Volume 3, Issue 7, page 16

Simper— UiatraGildiOi NaugE
the duplicative techniques of
~pp~ Nothin
ce creative
By Phil FriE+d111
by Volney G. Mathison at Freud ne
gist. What we all
1 and X are
The useful, simply presented Great Seal of th
material of this book has been is the adverse
the obverse seen
expanded from a single mimeo- tending, pyrami
death side, and X
graphed page in 1950 to four phoenixing, divi
editions and many printings of andmu These fltuallyows aconsre c
the 2-volume manual "Electro- these flows is t
death cycle of
psychometry." This manual, the largest unive
completely sold out, is now re- PiF~pet, as ewell~
placed with this new present fags~of modern
bespeak the same

The One-ness
Electropsychometry is attract- equal to the '
ing increasing public interest. %hat things do
The operating text, under this excessive a aa±iir
new title "Super Visualization,"
How to exterior
is clearly and carefully pre- that you're alive
sented, so as to be readily under- to jump out of
standable by ANY reader, looks can kill.
doesn't boil. to
whether a doctor, a therapist, a too closely at
psychologist, a prospective in- gri The ti. may
structee or trainee, or any other star at his p
himself. Wa
type of reader. it from boiling o
flame so that it
Electropsychometry concerns For accentua
itself with the relative electronic the apparency of
measurement of the Hews of ap- m maallee , rocessng
plied creative energy of the the i poncreasesinr
isal femininity
human psyche. Its use in a case For supreme beof emotional upset or nervous- at once, both
ness may save YEARS OF Isaiah: "In r
shall ye "beIn
TIME in ascertaining and dis- and in confider
solving the CAUSE of stress. stn onffiidence is
Vol. 1, 110 pages 8'/2 x 11, $3 fast
postpaid. diligence.

Between lives
(This book is complete in itself. That is the pared( advanced presentation of electro- Solemn asked
psychometry will appear in Vol. II, all.
now being prepared.) In early Diarn)
ces were well
Scientology, mock?
periences, are we'.

MATHISON If, as malefic
scum surface of
Los Angeles 7, California ^oncave sphere re
this is confirmed
mogony, by Koresh
T L .. 4 ND
ni • th e uns s d o e o th a a an s • No .11 sa e • yot • son
r tching v d tin 1 s do in i arend • e c • to ma s e was th
• Just What Ise••••••l
:S• I
? .
0 NY. g
• Whether you are a student who
: intends to make of Scientology h
8t1 = career, or a seeker of "We •
. 'huth", you will find inn these
nd was
a psychola- • two "tote Books", taken from •
need, we are. : lectures given W L. Bon Hubbard :
• to students of his (at the timea •
e two sides of the : most advanced training courses, :
[.kited States. 1 • much data, theory, background, •
een side and X is : and auditing techniques -- as well :
ide. 1 is the as- • as some ideas shout Life that •
al, integrating, : vie with his science fiction for
is the descending, • imagination and daring. •
ding life side. : Just as one cannot say he :
ncurrent recurrent • "knows the Bible" by reading •
quential. To chart : only one of its 68 Books, so e :
chart the life- • one not say he is a student of •
e smallest atom or : Life if he limits his research :
'Se. • to one ology or creed. Find out •
mid and Sphinx in : why Scientology has continued to :
s many seals and • survive, and grow, for the last •
d primitive races, seven years in spite of all that j
tory. • is being done to make it unpop- •
• ular. •
of the No-ness is • •
• of the One-ness. : HO'ras ON Mg DOCTORATE COMM --
^ as given by Rev. L. Ron Hub- •
we know that were : bard in his "Theta Clearing"
d :
that were dammed • lectures. 200 of these were sold •
is to add mire. at $7.50, but because of student :
• demand and the importance of the •
ite: Be so happy data they contain, the stencils •
that you're ready • were re-run in a limited edi- •
• skin f o r joy. : tion. Now, only $3.00 :
• •
A watched kettle : CLINICAL COURSE N0186 -- Ibre than :
look intently or • 200 pages of notes from leo- •
eth is to kill toras to the "Teachers' Class" :
dnrng figure of • of the $800 Advanced Clinical •
be the result of : Course. Theory and auditing
oblems, which are • techniques . . . . '. . $4.00 •
a kettle to keep S
er vs. feeding the • the ABRRR -- (Back leanest -- We •
oes. • so ^ don' t print
expected extra for aback •
A arad developing : issues has made some numbers no

the positive mas- • longer available. Check this
;tics of a natural list before ordering, please:
hould point toward • Vol. 1, No. 6 -- October, 1954 •
frgmom. For nat- : Vol. 2. No. 3 -- June. 1955 •
crease havi{. • No. 4 -- July-Aug., 1955 •
the goal is, S No. 5 -- September, 1955 •
neither. • No. 6 -- October, 1955
• No. 7 -- November, 1955
turning and rest • No. 8 -- December. 1955 •
ed; in quietness No. 9 -- Jan. -Feb., 1956
e shall be your • No.10 -- Baren, 1956 •
Vol. 3. No. 1 -- April, 1956 •
coincidence is co- • No. 2 -- Bey, 1956 •
• No. 3 -- June, 1956 •
• No. 4 -- July-AU8 , 1956 •
quietness" —leo s Price, each :
nothing with great • •
• SCRUB OARS. by Alphia Hart -- q.,
• • 330-page, cloth-bound novel •
we are revivified. : of love, hate, and intrigue. A •
x of death. • cross-section of life in a small •
eng • town that is far from prettY -- :
Por no and got • unless ,you are the type that •
• looks for beauty tinder the mad. :
tics past experi- • dirt, and oil slime. Printed to
out out. In late • sell for $3.50. Mile they last, :
ups, or future ex- • only $1.00 •
l thought in. • •
teaches, every • t • •
radiated from the • •
back to it, thea • •
e earth must be a • The ABERREE
in Cel Cos •
tiv tolular the s _ 2 p,O,Box 528 — Enid, Okla.