"I Am" Is a Self-Imposed Limitation
"I Am" Is a Self-Imposed Limitation
by HARDIN D. WALSH, HD A, B.Scn., HGA, AB, Ph.D.
IN SCIENTOLOGY we have heard, much talk shout the Thetan. It has been said that the Thetan is the Spirit that operates a mind and body. To avoid further confusion > let us he aware that Thetans. Spirits. Viewpoints, or Points from Which to View are the same thing. This is a true definition of a The tan—hut let us consider just what is the M Preclear" , or the "I Am" that you are processing when you approach a case as an auditor.
Those of us who have done much research in the field of Scientology and have tackled the problems of actually clearing an individual have come up with some interesting conclusions. This is by way of a brief report of what has been found to be useful knowledge in helping pre-clears along the road toward true spiritual freedom. True spiritual freedom means practical every-day living with the body under control and able to cope with the material universe.
It has been said in the Doctorate courses of Scientology that it is necessary to acquaint or educate a Being who is on the road to freedom. Such an individual has a tremendous potential for knowing, hut this does not necessarily mean that he knows all. In fact, it is a most cruel trick to process an individual to a point where he has vast potentials of acceptability and projection without informing him of just what the "Game" is. If the correct information is given, much time and sat experience of bouncing up and down the Tone Scale is eliminated.
Let us consider that there is a state of "Theta" or "Total Being" which just "IS". It can he termed God or any one of the many terms which are applied to it on this planet. We will refer to it as "IS".
In the "Beginning"—in relation to "Time" as we knew it—we were IS. We were ALL—TOTAL and UNDIFFERENTIATE) BEING. Were existed total awareness of all things, simultaneously and in totality of all imagined perceptions. This includes chaos, order, creation, and destruction—all inclusive. In this state, which to us at this time might be considered incomprehensible, there also existed timelessness, motionlessness, and forevemess. There was also the instantaneousness of consideration. To he aware meant the instantaneous creation and destruction of anything that might be considered; no time lag.
For each of us there seems, at the first, a very similar basic action; the POSSIBILITY OFOTSlDERIHG ASSUMING AB IDENTITY OTHER THAN ALL. In the instant of this consideration, it became an instantaneous Certainty of I Amness. The consideration TO BE seems to have become impinged upon the motionlessness, timelessness, and forevemess, and thus came to be considered irrevocable, I AM, the basic postulate of identity, became an altered state of IS, hung up on these three facets of IS. However, it is HOT irrevocable as implied in the writing called "The Factors" and it can be run. But there are other considerations which make it a real tough bunch of ridges to knock out.
The I Am is the basic awareness of the P-C; the part of him that sags I Am with certainty. He may have no certainty of his location or that he exists, but he will be very certain that he IS.
Let us consider the deeply buried reasons why the P-C has such difficulty of knowing his true identity. At the moment of the decision TO BE an identity or perhaps to. he. other than ALL, or in some F-ds it is to be other than one, there is a tremendous, almost inconceivable downward^ shrinkingness from ALL. Thus "space" is created. Or, rather, the illusion of apace is created. The P-C at this moment exists as SITING in space. Because of leaving ALL, he is involved in the states of aloneness, silence, end vastness. In this state, the P-C is a static of almost limitless poten-tial. He IS without motion, without energy, without time, and is not held in place by an equilibrium of forces.
Some P-Cs have enjeyed the total serenity of the alaneness, vastness, and the silence. Other P-Cs have gone into stark raving terror at this point. Some have elt tremendous guilt for having left ALLness. Each P-C has a slightly different experience at this point. However, each one we have worked in this area sooner or later felt fear and terror from the silence and the vastness. This terror impinges upon the motionlessness, t imelessness, and the forevemess of the static which is the P-C. tins Miring it irrevocable and unchanging. This is why auditors in Scientology have been instructed not to run fear as such on a P-C, because all fear on the case piles up an the P-C from this earliest moment on the "track* and becomes an engxam chain of such magnitude that it cannot be handled anywhere near a body. To do so might damage or destroy the body if such a collection of ridges were blown or disrupted carelessly. It can be reached on the higher postulate levels and carefully unmade.
In spite of this fear and terror, the P-C has the almost unlimited potential of IS. He finally considers doing or Being something other than the fear and puts out some Viewpoints experimentally. He begins the process of orientating himself in the vastness. He puts out Viewpoints, or Thetans. He IS Theta, from whence came Thetans and Spirits. Thrusting out Viewpoints, he gets back various flows of awareness or energy from the Viewpoints. These sure Counter-efforts, created ty himself, to hit himself with so he will knew where he IS. With flows of energy coming back and hitting him he no longer feds alaneness mnA he feels comfortable. Even today, individuals go around being hit by energy from the universe and from others so they can KNOW where they ewe and fed comfortable. (I.E. mission women—"If you don't beat ae, you don't love me.") Thus the P-C*s main center of awareness becomes an Orientation Point—a point of awareness that just IS. It has never moved, since it IS a static. Thus the statement that the pre-cl ear has never moved since the beginning of "time" found in the writings of Scientology. The P-C never has moved; he is basically a fixed Orientation Point from which he operates.
In the course of experimenting with creating and destruction, the P-C has created mazy Thetans and manipulated them through many experiences of motion and emotions. He receives the flows and perceptions back from them and thus experiences the activities which he has created with postulates in the first place.
In order to receive and maintain a so-called memory of these Thetan activities he made facsimiles of their actions, etc. Thus, as a result of putting out postulates and action at a distance and getting back perception, we eventually find the P-C as the Orientation Point surrounded by mazy layers of old energy pattern facsimiles. In other words, the P-C, in his main awareness of awareness center, is surrounded with and hiding in the rubble of millions and trillions of years of putting out perception and getting it back as counter-efforts. This manifests itself usually as layers within layers of blade and white ridges, spheres within spheres surrounding the actual basic personality of the P-C.
(NOTE—This is the first of several articles for The AhEHREs written by Hardin Walsh, dean of Scientology Council, Los Angeles, covering problems that have arisen at the Council in training and processing. Dr. Walsh has been studying and practicing Scientology and Dianetics, almost from its inception, and is rated one of the foremost authorities on the subject. Both the advanced and beginning student should find his views interesting.)