Volume 2, Issue 9, page 17


"You gave me the idea I
night got crackpot response
which just ain't- so. Replies
have been quite touching. in-
teresting and intelligent. I
might even say challengingly

Now I'm wondering about
that any sound at
too big a project.
I have about two weeks to go
to finish a book on the Lancaster Child Development Cen-
ter, in which mongoloids, cer-
ebral palsy victims, victims
of the ataxias, hydrocephalics,
microcephalics and just plain
imbeciles are being trained-
a o t educated but trained.
There are 34 children. 34 wait-
Ing in line for the now build-
Ing and more teachers, and
Same the children is me who
can't stop reading. A auto
little nine-year-old who start-
ed while out driving with her
parents at the ago or three or

thereabouts, to read signs.
the first one being:

OPonsupreme ice cream, homogenised, milk,

NWhere did she learn? NObody knows. but she kept right on
reading, without expression,
asion, but pronouncing perfectly. But didn't even know nor own
name. Brought to the Center
they tried her on the Bible. Including the 'begats', which she
pronounced correctly according
to the Concordance. The problem Was to somehow pet through to
her, so she had some idea what
she me rose"

at least to the extent of her own now. I was when she got the
idea EsEething the teacher
wrote an the boards

NOBaless, read this first,
and if you have shoes and overcoat, go got them and put
them on,, and Rolon obeyed for
the first time while everybody
bat the pupils felt like weep-
I" I .

VI In donating and &]-I

proceeds of the book to come

later -to the Child Development

Center. There are 4,000,000 such kids In the United States in all
categories. Wouldn't such a
thing, run an a serial, be something for auditors to got their
tooth in? And maybe come up
with some help? --

Arthur J. Barks. Paradise, Pam.

"We subscribe to several magazines such as Life, McCall's, etc..
but I would not exchange
the 'Aborreel for all of them put together."--Arthur James, Salt
lake City, Utah.

22 :: ::
"I am more and more of the opinion (speaking of processing the
pro-clear) that the
greatest benefit comes from one person sitting with another to
hear him talk and try to
encourage him to get past his complexes, habits of reaction,
mental or physical, and to
assist back to sanity. One low self seems to learn from another.
and a well one seems to
exert a fine influence in helping a sickish one get straightened
out on sick points which can
be uncovered. For this reason, any kind of processing, no matter
how silly it May Sound, may
get frequently good results. Self-development exercises such as I
lay out in our new book
(Growing Into Light") should help the individual in due time,
even without an auditor. Huna
has so much to offer of reasonable information and theory as well
as practicality in the job
of living here or hereafter, that I believe it will be here a
long time."--Max Freedom Long,
Vista, Calif.

*You blend business and pleasure together so smoothly that it all
comes out like a good
soup--hard to pick out the different ingredients but the end
product is delightful. Just fill
me in to take the place of one of those who want to be 'removed
from your mailing list'.

"Nice to see a friend's name among the contributors-Richard
Lundberg's 'Humanity Lives in
Dream World' reflects his usual ability in the field of analysis
and good reporting --seems
to have a talent for making difficult or unfamiliar subjects
understandable -- o r stirring
up enough interest that you want to learn more about them.

"In Sadah Higgins's letter to the editor, my sentiments were
found--expressed so
beautifully. 'Nough said!"--Florence Worrell, Saratoga, Calif.

"I find your publication enlightening and useful. I took my HDA
course in Los Angeles in
Jan. 1951, used dianetics as a science, with rapidly improving
results ever


since. The past couple years, I did not know whether I was crazy
or stupid, or whether
anybody else agreed with me; but I found Scientology to be
confusing, non-scientific, and less
capable Of producing results than the techniques of 1952 and
1953. Finally they made a
religion out of it, and I am a scientist. A religion may help a
lot of people a little; I
prefer to help a few people a lot. Such is my goal. So, I find
some agreement in your paper.

"I am primarily a nutritionist, but use dianetics when indicated,
and when the patient
wants it and is ready for it. On this basis I have obtained
wonderful results. I do not
intend to go backwards and want to investigate t h o s e things
which might be a step
forward." --E.E. Rogers, M.D., Vancouver, B.C.

:: :: ::

"I like the printed section. I also like 'Sadahl and Ikey Stone.
Each time I see her or
read her (Ikey) she has a new and interesting method to record.
Mostly they Sound Practical,
and in no case are her suggestions harmful; not even to the
extent that if one hadn't
followed them they might -have accepted medical or psychiatric
treatment. So i n picking her
pillow technique as- a whipping boy, I'm only choosing the latest
'process I am convinced can
be ran for hours with benefit'! As John W. Campbell Jr. would
say: what benefit or benefits
are worth a lifetime of auditing?

"When one slides down off a horse after ducking Autumn leaves and
bare switches for two
hours, one may not be a clear-, but one finds little important to
worry about, except more

"I'm intensely interested (even excited) about the possibilities
of a better understanding
of man by men, but don't personally know of any jails, insane
asylums, or hospitals that have
been emptied by auditing.

'Any interest that does not lead to monomania can be good
therapy. So with no co-auditor,
or self-processing, I'll have to admit an added interest in life
and many unknown (formerly)
subjects, because LRH wrote a book. But I'll bat $25 against a
lifetime subscription that If
you explain pinhole-camera making to someone you think needs
auditing, they will never have
time or need for processing period

"You get your kicks out of publishing. Many (like myself) think
communicating a bother. To
the few hundred who do not and made the last five years a