Dear Editor (continued) / Plowing Up the Field

Mimi awaits to reiume with me the dianetique -sessions-a..deanx. She herself shall run from me the look scientologicale; and I for her. those grand. aogrammes and somatiques which are prior to the nativitie--the malaise of maman in the morning, the cruel beating of mamen by pepa. the operation by the dentiste-who has employed the -gas that makes us to laugh. and which calls itself the oxide nitrous.

"Ali, Mimi! Together we shell arrive at the clarity!"--Jacques Bartelle. New nu*. LT.

"This last ABERREE touched off a fuse. / really got going on something which has been simmering around in me for some longish time...

"This whole business of having "Inoringness" and hiding it from ourselves strikes the wrong chord foray acceptance...

"This whole rigamarole of 'hiding knowingness from ourselves to keep from being bored with all-knionwg. and crest problems to have something to sore' is a projection of sheer futility to living ...

"The Thetan playing games sounds like a kindergarten -class where kiddies are playing (while learning sociability. work habits. etc.) They don't see the purpose. but there is one behind the class, nevertheless. Kindergarten is over. far as I'm concerned. I'm out to build from my blueprint; to get some 'knowingness' I know enough about to use.

"I get irked when I see such things as 'Time is a thetan's plaything! it is all available to tin Theten".as voiced in the article an MIK Being so accularnedly COSMIC is doing who moy good in the here-and-nowl Br Matsu would sure shrink to NOTHINGNESS in preference to having such a futile Master Reference Mock-up! WHAT HAPPENS WHEN HE GETS TIRED OF GAMES?

"Pearl's (Bennick) article, now , had some thought-provoking issues. In my studies, I have but one thing to add: thoughts which are nothing gradually go back to nothingness and have no eternal status to value, addle thoughts that are oventie gradually accunalate somethingnesees to become real. It makes a little pleasanter confetti. though the nothingnesses fill the atmosphere at present. One can learn selectiveness, however. They seem t o l e o f dissimilar substances. Dark and lights."-- Marijane Nuttall, Lakeside, Calif.

"I have one honey of an idea. You all have overlooked. For $888.88 Kitselman will tell me all Hubbard knows. Then when I know all Hubbard knows. I will be able to write another (?) 'Ex-Calibur'-- sell for $2.500--almost 3- for 1. Good deal? Tell Kitselman I will give him ay check for $888.88--or 88ç in cash." --F.B.Jcbmson. Tana. ila.

"Best wishes for your oontinued persistencel...Hope you...neser run out of Aberrees."--Carnette Shawbins, So. Charleston. W. Va.

Plowing Up the Field

When Carroll and Pearl Hennidk of Phoenix stopped in Enidfora vacation weekend, they brought with them the hardest rain--more than four Inches—we've had in a year, -with the deluge centered in Enid. -The entire state joins us in hoping they come back more often. The fact the rain was radio-active wasn't our visitors' fault, but must be placed at the-door of the Amentiated Earth-Contaminators (A.E.C.), who, after
blowing Up the :Nevada countryside,, moved out into the Pacific., Other visitors to
the ABERREE office in the last month -include J.F. Lid-don of -Tazoo,City, Miss., and brother, Bill, of NashVilIe, W0101.-' Warm Collins of Wichita, Mad.: and three furtive persons who wouldn't dare, for the world, to have Phoenix know they stopped in Enid...

Latest -entrant' into the Diantology field Of Journalist is the as yet-unnamed - mimeographed "Newsletter" put Out by the Scientology Group ofPortland. Vol.1, No.1, listed Jon R. Skinner as editor, and Waynelfright. William 1=er, Henrietta Moore, and Genevieve-Ahern as contributing editors. The aimiSto sell Scientology; Zion confesses-, but other fields will not be overlooked..,It's now -Don G. Purcell, -D.G., he, confessee,'and that's not putting the same initials on both ends of his surname, either. It's a new degree Don has given himself -- "Doctor of Games"--which he has taken by "right of usury". His old "HDA" degree, he says, has become a bit frayed around the edges...

A California correspondent was a bit shocked in reading the "first C.E.C.S. offical copywright publieation" to discover at least 33 errors in spelling in the six pages. He lists the following as an indication someone in the CECS office needs alittlemore ability, either minor or major: "Intrest/liblequs /gellral/surpress/ gage/colemn/diseminate/ isint/ yourieiwere',nt/ doint/scoiety/toegether/univereses/ politian/ psychit/y.Tnheank you, R.K., for cal this to our attention, but somehow, we can't seemtoget excited any more aboutthemiracles these Operating Thetansperform,and since we're no longer on their training list, we'll have to continue spelling thinvaswe were taught before there were 0.T.s to change the rules... Bob Arentz, who chases trucks all over the west, complains of Utah's nasty winter, which lingers on and on. However, he hastens to point out that the snow and cold came prior to the A-bomb tests, one of which-he saw from a distance, and thought it quite a, show.-., .The three children of Paul and Jackie Ishmael of Oklahoma City have been launched. They're now, religiously and officially, William Paul, Janet Catherine, and Steven Andrew Ishmael, following participation in a mass christening in the Unitarian Church.,.

In a "trial run" of Volnay. Mathison's "Ouijaball", even we were amazed at some of the answers we got. For example, we learned--but we suggest you get one for yourself, get your own answers. It's a sure way of proving to yourself that you really do KNOW...While