Volume 2, Issue 10, page 24

Scientology Guidance Center

North Willbrabam, Massachusetts


Intensives! Clinical Group Training! H.C.A. School! Group Auditing!

Hubbard Certified Auditor's Course

Eight weeks' minimum training here at
the CENTER. $500.00.
Training includes full
testing, both Psychometric and Scientometric. After graduation,
each student is requested (but not required) to work at the
CENTER as an intern for
a period of two months,
under close supervision
of a staff Doctor of
Scientology. This internship will be used
on our charity work,
and be compensated.
For those who then care
to continue working
with the CENTER, or in
Massachusetts, financial aid will be offered to students that
they then may go to
Washington to take the
Hubbard Advanced Auditor Course.


75 Hours $1,250.00

These intensives take three weeks at the CENTER.

CENTER is fully staffed by auditors with degrees
in force, and who are completely conversant with
the very new and very fast techniques just released
from London by L. Ron Hubbard.

Full Psychometric and Scientometric testing before and during and after each intensive by competent testers.

For those with good credit ratings, or acceptable
co-signers, a note may be obtained for $1,000.00.
payable in monthly installments over a period of
twelve or eighteen months.

All auditing is directly supervised by Dr. Walter
L. Hamilton, originator of the now fabulously successful Hubbard Basic Auditor's course.


75 Hours $750.00

Students of the HCA course, prior to start of
training, during training, or after training may
take the full intensive mentioned above for a fee
of $750.00. Those wishing to take the full intensive mentioned above, plus the course, may, if having acceptable credit, finance $1,000.00, payable
in monthly payments over a period of twelve or
eighteen months.

GRADUATES of other schools may obtain a full intensive here for $750.00. This intensive for professional auditors can be, if desired, a five-week
intensive, three weeks' auditing, and a two-week
retread course, plus training in all operations here
at the Clinic. Those taking the five weeks' intensive will, quite likely, be offered an opportunity
to stay in Massachusetts and continue to work as a
professional auditor here.

All operations at the CENTER are under the supervision of
Dr. Walter L. Hamilton (much better known as Len Hamilton).


If interested at all, in any degree, PLEASE WRITE.
We'll answer immediately. Len Hamilton, D.D., D.Scn.