Plowing Up the Field
Australian medica
,t for six years or
t VIRGINAE PIGOTT f remember as pres
College in Wichit
in 1952, helps he
y. , ~~4n for the rehabili
after their rel
II • The organization,
~~~~~1!~ Inc., is headed
)t ~ j~r Glenn en and
presidentt. . DON
Board of Governor
~~ ~~~
q plans and purpose Febrc
ilil, 1/ that his "Dollar
,~ pll I tal pendulum, is
~IC 1Ih orders for as hi
,. 111'iii~~1 '~I, have come in from
{{ ~I4t notherapy . We an
'}. 1i1, fascination at
G~ .
L, ~e a ~ i~1.w-Li'
teacher of any ki
decked out in 30
Plowing Up the Field
Pgles..ceIn publish
Spring has cone—and ,most ev- manias" shortly.
eryone's moving -- except us...Dr. P. lishing in the
D. NAPIER, who recently made his on an assembly
peace with CLEM JOHNSON fiery edi- given this activi
tor of the erstwhile GHOST, is mov- in the arm with
ing his chiropractic clinic from an offset press in
Lockhart, Fla., to Eau Gallie...And replace the mime,
LIN IIAMILTON writes that he is mov- writer. As JIM
ing/has moved his Scientology Guid- familiarity with
ance Center Into new "palatial" they may well pi
quarters the first week in March. quantitive succ
For those who. are inclined to "take Kansas publisher
it easy", LEN paints an attractive Blue ksTOs".. is
picture of what can happen to you
after an intensive. It seems that bigger homegtuarte
since he was audited down in Wash- cause of storkis
ington, nothing is quite as impor- his second dynami
tant as it used to appear, and when, or whether
although he exerts less effort, —just that it':
"things get done". If it gets much was a girl at the
worse (or better), he says, it may ENTZ home in Sal
get to the point where he lies on reported on last
an adjoining cot and his private we know little
secretary runs his pre-clears... was born on Feb.
IKEY and REM. STONE have sold the except Papa, who
Center in Pasadena an address that who, what, when
was for years a landmark in Dia-Sci we can skip the '9
circles in Southern California, and (that s really my
moved to Sierra Madre. At last re- is discovering
ports, II KY still was trying to groups -- mostly t
wend her way through unpacked box- and cites a stn
es, think up a new name for the to explain why
ex-Center, and keep her ears tuned expansion is be'
to the doorbell in case a cash-in- now on, if you w
hand pre-clear shows up... about Hama, you'
The CADA BLUSETIN after a ail- out_ for yoursel
ence that stretches Mack to Septem- matrial. Which
her 27, 1955, is in the mails again done anyway if y
—and this time with a promise of to learn...~fo DA'
monthly publication even if it qce, N.J., we can
means fewer pages. Those who have- and prove,
n't contributed at least a quarter were/are Hrshe wn
to show appreciation for previous p1u
issues won't know about this unless college with.
they read it in The Afi, or we ain't been to
some other publication. Welcome er...
back...And while we're on the sub- Al one
ject of publications that do or do of Dianetics/Sc
not rise "from the dead", so to Boston area
speak, does anyone remember "away ical the
eaban banner
back when" the GHOST and the B.D.R.
were a couple of loud-mouthed 1us- an about-face who
ties? And does anyone remember—we Now, they've even
don't recall _just who—was going to of the organizat
sue The ABEM E over something? or Fiction Critics C
"lower the boom"? or some such fan- to hear it,
tastic thin?... FRED HAND is going nonce, must viola
to the University of Houston in You. No matter h
Texas to earn his degree in pay- may think you hay
chology. After three years, he'll evidence you th
have a legal certificate that can't you up, and alth
be unmocked if he should purposely every man (and w
or inadvertently have an idea of tied to the righ
his own...Another auditor reported authority, we th
removing himself from the "Now I'm an apostrophe son
a doctor -- now I'm not" category is "s" in "critics"
MARCUS TOOLEY, who's entering an $8.50-a-year adva:
a r
t g that pa e m in unMu— An t AI in o i
, whom many 1 school to study
aof will Hubbard 0;1)11 )T~l
ident cies
a prior to Phoenix
ad an organization By PHILIP FRIEDMAN
ation of convicts
ease from prison. "Of all that thou shalt
called Salvage, give to me, I shall give
byy her nephew, F. the tenth unto thee."
VIRGINAE is vice- "What fools ye mortals
PURCELL, on the be" -- the tenth is all. The
a, reported on the Joker, which is of the
s of the organize- deck but not in it, takes
ary-March issue of
MATHISON reports all.
Meter", the crys- The word "tithe" means
a "runaway"; that "to thee". From zero to
h as 300 at a time ten is the cycle formed
teachers of hyp- from zero-one to one-zero.
e hypnotized with When we attain to ten we
what a beautiful are zero again, and back
rid would look like "to thee". So we give unto
I transparent ban73 (JIM ' zero that which is zero's,
~) the tenth, which is at once Human lEhOreering
RON 1fiMES's "Hu- all and nothing, the one NELGOS, whose pub- ing X-ing Chi-Rho.
st has been almost Tithe thyself by dives line basis, has ting thyself of the illus ty a couple shots ions of the other nine
the acquisition of digits, and with the facil nd a Vari-Typer to ity of felicity, you are
grap and t - gathered up together, with his
staff these new toogain
ls the terrific impact of
ove themselves a
zero charged neutrons, back
ssor to the late into the Father, into Uni of the "Little vernal Brotherhood.
Tithe thyself. God is
moving to new and already tithed. Tithe back
rs in Phoenix be- to thee thyself.
h manifestation of
c. He didn't say '
it's a boy or girl therm', in its last issue repeats
s his secod...It a promise that soon they'll cast
B0B and ZARA AR- their lot with TILE, LIFE, the NEW
t lake City, half- YORKER, MAD, etc., and go on the
month. Even now, news stands. Although they don't
ore than that she say, it'll probably be in a differ 17. All doing well ent dress than the mimeo format they
forgot most of his have affected since moving closer to
, where, why" and the "big publishing facilities in
hoe'" •MAX FREEDOM the east". Must have been thegrass
middle name) IDNG didn't look so green when they got
what's wrong with in that eastern pasture, because
0o much yak-yak -- they're to have the printing done by
g of Huna failures a Fort Worth firm. Ard that, Suh, is
this type of study in Texas. Out West...
g abandoned. From -e6eant to learn more TO PARAPHRASE MARK TWAIN:
11 have to dig it
f from available HEADING'S A BIT PREMATURE
is what you'd have
ou really wanted
absolutely GUAR- RIVl B EAD, N. Y. tl - O 1
to HELEN that we BOlton. 73. Walsh-born author at repeat N-O-T—the "Anaataaia" and other playa, be t to that girl's came a U. S. citizen yesterday.
d it ain't because
no college, eith- -- Fan the Enid EAGLE
of the mainstays Lucipuss, the feline office
ientology in the wit, meows: "Is the U.S. up or
he last five years down?; or, Was he a. good boy or
of the Psycholog- a bad boy?"
rary, really does
n she about-faces. ua atu bUT)D1O
changed the name ~• an dq"passird sD %.A 'IDDIH" Y
ion to Science &
lub. We're sorry
1A, arad for the
ntly disagree with
ow much cause you
e, no matter what
k you have to back
ough we'll admit
man, too) is entit to be their own
nk you should have
awhere around that
.ABILITY, the An "Operating Thetas' as pictured
ine published by mentally by a "Black V: