Volume 3, Issue 1, page 12
'This is my gift to mankind, humbly ridiculous.
tendered,' then proceed to charge "There have
money for it, not a soul would the rules; no
squawk. Likewise with musicians, misrepresented.
doctors, artists, poets -- all with sentation is th
sifts humbly tendered to mankind. various individu
anat money has to do with it, I tion of events p:
don't know. If I walk into a store vidualized expec
and find exactly the coat I've been "What about
looking for, I pay the clerk and bard's problem f
say to the owners of the store, in has been how to
effect, 'Thanks for making just this ested long eno
coat available for me to buy.' benefits from Um
"All right, let's say there's no cation processe
stumbling block there. How about solely with this
the restrictions on information correctly -- which
about Scientology? Damned if I can person passes
see any argument there! Let's mock phase and the b
up a savage -- we'll call him 'man- cheerful and int
kind'. Now we're going to give this tess - -duplicati
savage a brand new gift -- a shiny very, very effect
big Cadillac -- then we're going to tering the outw
give him a book of instructions and is theory of r
a key and say, 'Okay, Bud. Take it inflows and out!
out on Boston's Storrow Drive dur- white, etc., is
ing the rush hour!' So much for the maintaining in
restriction on the use of Scientol- and auditor, as
ogy. It is not a parlor game like to reach every
'20 Questions' any more than the mnnication.
big shiny Cadillac is like a dugout "Yet 'retreadi
canoe to the savage. True, Hubbard purpose than
didn't see this at first. But has to do with
please remember or consider that enturbulation of
all of us have suffered fran over- pattern of enturb
enthusiasm at one time or another, itors (psychiatr
particularly when we've found some- tally) seems to
thing which appears to create a the same path.
great deal of effect. a clinical COUrSE
"One can pay money for a MIST enthusiasm is g
object and in some degree attain vidual rises in
ownership of that object. Not so though he could
with ideas. Paradoxically one can world. And so he
charge money for an idea, but the period of time.
recipient cannot always own that describe this c
idea he has paid for. He thinks he all of us in
should own it because he paid 'good perienced it at
money' for it, and is therefore er. Note, howey
perplexed to discover that he does dition is not st
not own it. Whenever Hubbard re- indicated this
yokes a person's certificate or li- the lack of stab'
cense to practice Scientology, He why the pratt'
is merely giving recognition to a should not be
fact already established. He does- ued. Therefore,
take anything away from the in- cause of the v
divirtu al, because it was only an idea in the first place -- an idea them ' in order game which that individual never owned. it is extremely
"Again, let's make a simile --
which I'l borrow fran the Budd- where, for
hists. Let us say that a man walks nize when he
up to you on a road and asks direc- municatIon s. Y
tions of how to get to a certain what, he oh
town five miles away. You, then, what, he could
pull out a somehing if pmap and tell him that assets exactly as
you'll sell him this map and give he should curtin
him explicit instructions on how to this condition
use it. He pays you, you point out either and event
the route to him and off he goes. the left or ri
At the first crossroad, however, lead him off the
instead of proceeding straight a- thus never arri
head, as he should have, he turns tion.
left and never reaches his destina- "Some day - _
tion. Does this man have any right
to come back to you and demand his kb already