Volume 3, Issue 8, page 9

`t Rough on Those Who
71t.en,aplseo be
come I HAVE mentioned
s. articles, andin train
more Electropsychometer
consequence of an awa
fight superior to mere c
nds? hi y subjective guessing
tice such as the use of word li
rent interpreting communication la
? Or was urgently needed for use
has the basic sources of human
anyand ills.
eer. But, after inventing and
-rist Electropsychometer, I saw
akes was much needed. Although
his eter discloses the causes of
ight es and of certain physical
closed data sometimes is,
palm property of the practitioner
n he the patient. This is to say:
lyly etry enables the practiti
L his accuracy the causes of the
She ties, but the patient still
is any rate, not on both the
xis- conscious levels. To help
Lying at his own correct evalua
fatiguingly slow and laboriou left Attempts to deal with
treatment have led to the
after haps 10,000 techniques, rang
ram's inal extremely slow and exp
ut he psychoanalysis to some of
re is routines of recent day emot[
e him men, which routines are us
d. If no lasting effect.
eter- Despite my own rough exp
s not cept Therapy, and having
lash- against a 380,000 suit for
he's that firm, it is nonethel
er is training in Concept Therapy
o way an insight into the possibil
cords, Pal and effective approach
words treating emotional ills. One
certainty an the part of the
&sue) he can aid the patient; an
patient shall become imbue(
US certainty. These, I soon rea]
preliminaries. ere still
requirement: the development
open- means for duplicatively sus
that conscious of the patient cer
s ad- mulations aimed at correct:
s, This resulted in my writing
nought tive Image Therapy"
last Mile this book has been
itiful still did not solve the p
o the niques of "Creative Image
-ayers performed voluntarily for an
from by the patient. Not all pat:
stick with the performance
zigryy. mines long enough to p the )t his The next problem then o
Ld, he can the patient be kept rooD
to buy ing constructive duplicati