul- " -- tomorrow's Healing
and girls of the Art Today!"
or taking part in
Freiheitbewegung MATHISON
ph Hess, the vice Nazi party, used ASSESSMENT
d "Freiheitsberau- (LATEST MOM PROBE-TYPE
of liberty). The INSTRUMENT)
red in the Lokal used publishers no COMPARATIVE LOW-COST
annoyance.' HEALTH SERVICE
treated this as a SPECIFIC CORRECTIVE
but I bet Hess ADJUSTING
ked to have fiad MODERN ANALYTICAL
erence point when INSTRUMENTS
and," -- Alberta B.
ille, S. Car. Myrtle Beach, S. Car.
n for your consid- Box 85 Telephone 5942
l element of hu ibiting a tendency "In these modern days of our
s in the direction high-speed, nerve exhausting
1p schools in gen- living, chiropractic it fast be aanges gen- coming an indispensable element
ssis rang, thru in helping people maintain good
ight bitter, and health'" -- Congressional Record
to agree with de- July. 26lase

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