Plowing Up the Field
Plowing Up the Field
Wedding bells rang for Harold Schroeppel and Dr. Alla Boschko March 18, in Peoria,' Ill. Harold is now working as a chemist for the Continental Can. Co. in Chicago... Haskell Cooke, erstwhile flying-auditor, writes from Nicaragua that he's now quite a plantation owner -- thanks to a Spanish bride, who came completely equipped with a coffee plantation, several homes, part of a utility Company, and a public bath. Haskell adds that the only thing missing is someone with whom he can discuss Scientology over a stein of that mid-riff-bulging beer they have down there...Earl Gun__-_.. ard has done an about-face.
No longer is he the gloomy undertaker, planting and embalming bodies; he's now tilling the soil and helping to grow watermelons in the Crescent, Okla., area.
The new B.Scn.(Baby Scientologist) reached Jane and Jerry, Knowlton in Chicago on March 8 at 10:45 a. in. Weight at birth: 5 3/4 pounds. Name Diane L. -- (the "L", Jerry says, she can elaborate upon when she's bigger). All possible Dianetic precautions taken...
Believing that those who think of themselves as "neurotic" have a problem that can be solved with the same methods employed by Alcoholics Anonymous,. David Ra --vin of Los Angeles has sent exploratory pamphlets out in his area with the idea of organizing an exploratory group -- "a place (he says) where the stormtossed neurotic can retire into a group, rather than into himself ; a security stronghold within which he can co-operatively gird his loins for his battle with normal society". Those who want to indulge in this "co-operative loin girding" may write Box 515, Beverly Hills. In California, of course... Those who think the two AB's -- ABerree and ABility -- don't offer enough reading material on Dianetics and Scientology, should read ;Ekey Stone's letter to the Editor on the subject this month. It's a case of put up or shut up...
Art Coulter, when he failed to make the deadline for this month's ABERREE, accused us of being "too efficient" when we airmailed him a postal prod.
Since the article was to be on Freud's dream analysis, we thought maybe Art had gone to sleep, dreamed he sent it, and a rude awakening was due him. But it'll be along next month (he says) when he gets his book finished, which (he says) he almost has... Volney (Ouijometer) Mathison has a new gadget: a crystal ball on the end of a string that answers all your questions by the direction of its swing. Since Scientologists no longer can buy E-Meters, those needing mechanical help in their auditing may find this an acceptable substitute. Less than a buck,too... Infinite No. 39, Charley Bartleson of San Antonio, was among ABERREE visitors last month...And speaking of visitors, we're gilding the gold carpet for Pearl and Carroll Hennick of Phoenix when they carry out their avowed intention of spending part of their spring vacation in Enid...
Genevieve Crist of Wichita, who has spent the winter inspecting and approving Scientology practices in California, soon will be breathing the dirt off the Colorado plains (unsmogged dust) again...Leee Lockhart found much amusement in a demonstration of hypnotism by Dr. Franz J. Polgar at Texas Western College in El Paso. Funniest, Lee said, was when those on the stage were told the glassless "specs" they were given made the clothing of the audience invisible. Some even looked twice... We thought we had a monopoly on sending out Christmas cards and Christmas editions in mid-summer, but when we unshucked the last ELBEETEE, published by our friend Charles Merlin- of Hudson Heights, N. J., we almost yelled "Plagiarism!" On close inspection, however, we discovered Charlie was just being four months late, and not trying to ape our unseasonat snarl... And that leaves us only room to report that Virginia and Remy )lorosani of Litchfield, Conn., (our classmates back in '52) stopped for an all too-brief visit on their way home after wintering in Scientology City, Ariz.