Plowing Up the Field / Welgos to Quit Teaching
Plowing Up the Field
Dennis Smith of Hanley Swan, England, juat finished a 2500-mile, 31-day cycling tour of the Continent, and thinks if there's anything to this duplication i he should he "dear" - or at least, his legs should. He turned, the pedals of his bicycle 3,000,001 tires (be BOWS, he counted the turna 1,000 because he counted the turna 1,000 times), ret sees no ioiproveBeBfc.... o Dcn ,£• fercell is finding a 4-page •Seo'd Lesaon helpful in teaohing a Sunday School of college STO- dante in Wichita - and we think he should send copies to Art Coulter. Don's lesson theme, "Synergetics", really explains the stuff- Wish we irere in your class, Don».» Tolngv Ma.thisonwon his initial legal'sEr- aish with Dr. Thunaan Reefe, who sued for $38U7XX} alleged lost prof- it« oeoause 7ola«y cancelled hie —1— contract.. oLcs Lockhart, who bu 'bafln in Diaaetic* alaost froa the first TB" (oirth). addressed a combined Beefing of XL IWo and Maa- ahaiis Concept Therapists, with visi- tors from Odessa, at tfcziabBns> Tox. > recently. Bis subject was "Two Ap- roacbes to Therapy! "fcar Magic vs. Bard Slugging".. •>
After more than 20 yers. Bob Ar- entz of Salt Lake went hBeicT?;'ETa old home town of Birle, Ida., for a mutual surprise -visit - the home towners were surprised that the "wild and wooly 'tean-ager" bad sur- vived his "salad years1', and he was surprised that some of the cow hands he thought "old" when he lived at Birie weren't as old as he is now^ Which reminds us of some of oar dis- appointment» in trying to Batch our mental pictures with what is or was in once-familiar environment. If we hare so much difficulty ke«p> ing the points of reference of one life-time straight, vhafd we do if the so-called, "whole track" were available to ust.».
Ernie and Marge Pope, moving from Georgia to a 3p6-year-Qld Colonial cottage near KanBett Square, Pean., see the need for a social ccl'-imn in The ABEStEE, listing osrriage*, di- vorces, and changes of like ilk so epidemic in Cianetics. And Marge, who is •a expert along these lines, has promised to direct her Rock-ims into making The JESCSOX the slick- est, aost read Magazine in the field. Which surprised us - we thought it was that already...The artistic fingers of Tido Churchill hove turned o baTOy'e'-nTtii.ry lately, while Bob scouts the Kioeni-t desert for copper and uranium riches. • -Joa Keawortqy, who once vowed he'd "taEe every one of Babbard's courses until he aade clear", has retwnaed to Hiiladel- ^a»...DIABOTBS, one of the old-ti—rs TSth. "field". ha8 switched t¥» eophasis froffl Bianetics-Scientology to B-unanicsi The change was made necessary, the aimouoceaieat said, by a conflict of reality and the pcwers that be. Which is a switch, aost of those who write us saying they are giving up Di-Sci give as their reas- on the "powers that be HOT-...
Arden Bergquist swears he'll be "the healthiestSchizophrenic" in Wichita - if that diet of wheat gena, yogurt, brewer's yeast, etco ,«uth got out of a book continues' ... Genevieve Crist, who has been comBaTETSg betweenCalifornia and points in Kansas, probably will be attaching herself more or less permanently to the •nog-coast for eirhlle - where she has taken aaployment..,Headers who may hare ordered OBI6H Ifagaxine to read Arthur J. Balks's starting ser- ies on llaniTors hi the Spirit World" hare our and Buxks's apologies, it doesn't start until the loveober !•- «ue».c Xhe hurricane that swept through Borth Vilbraham. M&ss. • played hob with bis restaurant; but outeid® of the labor and cost in- volved. Len Stmilton can find good even in an ill wind. In this in- stance. he'll come out with a ouch better eB,fceiy«.»»Gl"ottpaotioin i» un- der way in Bostcc again, following an op«D house of the Psychological Beaeerch Library at •Swir nor quar- ters on tile fcurih floor of 230 Clarendon Street... Mark Gollert of Los Angeles is headingeastward, conducting classes in B.ectropy- ehoBetrv iron California to 21orida» One of hie first stops wax in Phoe- sdx - once the capital of Scientology and once again the capital of Arizona...
And to those woo want to know "What's Hubbard doing nowfc we most confess it's a bit confusing; as -w- ual.ttQn Sept' 5, it was announced that "this man, who koows aore about the *'"'"y" •ind and soul than any other 1 iving person'1, would give a series of lectures in "Washington, at $2.50 per head per lecture. On Sept- 61 a card was sent out postponing the series while Bubbard wrote a new book more important than Book Ones "She Rediscovery of the Buaan Soul". And a week or so later, ISB was in Shglazui, hoping his fnaily would join him shortly.. oTo those who do not read the official SftSI news- letter (and millions don't, at tSc^O a year), you mey be •ttrprisad to learn that th.w are BCW AD7XHCISI9G "People for BBle". Of course, in the last few years; the proprietor of this Bimeogxaphed shsei has been advertising many ether tMngs - such as books, certificates, and "thefca cleMing" (whatever that ia) - still undelivered, so if so if you send in money for this new "commodity", don't be surprised if you get nothing back ...
And while on the subject of ABILITY, the last issue, shorn of its epaulets, "major" or "minor" > is »l»o ad- vertising for a "snail aidget in me* dium poor health" to handle a job none of the Btfil staff is big enough or healthy enough to handle... After Baa Aastealian naw«pttp«r published that Ifei-ous 7ool«y had taken in 1440 pounds duriag h-is operation of a Sydney Scientology schools the H»SI suspaziiled hia pending retraining,, Which ought to aliBOtt take oare of that 1440 pounds.
Welgos to Quit Teaching - Enjoy Living, He Says
(In 5 Years)
It's O.K. to teach people how to live - if you like it - but as far as Human Engineering is concerned, in about five years, if all goes well, out goes Welgos.
At least, those are the plans "the Reverend Jim" - as he affectionately calls himself - revealed during a brief stop in Enid at the start of a six-week lecture tour throughout the west and northwest.
Welgos said that the Alabama organization, which he heads, is being set up so that he himself can begin to enjoy the living he tries to teach his students is the main purpose of existence. The details of how he will live he did not reveal, although he made it clear that it is impossible for him or any successor to make more than a "decent living" from Human Engineering; that it cannot be made the foundation for a big dollar sign.
As for therapy, "to the extent you think you must have it, you must have it," Welgos said, and explained that his "Lessons in Living" are designed to remove the need for therapy. When a therapy