Plowing Up the Field
office writing
hate with mop and
shouldn't mention
the last visitors
for a bed on the
y+i the Rev. ,L. W. Wei
- an- speaking tour of
U.S. the Rev.
tice or our pe
up. May he n-A was in the cards
that we never ask
a! ticipate in such
-an` -Ir
o ¶One recent
I for our new house
and it was too e
~~/ start work on the
Ed. & Pub. poin
100-horse "shay"
for a day wtt(ppp4 1~ i "City of awn"
1 j, ~; entire tribe scat
' an, 1&14 -\ in the multi- (
Plowing Up the Field ft
muc more h (if that
fat th enc
¶ Friends and visitors who have naves apapar~nen
"enjoyed" the hospitality of our xhile "Uncle Ed"
trailer house floor are hereby as- refrigerators to
sured that it won't happen again. self in the bad
Now, instead of spreading blankets deck. After an
and other insulating odds and ends about nothing in
on the deck between the folding ta- an a tour of the
ble and the only comfortable chair hunting the "Val
of a perambulating rocking room, the site for the
they can take pot-luck on the uncar- good thing the
petal boards of a real, honest-to- because all we
goodness, guaranteed-not-to-rock- picture published
'n' - roll - in- the-slightest breeze REE which showed
HOUSE. In this new home, for which like a pregnant
we traded our wheeled house and one drove over one
life-size mortgage, there isn't much other, we became
more actual room than there was in hills look like
the trailer. This we can testify to various stages of
after we started emptying the draw- ever, after we'd
ers, shelves, and built-fns designed or two and scared
by engineering geniuses, and trying cut through pas
to find a place for them in the came to the rock
drawerless, shelfless, cupboardless Ed" hopes will be
monstrosity some wood butchers put of his city sect
together and labeled "functional". it—the "Valley
But if there isn't room to stretch named. Or maybe inside, there's an acre or so of or- Ed. went off by
chard that went with the place which few pictures,
must have been thrown in as a pauli- and children we
ative against our objections that tour of their own
there's no place to store things. We "City of Dawn" is
suppose we always can tie some of taUn top seeking
our books papers, and trinkets to apex for a bomb-r
the branches of the dozen or so Charles and Lill
cherry bearers which we have been Rex 1934, prescot
assured produce much more each spring announcement that
than the invading birds ever can than we think,
consume. Some of our neighbors, who of the Seven Rays'
never have enjoyed the luxury of en- religious priory
gineeringly designed storage space, rato de Todos Ins
may suspect us of converting these associated with
trees into unseasonal Christmas fo- Monastery at
liege but they might as well get Colonists are iry
accustomed to the fact sooner or la- ing to give up al:
ter that we, like they, are just a ions and come lino
bit aberrated... in preparation f
¶ Not that we intend to harp on Second Coming of
the subject of our new residence at REE readers intri
too great length, but as a bid for to their continuo
sympathy, we might remark that Jupi- keep us informed
ter pluvius decided to break the address?...
long Oklahoma drouth on the same day ¶ Back to mor
we decided to move. Being the un- the Harold Schm
selfish critters we are, we made no Ill., announce
effort to unmock the rain for our 11 of a baby gir
own convenience -- and donning rain- ounces. They've
coats, with five auto loads of hay- Victoria, and
ingress protected by newspapers and ces that she's
a poncho, we happily left a trail of can destroy milk
mud from the trailer court south of Scientologists c
Enid to the new home five miles away ups"...¶Clara Bra
on the city's northern edge. If wood, N.J., writes
readers find more errors than usual who is nearly bl
in this issue of The AHERREE, just successfully pro
remember that the publisher not only the "super-duper
had to help with the moving, but the last several
while we sit in the comfort of an ing job training,
T 1... ,a Al
thi d memie a Sun or ted gan two ur __y sIang had p wh a Iaa thHar " i
s column, she's at find placement... falter the Dorothy
pail...¶ Maybe we janer letter to the Publisher in the
this, but one of last issue of The Afi, "Uncle
with a reservation Ed" Milligan who used to do a "sees
trailer floor was all-knows alll" act in his carnival
og, completing his days, checked his crystal ball and
uch of the Western placed his stamp of approval on much
J.W.. without no- that had been foreseen for The AEFIIssion, didn't show REE...¶And Arthur Burks, worse "Monwal all that ~ itor" series in ORION is stirring
but up
wide interest in circles that get
our guests to par- stirred up by this sort of thing,
ctivity... took a peek into the situation, and
day, when the deal volunteered the information (after a
was hanging fire bit of arm twisting) that we, too,
ly in the month to have a "monitor" named "Clara". Afnext AB BREE, the ter we'd blushed a bit at knowing
the nose of their our "guardian angel" was a female
toward lone Wolf taggiag our every move, we accepted
Millican and his the quip of the Publisher that what
g. We found the Clara can't Clarify, claret will (if
tered here and yon you get enough of it)....¶On a more
) storied building cheerfUl note comes the report from
visit last Spring, Gladys gale, of pierre, S. of
imistic about their a sudden B. I. (that's "furst of Inis possible). The sight" in Synergese) that cracked her
, Bob and own case. Gladys has been working in
on the top floor, Dianetics and Scientology for sevhas upended enough eral years, was a fellow student in
apartmentize him- Camden, and a "space opera gal" from
k half of the lower the word ^ ". But it wasn't space
informal chit-chat opera that got the job done — just
particular, we went plain old re-evaluating of intenn•Wichita Mountains, Mops. Congratulations, Gladys...
leyy of Peace", and 1 Idella Stone, operating the new
Holy City. It was a Stone Dianetic Center in Sierra Madwere guiding us, re, Calif., announces that their old
d to go by was a news letter, The Fib, is no more.
in an early ABEl- A different type letter, selling for
the hills looking $1 for six sporadic issues, will be
mother — and as we issued. Its name is being kept seusty road after an- cret until it's in the mails... ¶ It
convinced all the seems that American dollars are a
regnant mothers, in bit scarce in Untario, so this ,
development. Bow- when renewal time came arend, amopened a wire gate well Savwell, of St. Thmmas, found
a few horses as we himself sending in -Canadian maren
Lures, we finally cy. The bill he sent may be quite
wall which "uncle commonto our neighbors to the north,
the nucleus of one but we were more than a bit inions. And we found trigued by the face of "Old Nick",
of peace" — well which some engraver had artfully deit was because the signed into the curling hair at the
himself to take a base of the Queen's neck. "Some feel
ile the womenfolk it was intentional!", Bramwell said,
nt on an inspection in calling our attention to the deland And Uncle Ed's sign. Which it probably was-even if
i't the only mnoun- it was accidentally intentienal..liWe
to be the spiritual received quitea pile of letters this
idden planet. From last month based primarily on the
ian iaughead (p.o. writers' wishes in regards to who'd
t, Ariz.) comes an be our next President, but in view
it's REALLY later of the final count, we thought it
nd "the Brotherhood best to curtail our "Dear tor"
" is establishing a section this issue. We wrong
[n Mexico (El Prio- too, but we never did out just
Santos), which is how many votes our candidate got—
the Brotherhood's if any... ¶ Visitors to The Allag{
ke Titicaca, Peru. office the last month included Fart
[ted who are will- Cunard of Crescent, Okla., who does1 material possess- n't get around quite so often since
e the "simple life" becoming an oil well derrick jockey;
or the "iimninent of New York, who has just
Christ". Will AID- finished a 25-ho * intensive and
geed by this threat submitted a Mother Goose parody
d survival please which we hope we'll have room for on
of any change in some other page in this issue;
- - - of Chicago, Ill., whose plea
e mundane matters, that we not reveal her name is being
ppals of Hazelcrest, rigidly respected; Sherman Buckner
e arrival on Oct. of Oklahoma City, who expressed re1, weight 7 lb., 10 gg'ets that we'd printed his letter
named her Renata to Mr. Anthony in last month's ABERold proudly amour BEE, and which we forthrightly are
in good voice, and unprinting; and - - but you get the
faster than most idea. Never a dull moment at 207
an destroy mock- North Washington... ¶ We just learned
dfbrd, of Collings- that one of our subscribers, Charles
that her son, ,L, and DeJuana Jones, moved into their
nd and has been un- new home in Fhid, finally—about two
ceased by some of months later than the builders had
" "therapists" for promised it'd be ready for them. And
years, is now tale- of all days to move, they picked the
and hopes soon to same one we did: R-A-I-N...