Volume 3, Issue 6, page 2
hE r VOL. 3,
Recusant Voice of "The Infinites" for
Earth, Mars, Pluto, Venus, and Zydokumzrus
Published Mostly in the Dark of the Moon-10 Moons a Year-at
Enid, Oklahoma. Mail Address: Box 528
Editor: The Rev. Mr. Dr. ALPHIA OMEGA HART, I-2, D.D., D.;
POLICY: Don't take it so damn' seriously. The tomorrow you're
will amuse and entertain historians yesterday.
Sub-Policy: We reserve the right to change our minds from issue to
page to page, if we desire.
Sub-Sub-Policy: Each man has the inherent right to be his own "Au
Subscription Price: Same as last month-42.00 a year-until we go
may be next month. 25c a copy.
Advertising Rates: $1.00 a column inch, if you get results; double if
in advance. Copy must be in 30 days prior to date of pualh
IS IS YEAR We didn't attend hears only a ba
OF POLITICAL the June-in-September wallowing in the
CONVENTIONS! convention of Scien- like a tangle of
tologists in Washing- %hat is happeni
ton over the labor Day week-nod, but which eventually
we understand that this time, it was rather than prow
held on schedule. Not knowing what gration, is sunil
went an, we can only guess that it p
erred to other g
was its usual rip-roaring success formed with high
and those who thought otherwise were es. Possibly, if
given a chance to get their money's long for
worth at the free-for-all-who-paid satiate it own
alsos~g~fidentatha thelvisitinose. chhangeco settle d
Reverend from England was in his 1y. Neale will
usual maestroflul form, ard that most place the noli.l
of the delegates went home with sane Egon' will
old ideas in new dress and a re- buses to be absent
placennsnt for the set of skeleton ard motor Bob
heys with which all intend to unlock FredMary, and Ge
the fetters now binding the world. Pete never have
lhmor has it that one of the =anyway, but
cipal speakers expressed political
aspirations, but whether he wants to
leave "any 1
run for President of the United rival faith
States, King of England, Washinton Fortunately,
dog-catcher, or run to South Africa, formed under c
our "mouse under the table" didn't set up say. Mice, we understand, don't have at the hands of
the sameambitions as men