Volume 3, Issue 8, page 14
when she realized this. Another preclear was shocked into tears (havinrtgg CAdvertisemen
arrived at the beautiful state of nothingness) when asked to spot what ts
he c
ould have. And another went into head:2da word,
laughing hysterics when she found WANTED -- Profess,
out she couldn't let go even of the and/or Tape Rea
cigaret butts in the tray, comforta- gress lectures o
bly. These reactions do not invari- State condition
ably occur, but are amusing when ABERREE,
that trio is run and they do occur." pAID AD for 24 Do,
-- Alberta Elliott, Greenville, S. C. vance for no re,
TO THINK FOR ME. "I enjoyed re:dintg 'Errors Also pswmn Eraic ANAL.
Add to Our Experiences', by a Don G. foremost analys
Purcell. Also I appreciated your 25 years' experte
article on 'A Holy, City Without item (such as a
Preachers'. I am going to write my comb, or the like)
thoughts, my ideas on Mr. Milligan to Dorothy Spence
and I'd like the pros and cons of St., los Angeles 4
then. PAID answer to Iv
"Jehovih, the lord of Hosts, the gotrtatloss are
God of Israel, is in the Mountain
Business. He is bathe Mountain Tops. SFN N "Spiritual
He is in the Writing Business... Arthur J. Burk
"Edward says he is selling a plan. .function with Mr.
'that's wrong with that? Jehovih is sessions, from 1
in the business of selling plans nightly. Thetshe exe
wherein His people can gather, can to fight aalit, nden r
own possessions, can be brought into a mD s. 's hicontrfndsmr. better lands, pastures of milk and what whlies behind
honey. Wouldn't you think, then, Box 301, Harrisbur
certain characters, with weak or
strong characters, rough and ready,
willing or unwilling