Volume 3, Issue 9, page 5
Preventing 'Accidents' by Predic
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EDITOR'S NOTE -- For a couple or more years, we've been
in correspondence with Harold Schroeppel regarding his
"Future Processing ", with which he reports exceptional
results. We even asked him for an article on the process
for readers of The ABERREE, which he had successfully resisted for some time. But we had it imaged up all the
time -- and here it is. Whether the reader believes it possible to "process futures" or not, even after reading
this, we are convinced almost any auditing technique can
be improved considerably by following some of the simple
rules Harold delineates herein.
HAVE NO objection to teaching people 'to
"see" the future, but I do object to
demonstrating it can be done to those
who cannot do it. I think that this
creates fear, and other counter-emotion.
The reason future processing is successful
for me is not dependent on any ability to
"see" the future, but rather to a number of
other factors.
The first of these is to expect the preclear (or processee) to be able to do it.
The second is a long range program of
auditing instead of "hit-and-run" techniques. I usually work with people in short
sessions over a long period of time. Usually, I prefer not to work with people for
short periods -- such as "one-week intensives", etc.
I check what people tell me about their
intentions against their performance, and I
continue to check until the two match up.
If one doesn't track, I may get downright
nasty about it. I've been known to wait six
months for somebody to do one thing I asked
them to do before I'd make a move to audit
Both success and failure are attitudes,
and should sooner or later be replaced with
"It happened". All of us are psychic. The
only question is -- What are we using the
abilities to produce? Often it is to prove
we can't do it.
At some levels of awareness, such things
as accidents are easily caused or prevented. They can be easily predicted, and the
intentions causing them can be removed in
many persons. They can be forced out of
your immediate universe -- for yours read
"mine", in any case. If you wish to remove
the intention to cause accidents, seek the
last easily-remembered accident, and then
locate the last possible instant at which
it was possible to change the mind, and
avoid the accident. The intention -- in terms
of emotion in the body -- the actual emotional intention of the body at that particular
instant IS the accident-producing tntentton. Often it is enough to point this out
to people. This is seldom stated as "the
intention to have an accident". It is far
more likely to be: "Mother is wrong and I
can prove it -- I've got to do it this way --
I'm in a hurry; don't stop me", etc., than
to be a direct "desire to have an accident".
If a man is in good shape, these can be
picked up and changed. And the changes set
for the future. "Are you planning to use
this attitude again? Is there a more appropriate one you could use? Now, image up
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situations using this changed attitude." If
you cannot pick up the attitude which he
held at the time of "setting up" the accident (when he passed the change point),
then he is not ready to change, and the
need for accidents should be tackled, and
why he needs one discovered.
When you can predict accidents, you can
prevent them, and change the processee's
mind about them.
Low perception in visualization could
well indicate a high degree of automaticity
in present time. But the images you are
making for yourself for the future should
be practiced until you have high perception
in them. You should be able to walk in the
roams, bark your legs on the furniture, and
feel the emotions of the people with whom
you deal. As the detail gets better and
better, you should "lock - in" on a "real
future". Not, you understand, an absolute
must, but a real possibility. A growth from
the "now" you are in, and a "real" one unless you actively choose another.
If you can see yours that well, then
maybe you can see others'.
I might point out that the futures I see
are pretty prosaic. I have a definite preference for a smooth course to life, and the
things I pick out of the stream of information which constantly flows are the little
off-beats, usually. The heavy stuff I ran
some years ago.
Full perception in present time includes
the awareness of the future of any act as
it is done, and its relation to the whole.
What its past was -- the things that led up
to it -- and its future. Or at least the main
alternates, since in most cases, such
awareness includes the responsibility of
creating the future by the act.
I have no intention of proving conclusively to anyone that I can accurately determine the future. I don't want a flock of
intelligence agents breathing down my neck.
And I'll not report any stuff from the recent past which I've checked out. as it
deals with people immediately,around me and
is hardly fair to them.
However, I have picked up some stuff
which I've not as yet related to people I
know, and which I know either to be real
events in real locations, or the nearest
description to them acceptable to me. And
I'll tell you how the stuff arrives.
I can cause it by wanting the answer to
a specific question, and doing meditation
on it. It usually arrives in the early
hours of the morning, on nights when I's
not physically exhausted, but medium-well
rested. "I" in each of these cases is some
other person, and in this particular set,
Set of dreams -- extract from a much longer sequence. Thursday. Nov. 8, 1956. About 3:30 A.M. (I
omit my personal conclusions about the dreams.)
1. I am at "F's" and there is a "cyanide" dinner scheduled. A church supper? I tell "F. I intend to be there -- but there seems to be some con5