Volume 2, Issue 9, page 24
is offered you in 16 simple lessons. embracing the BEST and the
IATEST of L. Ron Hubbard's findings and techniques.
These lessons, which require approximately 400 hours of auditing
and being audited on the student's part, are designed to
make you feel fine, more important, more able, and let you
realize that you can make others MORE ABLE. too.
Those completing the course will be examined by the CECS, the
official examining board of the Acadezr of Religious
Arts and Sciences, and if they are found qualified, will be
granted a certificate of graduation. A degree as a minister in the
Church of Scientology, Inc., Nassachuretts branch, also will be
You cannot fail. Those who do not pass the CECS examination will
be retrained as long as necessary, at no extra
cost, until they do pass.
The cost of the complete course is $150.00 per person, and
because each student mast audit as well as be audited. at
least two students must enrol for the course at one time. Better
results are expected If there are more than two. but two is a
minim=. Your tuition includes the following, per unit:
Professional membership in H.A.S.I. (which brings
you both ABU= and CERTAINTr magazines and
the Professional Auditors' Bulletins (PAB's).
One year . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. $ 25.00 Full set of
Professional Tapes by L. Ron Hubbard.
These are not available to the public. Set. . 125. 00 Full set of
all necessary books. Per set . . . . 40.00
Free registration in the Academy of Religious Arts
and Sciences.
6% discount if you pay the $150.00 cash in advance.
Terms: $50.00 with application and $20.00 with each com
pleted lesson until the remaining $100 is paid.
If you cannot find someone in your area to take this
course with you. apply individually. We'll see if we
cannot find someone.
Guidance Center
North Wilbraham, Maesacbuseto
What Some of Our
Students Say
"Didn't understand what
you have meant by
3 above the level
that Ind humanity'.
It is only too clear
now."--New York City.
"Started course by feeling I was pretty
and being satisfied. Now I know I am good, but have found more
than I ever know existed."
"Felt Ron should have
been spelt $on, until I worked at course. Now I can understand
him- And bless him. ."--Dayton, Ohio
ONever believed anyone could be so clear and concise as to make
the complicated subject of the mind easy to understand.
My sincerest congratulations.*--- Eng.
"Doing three times as much work in half the time. ,--Dayton. Ohio.
"Could I have materials translated into German, and sell course
for you here? "--Germany.
"Have accepted really big job. Was uncertain before. "--Columbus.
"What are you trying to do, kill us?"--St. Paul, Minn.
"Never realized what a weak sister I'd been.
Topeka, Kas.
"Thank God someone named Ian decided he could teach. "--Chicago,
Ron himself has written
that the course is JIZ-
CKLLENT, and recommends
It to anyone desiring to
know basics 0 of