Volume 2, Issue 5, page 2

AB R R E E SEPTEMBER, 1955 for the dozen or more PhoeL VOL. II, NO. 5 ni.x landlords who suddenly
find themselves, in the
voice of "The Infinites" for Venus, Pluto, Earth, Naas. Zordo. midst of the dull summer
season, tramping the burn

Published in the Dark of the Moon -- 6 to 12 Moons a Year -- at
ing sands in search of ter.207 Forth Washington Street, Find, Oklahoma, U. S. A.

Editors The Rev. Mr. Dr. ALPHIA OMEGA HORT, 1-2. D.D., D.Sea., F. Scn.. ants .

B. Scn. (2) , H.C.S. , H.D.A. , XXdCZCS. Latest insult to the word
Publishers AGNES ALICE HART, I-1, H.C.A. , SEC.. H. Sar. , ETC. "permanent' is a paragraph
POLICY -- Don't take it so damn' seriously. The tomorrow you're worried in a late hmT.TtY, which
about today will be funny yesterday. says Founding ____ crs, to
SUB-POLICY -- We reserve the right to change our minds from issue to
issue, or even from Page 1 to Page 2, if we desire. reta their memberships,
Subscription Prices Same as last month -- 12 a year -- until we go up to must cast an anmmi1 vote
$2.50, which mg. be next month. for the srd of Directors.

Advertising Rates: $t a Tura inch -- payable in advance. (No trade-ins ,bea are the mahershipa
on used advertising. which were aua:ded in 1952
HOW HIGH IS One of the claim to be trying to help on a 'peit' basis in
UP? AND HOW things we are him by telling him how des- gratitude to those who conLOW IS DOWN? prone to look picabl.e he has been from tribated $25 or vore to resaskance at in the beginning, and that he cae Dianetics when it found
the new Tone Scale is the stands NO chance of redemp- itself on the desert, naked
placing of man below 0.0. tion (whatever that means) and hungry, after it had
We do not think it optimum through his own efforts. Is been wrested from the shelto continue putting such a it any wonder that children ter of its Wichita umbrella.
mock-up before auditors with cry in terror when told how To make voting easier,
to evaluate those who futile it is for them to '
will be coming to them for try and be what they can't e only name is listed
one for
help. each office on the ballot --
be, must be?
Man, since he barricaded ' y but don't get the idea this
himself from his own know- Yet this is no more rid- is a Nazi-type "da" ballot
ingness, has become more iculous than for an "expert" either. The article s,
and more a product of his on man's basic goodness to quite plainly, that you can
own facsimiles -- his this- continually point out via
life mock-ups. And from his a chart of hypothetical. and vote for any seven names
betfirst wailing protest, those arbitrary numbers, the base- you please. But you'd betfists environment seem to ness of someone who is bas- ter vote, or that permaninkh vicious delight sin ically good, and holding up ant" membership, like some
as his only hope of salva- of the certificates issued
seeing that he adheres to a tion an expensive course or to graduates of the various
formula of meekness, apol- two in an unproven and copy- and sundry schools-will be
ogy, and shame. righted collection of ideas
Preachers tell us that and ideologies. This is a- aboutas permanent as a gypman is born in sin, that he continuation of the rule by
sy ap.
0`couras this rule like
cannot redeem himself, and fear -- the stocks with which